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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. That's the solution but it will not be simple.
  2. Its proof that people are poorer and its seems taking responsibility by not bringing someone into the world that they cannot afford to look after.
  3. 2 years ago I bought a small piece of land next door to me for 400000 baht. 2 years previous to that the guy who had inherited it was proudly advertising at 1.2 million. I saw people come and go but because of restricted access I knew he would struggle. I would talk with him but showed no interest. He said he would sell to me for 800000. Over time we reached what I thought was fair.
  4. Bob. Here in Issan it isn't in your face like Pattaya etc. You need to have lived in some of them to find where the action is. Where the Universitys are there are many beautiful students needing financial help and probably at less cost to you
  5. The picture that conjures up will stay with me all day
  6. To me 85% is sweet. I keep sugar out of my diet as much as possible
  7. Not when you eat chocolate with 85 percent cacao.
  8. Condensed milk contains 40 to 45 percent sugar. Anyone who consumes this in any amount must be crazy.
  9. I show respect, just because they are half my age does not mean I should not. I mean I could disrespect your spelling but I will give it a miss
  10. I dont. Did I say I did here?
  11. I just hold my hand out and count the change in front of the assistant then give a wai, I have been undercharged as well as short changed. Sometimes it is a genuine mistake and I believe the assistants have to pay any shortage from the till so I just make sure all is correct
  12. I agree with much of what you say but you also need the backing of the Thai people which sadly you would not get. Many are able to drive/ride motor vehicles but it is there mental attitude to driving that's appalling. Observations are very poor. Little or no anticipation of what could develop and certainly no consideration for other road users
  13. What do you mean good try? You do not have any knowledge of this incident and yes it is all hearsay. We will see.
  14. Playing devils advocate and not knowing the area I would wander what facilitates this private hospital had to deal with a serious accident victim. The accident happened around 2am a Doctor would probably have to be summonsed, all adding to delay . The staff may have thought it was better to get him to a major trauma hospital quickly. We will have to see
  15. These people would not ever feel shame because its what they do every time they open there mouths. If you cannot look someone in the face and tell a lie then you are not fit for politics here.
  16. Knowing people who have taught at Rajabhat University I can see why. The students never fail no matter how bad they are.
  17. You need tachographs, seat belts, vehicle speed limiters and the host of other requirements for this size vehicle to operate safely
  18. Just do the same wherever you are
  19. Health and safety. Sunhat and flip flops
  20. The show they put on to make it look like he his treated like the average prisoner is sickening
  21. I think you lost your bet. As to us in Isaan most of my friends are later than I see in the comments
  22. Rubbing salt into the wound. It seems they get pleasure from telling everyone. Its probably something the guy in the street would not normally have thought about
  23. In my experience I have seen rice drying on many minor roads in Issan. They tend to put a cheap blue tarpaulin towards the edge of the road which also covers part of the road that is public road and put the rice on the tarp to dry. I have never seen any barriers.
  24. I am 2 stories in on Asean Now and already 13 dead
  25. Have you paid some incentive. Otherwise no chance
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