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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. now I'm confused, do these studies look past the facades? scratch the surface and and Thailand bleeds something other than democracy
  2. German scientists invented it, pre WW2. Standard issue in soldiers' kits, it's what made the Blitzkrieg so effective
  3. her research begins and ends with Facebook posts of fake news generated by Russian trolls to divide the US to polar extremes, imho
  4. don't tell me the RTP doesn't have a sense of humor- this is hilarious on so many levels!
  5. I wonder how different Russia would be if they smoked weed instead of drinking vodka like water
  6. I've heard a damp face mask captures smoke particles
  7. Chuwit shines in the spotlight again! How many more shoes will drop? Thailand has more legs than an octopus so I hope we will see Chuwit continue speaking truth to power. One of the few Thais that do and still not arrested or disappeared...
  8. I'm fit and healthy in the US, but whenever I'm in Thailand I'm in the worst shape of my life. MSG, sugar, fatty pork, white rice, and everything is saturated in oil
  9. for sure, that's the right way. but I suspect extortion is needed if an RTP wants to purchase an elephant ticket to move up the ranks. the existing system requires they bring the most money in to get the best position, so extortion is rewarded and the best are rewarded the most. but if you get caught then you are transferred out of the spotlight for awhile. it won't change as long as the hidden hand allows it, unfortunately ????
  10. the headline says the cops were axed, but the link says they were transferred for releasing the actress: The seven Huai Khwang police officers, implicated in the extortion scandal, were transferred today (Tuesday). The transfer order, issued by the commander of the 2nd division of the MPB, accused the seven officers of dereliction of duty for setting the Taiwanese actress free after they found an electronic cigarette in her possession.
  11. that's a surprisingly high number for a suicide vest, they are really perfecting their craft
  12. and allows the RTP to use more aggressive shakedown tactics on all users. presumed guilty of trafficking unless proven otherwise, they'll try on the plastic bags again for confessions
  13. file charges against the police for severe breach of protocol. they should know procedure unless they cheated on the exams or bought their positions
  14. dueling pistols at high noon would settle it between the generals
  15. good job, he makes it look so easy to name and shame corruption even among his classmates. one of the few swimming against the current
  16. which is right after they achieve burying power cables
  17. And Rick Scott. White collar criminals that found their new home
  18. Care to wager your job for this prediction?
  19. incredibly cheap price to raise it and return to service, I suppose that won't include replacing all the electronics...
  20. Our business pays a thousand a month to the police, for protection, if that clarifies your questions any. They drop by every day and take a selfie as proof they visited
  21. Sounds like Putin and Chechnya all over again: plant bombs in buildings, blow up buildings, blame it on separatists, kill until all separatists are dead. Putin would bomb Russian interests and blaim Ukraine to claim the right to retaliate harder against Ukraine. Chechnya 2.0
  22. Unbelievable, oh wait this is Thailand, entirely believable
  23. Unless it's needed to protect the monarchy, again
  24. the court failed to clarify the difference between time occupied as a legally elected official and time occupied as an usurper/dictator. failed to clarify for obvious reasons.
  25. the coup was only 8 years ago?! seems like a lifetime already
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