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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. I’m surprised that people take their car just to have the oil changed, as far back as I can remember it’s always been part of a scheduled service.

    We have both a Ford and a Toyota which are serviced by the respective dealerships and at the end of the service we receive a report on various items tyres brakes etc.

    I think the last time I did any maintenance on a car was when I was about 35 and I am seventy now, but horses for courses.

  2. On 5/2/2020 at 8:10 AM, gargamon said:

    People should want to wear face masks all tbe time, mainly because it screws up all the facial recognition software that is now effectively everywhere. The coronavirus is also a good reason, but nowhere near as important as facial recognition. 

    Unless your on a wanted list somewhere or have something to hide what is the concern?

  3. 33 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    Superstars !

    They must be "crack" investigators. After all, it was mere hours after the crime was reported that some of them had already decided that he didn't do it (meaning he was being framed) and that the police must have beat the confession out of him (while he was in a hospital bed having his injuries from a motorcycle accident attended to - before the police even knew anyone had been killed) !

    Oh wait, change that to "They must be "on crack" investigators. 

    And change "Superstars" to "Suckers".

    And for all you window-licking tossers whining about whether the guy is "Irish" "North Irish" or "English" - chew on this:

    "English, Irish, Scots: They’re All One, Genes Suggest

    But geneticists who have tested DNA throughout the British Isles are edging toward a different conclusion. Many are struck by the overall genetic similarities, leading some to claim that both Britain and Ireland have been inhabited for thousands of years by a single people that have remained in the majority, with only minor additions from later invaders like Celts, Romans, Angles , Saxons, Vikings and Normans.

    The implication that the Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh have a great deal in common with each other, at least from the geneticist’s point of view, seems likely to please no one."

    Yeah, that's right. There's about as much difference between an Irishman, a Scotsman and an Englishman as there is between someone from London and someone from Liverpool.

    The only real difference for most of you is that, if you drive 2 towns away from where you grew up, you probably won't be able to understand what anyone is saying !

    You could certainly say that about Glasgow when we visited a few years ago.

  4. 22 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    And was he barefoot? :glare:

    Drugs and prostitutes. Bloody mix.

    It doesn’t have to be prostitutes to make a bloody mix when drugs are involved, or even too much alcohol.

    Many years ago in Australia the brother of a friend murdered his girlfriend while under the influence of drugs and I had  a business client whose son murdered his wife while in the same situation, neither of those women were prostitutes.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Crossy said:

    It is worth discussing with the document recipient if they will accept scanned copies pending delivery of the physical documents.


    I think that’s a good suggestion my pension fund in Australia used to only accept originals now they accept scanned copies as long as “ certified as a true copy of the original document” and signed by a Notary Public

  6. 5 hours ago, SteveK said:

    Also, would anyone happen to know what the going rate is for a Thai solicitor to verify an ID document and witness a signature? Just so that I know I am not being totally gipped.

    Normally 1000 baht if they are a Notary Public some charge for each document they certify

  7. 21 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    Did you read the back of the Pink ID card? That scribblings in Thai... which state you're not allowed to leave the province of issuance? And lately added that you can leave the province but only if allowed by officials or something like that... basically if police stops you to identify yourself, pink ID should be sufficient in your province. If they stop you outside province, you must show your passport. Hope this makes it clearer.

    I pursued that very issue and was advised that the scribbling to which you refer applied to the non Thai Citizens mainly stateless  Burmese people to whom these ID cards were originally  issued.

    You are are correct that such people had to obtain written authority to leave the area but that this requirement no longer exists 

    I have confirmed with two separate Burmese people holding such cards that they are now free to travel without restriction

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/28/2020 at 8:45 PM, 473geo said:

    There is of course the pink ID card in existence


    But guess what? it appears to be far too much trouble for many to obtain, so they whine about the time and effort it takes to be processed and about it being of no benefit

    Add an approximate price of 60 baht well no chance that is just the final straw!!! No way Jose over a a quid/ a couple of dollars surely taking advantage!!


    My wife set it all up for me yellow book and pink card - considered it might be a good idea - is it? don't really know, but it means I am on record at the local amphur, having got married there also, a 'known' person so to speak which is always a good start


    Permanent residence, why do you need it? comfort blanket? oh to resolve the hardship of immigration controls, give us a break, if it's not worth the effort then..... do one!!



    You might be fortunate that your wife was able to set it up for you but at some offices one might easily gain the impression as I did that they were trying to be as obstructive as possible.

    Notwithstanding the above I persisted and obtained the yellow book and pink ID.

    Among the many requirements were that our Australia marriage certificate, my passport and birth certificate had be translated into Thai, certified by the Australian Embassy and I think it was the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs ?

    I can understand  how the faint hearted could be deterred and the final cost was substantially more than the  sixty baht you quoted.

