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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. one man's shambles is another man's treasure... thailand says it wants high end tourists, like freelancers want high end daddies. but in reality, anyone with the correct cash will do
  2. like drug gangs, cops should let them take each other out and save them the work
  3. what a beauty, are these domesticated also?
  4. there's going to more pocketchange fines for taxis and more transfers for bad cops? or are we talking about real consequences that bring reform?
  5. I say embrace your reality. instead of a deceptive campaign, highlight the thrill of visiting a precarious destination. my submission for the next campaign: Thailand in 3D: Dellusion! Danger! Disfunction! Put the thrill back in your life!!!
  6. predicting a a very public 1000bht punch in the face very soon for this clown
  7. hard to trust anything now with deep fake videos
  8. quick, put a down payment on that sub before it's too late
  9. built by people who say they know what they are doing and then promptly build it wrong. construction is just good enough at best, or a swing and a miss at worse
  10. and put an end to the beer flavored water that passes here
  11. put your predictions in now... who can guess the punishment that will be levied? more serious than a transfer I'm guessing/hoping
  12. I can't wait to see it, these archaic forms of power imploding are as inevitable as a supernova. I hope it happens sooner than later, but I also recognize nobody wants to be the one that relinquishes a dynasty, and there are a few more cards 'nobody' can play that have won the chips in the past... every single time for a perfect record. I remain cautiously realistic, but have been burned too many times to flip the switch to optimism quite yet. also, to upend a pyramid of this caliber will take a certain amount of spilled blood for international focus to add pressure... bloodless coupes to overturn new governments are easy enough here, but a centuries old pyramid (wherever it is) will take much more sacrifice to dismantle, IMHO
  13. went to HK to pray and relax? is he chinese? a little suspicious...
  14. and shows how far the unmentionable is prepared to go to keep the goods. locals are naive to think they can topple the pyramid, though I hope I'm wrong
  15. is this called content creation? meaningless report of a meaningless event
  16. Sanctioned from visiting or business deals with Russia? puleeze, put me on that list too
  17. I seriously doubt Pita will be allowed the seat, and I like the guy a lot. it really doesn't matter what the people think here. the system is designed here to the benefit of a few, and there is enough to deny Pita if they want. they had tanks rolled in to overthrow an elected government. if they want to pull the rug under Pita on technicalities, then it's even easier this time. sorry to say
  18. Thais are so full hope, until reality sets in...
  19. sounds like progress, next up - an updated tax policy
  20. there you have it, they have better things to do, that money won't spend itself after all????
  21. 7 million pills for a country of 60 million seems like a huge amount considering how many shipments make it to through
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