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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. It goes without saying. I need to keep those pesky snakes and lizards away from my dogs. Straight way we all think cyanide. Ek.
  2. My worry is what have the 10 nurses been doing with this substance. Each nurse should be investigated, espically where suspicious deaths have occurred whilst they were on duty
  3. Damage is similar to when the brakes have not been used. eg driver taking a nap
  4. I just wonder why an incident that happened over a month ago involving some guy who as gone out for a drink and his wife can't contact him is newsworthy
  5. Untrue. I personally knew 3 guys who died last year and none had autopsy that's including a suicide
  6. Maybe this guy should change his team of advisor's. Smog is hazardous for people with respiratory problems. That's why first world countries cleaned up there air years ago
  7. Because masks do not mess their hair up and they are still more afraid of covid than they are of an accident
  8. I am planing a trip for 2026,when I will be 76 to see my sister in Canada. I will also take in some of the World Cup matches
  9. Why are they kept? They should be crushed as it removes any temptation for them to be sold on and used illegally
  10. Restricting someone's airway is never a good idea. Ask Joe Ferrari
  11. Members of a countries Police Force are a cross section of its population. That is its morals honesty etc. This, along with previous cases can reflect badly on all Thais
  12. Not sure about here but in UK the points would be put on any future licence that you applied for in the meantime you would be fined for driving without a licence.
  13. So the only thing that suffers is the dog that doesn't know any better. Whilst you have two people with supposedly more intelligence who could remove the problem using common sense.
  14. Wow. Young girls will be wanting posters of him on there bedroom wall. Lol
  15. Who was right? Were they Swedes allowed to ride there bikes or not?
  16. Actually it is probably a Thai truck and driver having seen some of the speeds they do here
  17. Here in Mahasarakham they nearly all have a uniformed armed Police Officer
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