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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. most here jump to value life in terms of money, but governments value life in terms of effort. did Thailand set up a hotline number for refugees to call to get extracted? no? a website or any point of contact to help it's citizens? no? sending planes to extract? look at what the Thai gov't has/hasn't done to help it's stranded citizens and you'll have the answer. the hard truth is Thai citizenship isn't valued and won't get you much in the world, as most Thais would rather escape Thailand instead of returning to it, unless one is in a war zone of course.
  2. it's needed to visit their other ships at the bottom of the sea
  3. you are using logic to settle a problem in Thailand?! that pointless exercise assumes thai drivers understand logic!
  4. I'm desperate to move out of Thailand and return to the US. Not really desperate (6 here, 6 there for a decade) but have a retail business that has been a nightmare and I just want out. the theft, filth, corruption, etc has left me bitter and uncaring toward base humanity. and I was a caring optimistic businessman for 40 years before undertaking this in Thailand. if you aren't here for daydrinking and chasing tail then you are here for the wrong reason. I expect most of those that returned to the US never look back, and the gripers that left but can't let go of this forum reveals just how bitter the experience left them. when I can cash out of Thailand (what little is left of the investment) I can't wait to leave and won't even glance back. time is too precious to waste.
  5. I suspect they are protecting their own privacy in case they did something wrong, like not notifying the cops if a student is acting disturbed and violent. once the school answers one question, eventually they will be asked questions that could make the administration looks bad. or maybe they are callous enough to prioritize respect for his privacy, no telling with this lot
  6. they are too busy celebrating their new ranking of #1 best cops in the world
  7. and the reporter forgot to mention the villagers buying up lottery tickets with the new lucky numbers
  8. I was wondering if China is involved with meth in Thailand via Laos, like they are with fentanyl in the west via Mexico. thanks for confirming it. all part of their destabilizing program, they get cash and we get problems, win-win for Xi
  9. the steps for success are 1. education 2. innovation somehow, simple minds in politics still overlook this simple 2 step process. "raising wages" accounts for rising inflation, politicians act like its a cookie they give you but it's just a reaction to money not being worth as much
  10. and help china avoid the 'made in china' stigma
  11. agreed, 'restore' isn't the right word. they need to finally 'begin' at some point
  12. so we should definitely question the authenticity then. why would a mega millionaire quit freedom abroad and decide to languish and possibly die in a thai jail? or is he just more stupid than the red bull boss?
  13. just when I thought Thailand was pioneering the way. so violent people can drink liquor (a processed substance) without a medical license but peaceful people can't consume a naturally occurring herb without a license? seems completely backwards to me no matter how often the politicians explain it
  14. another witch hunt! haven't heard that ole chestnut since Trump was reassuring his base. grab your pitchforks and popcorn!
  15. singling out the RTP is like restoring one room in a house. the corruption is networked across politics, bureaucracies and businesses. yeah great, RTP needs to be changed, but it will just revert back to corruption unless the whole of Thailand infrastructure changes also. and we all know nothing will change in the current pyramid structure
  16. ridiculous and sensible, not often an idea checks both boxes at the same time!
  17. they opened up the Education Ministry to accept more RTP transfers now!
  18. all part of their police policy: good cops dead, bad cops promoted
  19. how can a country with a minor language enter the technology industry? english speaking Singapore can. India can. Chinese speaking Taiwan can. Thailand, speaking Thai, cannot. the world of technology won't slow down to Thailand 's speed of development
  20. they are expecting a lot of Arabs and Indians from the ads they've been running there? plus more Russians/Chinese hiding/scamming. masses of that size that won't be arriving from the west...
  21. is that the same to you, really? same effect on the bank account, if that's what you are looking at, but in your example the man is buying things, in my example the man is buying a daughter
  22. the old tradition of bride price runs parallel to parents selling their daughter to a man. if there wasn't a wedding ceremony, the transaction looks like human trafficking and some modern men would rather not get involved with that kind of mentality
  23. everyone is ready to see his bits chopped off, but you have to see if the police will do their job first. the RTP might broker a compensation deal that the parents can't turn down? is that possible in this case? hope not, but it wouldn't be beyond possible in Thailand
  24. I gave up on wine in Thailand almost immediately. subpar and luxury taxed to oblivion, makes as much sense as paying 2 or 3 times the worth of a 'luxury' car to drive on 3rd world roads
  25. like k-pop fan boys waiting for the song and dance
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