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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. seems like a situation for the police to work without a 'fee', but with all the corruption exposed recently, the cops must need new 'fees' to keep their income flow
  2. trying to bait Ron to fall on his sword with Disney, knowing Disney's lawyers can easily make Ron look foolish and lose the campaign
  3. best example of thainess! and all done without a ticket or court case and ending in a murky headline! the cop deliberately not recognizing the clear monastic code violation, and the temple will surely not defrost him since there wasn't any actual carnage, eh editor?????
  4. could be a ghost... or a teenage serial killer in the making? nah, gotta be a ghost
  5. this article is as clear as mud! if the 90 days expired and she wasn't charged then why would she sign a postponement? why not refuse postponement and demand to be charged or released? she agreed to give the court more time to gather evidence against her? maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it sounds like she just made her situation a lot worse
  6. and carry a weapon when drinking among friends
  7. so many posts blaming weed for this activity when weed wasn't mentioned! posters think this behavior only happens on weed? I say it sounds more like E or Molly if anything, but quit running to blame weed for the headlines, it's always been the meth and psychosis. find a horrible headline where weed was the only culprit and get back to me
  8. more political maneuvers. Thaksin denies the scheme so when it does happen he can claim innocence as the beneficial situation unfolds. of course he is looking into forming a coalition his family in power, he has a dynasty mindset after all. and it very well might happen, more probable than Pita taking the lead
  9. look into ANYTHING other than all the complaints about taxi mafias. ridiculous how the governor is looking at everything except that...
  10. in preparation for upcoming protests?
  11. don't forget burning - that accounts for 50%. industry accounts for 30%. vehicles and humans make the list at a minority, but every little bit helps
  12. I wish AN would go back to listing foreigners' nationality so I can reaffirm my stereotypes from time to time
  13. many Chinese 'businesses' on the NYSE were found to be charlatans of the same sort. from the roadside it all looks correct, but some shortsellers did the legwork and saw there wasn't traffic or workers going in or out, just a security guard who keeps nosy westerners away. if I remember correctly, a total of $1 trillion was invested in these stocks (US$ sent to China) when China was the new, hot investment, now lost forever by those foolhardy for a gamble. the shortsellers made out well, tho
  14. what a fluff piece report. campaigned hard and barely won. probably lose in a runoff election. what's the point of the article?
  15. the most eligible bachelor in Thailand
  16. that's quite an effort to avoid the law - good thing they didn't pee test him or check his bag
  17. literally the last sentence of the OP link: Sathit is now in police custody and has tested positive for methamphetamine and will face legal proceedings accordingly. if he was cannabis positive, you know that would have been in the headline instead of a footnote
  18. could be the best thing for the child, sadly. the father was meth positive and 2 bottles of booze. hopefully, many alternatives will be better than this 'home'
  19. tested positive for meth and admitted to an additional 2 bottles of booze. a real loser indeed
  20. right, weed is definitely taking the fall instead of the real drugs and ignorance plays its part. a doctor asked me if I smoked cannabis and it was amusing to watch the mass of reactions on her face from my answer! silly how this inoffensive plant that is less harmful than tobacco will get people up in arms and red in the face when they haven't even tried a puff
  21. how about a 'purge day', like the movie, but for taxi drivers - everyone else stay inside for 24 hours while the problems of society thin their numbers down!
  22. if it works in Bangkok then send the program nationwide. the bottoms are getting too donky everywhere
  23. I totally agree, my father smokes his homegrown, and my brothers and my son on occasion. if someone can be trusted with alcohol, then they should already be trusted with weed. but Thais have shown how irresponsible they are with multiple substances so the gov is having a knee-jerk reaction and taking cannabis back off the table, even though meth and alcohol (separately, or worse, together) are the actual villains. I expect many Thais new to cannabis are putting it in the mix of their normal drug routine of meth/yaba, alcohol, tramadol/kratom with M-150 to keep the ember alive. it's no wonder the headlines read like a freakshow horror script. if anything, adding the weed to the mix would take some spin off the ball, but go figure, politics is as politics does
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