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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. Russian soldiers did go on a house to house terror campaign in many cities with videos and witness testimony as evidence. Theft, rape, murder of innocents, mass graves - are the war crimes also propaganda?
  2. this an opportunity for thailand to practice humanity and check some boxes for better trade deals with the west
  3. interesting they are blaming weed for headlines that have been going on in Thailand since the beginning of news. it's as if they want to blame their problems on weed instead of getting to the actual problems
  4. how does one root out corruption when the system is based on buying one's rank? get rid of the elephant ticket system first
  5. the progress China has made recently was from infiltrating and copying, I'm thinking specifically of the wave of Chinese enrollment in Harvard that was part of their gov't program to infiltrate, learn and implement back in China. that happened 10+ years ago, and the reverse engineering and copying that they are actively doing now. do you think they made all this progress in house, in their own universities? Harvard specifically changed criteria because the Chinese were enrolling enmass. their scores for rote memory were better than westerners but they were lacking in EQ and problem solving. whatever they learned in our universities is serving them well now, they are quickly making up for lost time
  6. except that 75 million Chinese died from Mao's communist agenda, including the dissenters and free thinkers that would have continued to innovate and discover. the Red Terror of Russia and China have left them with only yes men that can't think outside the box and so they are decades behind the west where innovation hasn't ceased. for the moment, all China can do infiltrate, reverse engineer and copy
  7. switch from fire to machine
  8. there was never a NATO agreement not to expand, and this was confirmed by Gorbachev who signed it. the false narrative you are repeating is one of Putin's favorite lies to justify his invasion
  9. it's celebrated here? I thought Chinese new year was their day to dress up and act as another nationality. ok, time to get my green shirt ready and polish up my bar fight'n shoes
  10. and the hotel location to meet at. they'll also need a subcommittee to approve the locale,amenities and food standards for the convention
  11. awww, how romantic. after so many exes in the news for abducting, stabbing, burning, shooting, etc, this one buys her lunch on the beach
  12. amazing the amount of judgment coming from the forum; men who can't relate to a desperate teenage mother. a sad story all around, lives wasted by the stigma of abortion. if abortion was acceptable and free to the poor then society as a whole would benefit. not a popular opinion but a valid one
  13. so now there needs to be a Committee to investigate the Committee that investigates corruption. makes sense in Thailand
  14. amazing lack of awareness for the shooter. assumed the worst and killed his cousins. dire consequences just to keep the fruit on his trees
  15. this is a kingdom, so nothing will change except the faces that spout the same rhetoric
  16. but if she also has thai citizenship, will Thailand extradite?
  17. never understood the attraction, but if these "pets" are prized for their power and aggression, just get a chimpanzee already, the outcome will be just as predictable and pointless ????. btw, any animal that needs to be caged from attacking, shouldn't be called a pet
  18. it all comes down to payment? perhaps NATO should pay and channel the money quietly through countries close to Ukraine, or maybe that's what they are doing already...
  19. Minimal donation for a photo-op
  20. Chuwit, get back into politics already - your country needs you
  21. money has a one way direction in Thailand. tourists should be aware they have to bring weapons and fight for a refund. my thai-american wife has to make a loud scene and get crazy before she gets refunds in thailand
  22. is it possible for politicians to feel shame? maybe for a flaming monk, I don't think they care much about starving students tho
  23. this reads like an endorsement to American built quality- jets built so well that they are safe even without proper maintenance!
  24. I didn't know the Japanese discovered it, maybe I confused it for it's first widespread production. German pharmaceuticals marketed it and sold it over the counter, for the average worker and housewife that needs a pep in their step????
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