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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. Shout out to Retarius! I forgot to mention that but I'll clarify now - my friend's wife bought commercial property from her own money and then pulled a line a credit to start a convenience store of sorts, of which he signed on as her husband. But he is hardly ever there and doesn't plan to return and has helped more than enough by sending the lowest 6 figure $ amount. She wouldn't lose the business, but she would access a higher line of credit, and be in knee deep, so to speak, and betting on the bright future of Thailand. In one regard, the bank is in a good position if it all goes belly up, but at the end of the day banks want interest and they've made a truckload of her (them?). He doesn't seem to care if it won't affect his US interests, I doubt if he will ever come back.
  2. One has to wonder if a careless smoker was involved
  3. what happens if my wife defaults on our Thai line of credit? since I'm on the bank papers in Thailand, will that follow me back to the US and make my life difficult with the US banks?
  4. classic thailand, children injured on children's day by a rescue vehicle! you can't make up this level of irony if you tried
  5. that's how business is done in Thailand
  6. it's the trash that doesn't make it to the bins that bothers me. somehow thais would rather drop trash from their hand or leave it where they finish eating than dispose of it properly. trash in the parks, trash on the sidewalks, trash in the markets. I would rather everyone piss in the streets and throw their trash in the cans. at least half the population urinates in public as it is
  7. getting tougher = more cash the RTP is licking their lips in anticipation of filling their pockets
  8. what Thailand is searching for is classy visitors from any country; but good luck with that - classy people go to classy places (unless they want to do unclassy things, which Thailand would then be at the top of their vacation list). otherwise, you'll find us in Indonesia and Polynesia
  9. they aren't obsessed with plastic; they don't think about it at all. call it what it is: ignorance and complacency
  10. so they've been eaten for a long time but the Thai scientists are just now qualifying them? hardly a discovery but go ahead and congratulate yourselves if it makes you feel better
  11. Thailand Laws Safety where to begin?
  12. is this an example of karma?
  13. why waste the effort? he is untouchable and above the law
  14. what a quandary, Thailand is desperate for more tourists but eager to kick out tourists that overstay. if only there was an amnesty to get them legal so they can stay and spend more money. the visa process is frustrating and that doesn't help either
  15. I'm pretty sure contemporary Egyptians are Berbers, and have little to no claim of the ancient architecture in Egypt. they stripped the ancient stones to create Cairo and are considered occupiers after the Ptolemy era, if memory is correct. Berbers supplied camel transport and were benefactors of the land after the collapse of the Roman empire. a sweet deal for them, right place at the right time, find and pilfer
  16. like moving paedo priests around - new location, new victims, new opportunities await
  17. ready to be robbed at 3am
  18. every generation tries to make peace with Shiite Muslims, every generation learns the hard way that Shiites don't want peace. they need war to establish the Caliphate and Sharia for the next/final world order
  19. 100% he did this for the photo-opp and news report, all part of his plan to be PM ASAP
  20. when they call it that, it sounds like a constitution for the benefit of the people, but we know who really benefits 😏
  21. what was this in the article about her aunt being brutally murdered by Thais? why wasn't more said about that? that explains her warnings
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