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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. my problem with the students is they bought into the hegemony that weed is bad without doing the research. if they they were so concerned about the degrading of society, they would be asking for a liquor ban and focus on eradicating meth. I wonder if these students are getting an incentive by someone to finger weed as the problem... like the serial petitioner who gets free Benz's for filing inquiries into Pita's process to PM
  2. Jeez, was the beer that bad? instead of a 1000baht fine, give her the option of a free kick in the balls, if he has any
  3. don't they bring this up every couple years, and then the bureaucrats add so many rules and clauses that it goes nowhere
  4. I was thinking about alcohol with higher percentages, beer and wine are usually absent at the murder scenes...
  5. until they are able to ascertain if the activity was condoned by their superior?
  6. they should have included that liquid that causes idiots to become violent and kill... what's that called again?
  7. that's interesting, cause the warlord looks like he has some interesting opportunities in Belarus. their PM has been deathly ill the last couple visits to Moscow, and Belarus has been acting as a defacto Russian state. I wonder if the warlord will find himself as the new authoritarian of Belarus in the near future...
  8. ...that permanent brain damage will be afoot
  9. scratching my head when stringent safety standards and thailand are mentioned in the same sentence
  10. 2 out of 3 thais agree corruption is OK if they benefit from it. no wonder Thailand is known as the hub of corruption
  11. "We don’t take any sides, but we need to talk to seek solutions to the problems, that’s it. The other things are Myanmar’s internal affairs, and we don’t get involved,” Prayut said -end quote- how basic and how wrong! by not taking a side you are by default siding with the status quo, which happens to be the military junta that overthrew the democratically elected government. interesting how much experience Prayut has with that scenario, but of course he doesn't admit the irony
  12. or, there was no progress made with hardline China so there was no damage in calling out a dictator who spies with balloons over US soil
  13. serial killers testing the waters? don't just prosecute them for this. investigate their past and maybe some unsolved murders will come to light...
  14. this place is sounding more and more dangerous
  15. the RTP Retirement Fund is taking a beating this year
  16. showing how little care and oversight go into the process
  17. reminds me of the morality police in Muslim countries. thais need permission to advertise services on Twitter? jeeez, get your other foot onto the 21st century already and loosen up the moral bureaucracy bs
  18. thank God Lisa is raising the standards in Thailand, maybe she can talk thais into not throw trash on the ground in the first place...
  19. charge them with tarnishing the precious image of Thailand in front of tourists
  20. no foreigners - just a club for natives then?
  21. my misunderstanding then, good to know????
  22. ??? why ??? I'm a beer drinker, but not in Thailand, the commercial beer is the poorest quality I've experienced anywhere. do you like the status quo? why would you be against it?
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