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Everything posted by XB12X

  1. A farce from beginning to end.
  2. I used to live just north of Dalston.
  3. I got one but it was back in '92.
  4. London is a lot more dangerous.
  5. They should still be banged up.
  6. I am interested in a Felo FW07. How long is the subsidy thing running for, or is it a permanent arrangement. 150,000 baht is real value for one of these. Are the only suppliers in Bangkok? I am in the far north.
  7. You get some stupid posts on here, but the OP's is up there with the most stupid.
  8. Very sad, indded. RIP, Colin.
  9. I have a Yamaha SCR950, a KTM 390 Duke and a Yamaha Aerox. I am older than I was, but I have no problem with the weight of the SCR or difficulty changing gears. If the new BMW CE 02 electric motorcycle wasn't so expensive - although I could afford it - I would replace the 390 and Aerox with one. 0-50 KPH is 3 seconds. Decent range. Good suspension, unlike the Aerox. Light. I have worked out how much petrol I use on the KTM and Aerox and projected it over five years. If the batteries went on the CE 04 soon after - they are warranted for five years - the savings on petrol would be swallowed up by the cost of a new batteries. In England,where I am from, the cheaper intial purchase price and bigger saving on petrol - twice as much as Thailand - makes the CE 02 begin to make sense over long-term. Assuming it's reliable.
  10. Give him serious jail time - at least 15 years - then deport him, if he's still living.
  11. I don't know who the idiots were who laughed at this comment. Well said.
  12. I thought if a motorist caused serious injury or death to a third party while being under the influence of alcohol, it carried a mandatory penalty of ten years in prison. That's where he should go.
  13. I have been with my wife for four years. She has never mentioned a dowry. I wouldn't pay one, anyway. It's for Thais.
  14. Enjoy yourself back in the woke west.
  15. Proof-reading requires proofreading.
  16. She should have been jailed.
  17. I'm surprised he could fit eleven on it.
  18. Mostly the drinking and driving part. What a fool you are.
  19. What sort of stuff do you write to make a living, Crossy?
  20. Jail, then deport, never to return.
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