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Everything posted by XB12X

  1. Obviously not that normal if that's what you think.
  2. You could try writing that in English. Viva The Don
  3. All very sad. Well posted.
  4. If you go for a bargirl type in either country, maybe.
  5. They certainly speak better English.
  6. Life ban required. I am embarrassed by some of my countrymen.
  7. Yes, preferably someone strong like the late Margeret Thatcher.
  8. Not a troll at all. I regard you as not worth bothering with, as well.
  9. And my word, aren't you the clever one.
  10. I know exactly why people wear them. Your last paragraph, designed to make you look clever, doesn't make sense in English - '... and on comprehend...
  11. Why wear one in the first place?
  12. I need six hours. Even 15 minutes less and I feel sleepy all day.
  13. Best post I have ever read on here.
  14. Posted in error here, so deleted.
  15. There is a distiction to make between prostitutes and women who look for rich husbands but haven't been on the game.
  16. Ah, that every woman is a wh0re argument you hear so often over here.
  17. In a bar as in a bargirl? No way. Once a wh0re, always a wh0re.
  18. He wasn't talking about killing sprees. He was talking about people doing stupid things when stoned. He's right. They do.
  19. Agree with the OP. South American women are wild in bed. I have sampled rather a lot of them.
  20. On the subject of the Suzuki VanVan 200, has anyone on here got one?
  21. I did get it wrong about the SR400. It is still being manufactured for Southeast Asia.
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