  9. 1 hour ago, yourauntbob said:

    This biggest olayers benefit in the long run.  Their smaller compitetion can't fiance a prolonged shut down and will go out of business.


    Same reason that big business everywhere always fights for MORE regulation.

    I think you have got that one wrong there is no real competition here there is no smaller competition in Thailand the legislation sets the minimum amount you can produce which in effect prevents small brewers opening up.

    You cannot even legally brew your own beer at home

  10. 52 minutes ago, samran said:

    The Ministry of Public Health is a big proponent of stringent rules against the consumption of alcohol - at one point advocating for cigarette packet like labels on all beverages.


    They are probably like pigs in you-know-what at the moment.

    That is their role to promote policies relating to so called good health, but do you believe that they are all teetotal when they go home, that would be like believing that the police never break the law.

  11. 22 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    And why is Chang and Singha not also asking for the ban to be lifted? They should be speaking the loudest that is unless they are being rewarded to be quiet....

    If you read the article it states that the Industry Associations have made the approach of which I am sure the beer brewers belong.

    That's the role of Industry Associations, certainly in other countries. 

  12. 19 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Meanwhile; the silence from the Gangsters in Government House is deafening !

    The reason being is that they haven’t got a clue, as former army generals where everything was provided for them all they had to do was play at being soldiers ( and golf ).

    The fact that Prayut wrote to a list of Thailand’s wealthiest seeking help on how to restart the economy says it all.

    It seems he got ridiculed on social media by his own countrymen and women.

  13. 1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Exactly, insane. I sat on a direct flight from Bangkok to London last month, it was full and quite a pleasant flight with Thai Air, would I do it again, yes I would. Too many scared pussies out there!


    1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Exactly, insane. I sat on a direct flight from Bangkok to London last month, it was full and quite a pleasant flight with Thai Air, would I do it again, yes I would. Too many scared pussies out there!

    Yes and if you had managed to get on a flight to Australia on your arrival you would have been taken by police, border security etc to a hotel room which you couldn’t leave for 14 days

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Greyhat said:

    My landlady has a history of ripping me off via electricity so I shan't hold my breath. That said, I've asked the gf to talk to her in regards to how much, if any deductions we might expect. My power bill is usually 4 to 5k a month (one aircon, only on at night), I'm hoping I don't get too much of a shock at the end of the month.

    I have never understood how landlords here can charge tenants a higher rate than they are being charged by the PEA apart from including the VAT component after all I cannot see any additional cost they are incurring.

    Sounds like exploitation to me.

  15. 14 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Try mom and pop hardware. They may have some Super Lube grease. Good stuff. HomePro certainly has but...

    Thanks for your response according to retired Aussie gas plumber friend if you don’t use the correct product the LPG will just disperse it will keep looking

  16. 15 hours ago, CharlieK said:

    You could try WD40. Give the tap a good spray and leave it for an hour or two. then see if that makes it easier to open/close the tap. 

    Thanks have tried that and no success they need to be dismantled but don’t want to do that until I have the correct product acting on advice of retired Aussie gas plumber friend

  17. I have a couple of LPG gas taps that have become very stiff and want to get hold of some gas cock/ tap grease or even graphite grease before I pull them apart

    The product is available online from the U.K.US but with with this Covid business nothing is being shipped

    With the amount of LPG gas appliances used in Thailand I am surprised it is not available here but I cannot find any maybe a different name

    Has anyone come across this product I only need a small tube ?


  18. 5 hours ago, Logosone said:

    I'm a coffee freak. In Germany I would only drink coffee that was freshly ground and only if made with a portafilter, like in Italy.


    Here if a portafilter machine is not pratical you can use a Bialetti instead which achieves a similar espresso effect like a portafilter.


    After much trial and error I have found that the best coffee in Thailand is Cafe Ronn, dark roast.


    Unfortunately Thai coffee is not as good as Indonesian coffee so if you can importing Mandailing Estate Coffee from Sumatra will still be the best option. However Cafe Ronn, dark roast, comes close to it.

    You say that Thai Coffee is not as good as Indonesian Coffee personally I think it is better and it is also better than the coffee served in Vietnam.

    I don’t particularly enjoy German beer or German Opera but it doesn’t that mean they they are better or worse than those produced elsewhere.

    As with many things in this life and as the third poster on this topic said, words to the effect that it’s a matter of personal taste.

  19. 3 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    For people living in the North like CM, there are 2 flu season requiring 2 different vaccines. 

    Not according to my local doctor or Chiang Mai Ram Hospital where my daughter receives her vaccines.

    Both advise that in the area to which you refer which is where we live the vaccine that seems to be released / available in April of each year is the one required.

    I am sure that Chiang Mai Ram Hospital would be recommending two vaccines if it was necessary.

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