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Everything posted by Sig

  1. My statement was not regarding modern medical science. I know the medical sciences use data gained from plants for medicine, whether gained by traditional medicine or not. It was regarding people who discount traditional medicine and usage of plants as medicine/healing or for support of health out of absolute ignorance. If you haven't noticed already... the scientific method has been severely co-opted by other financial interests and many studies are nowhere near as reliable as the average person thinks. Of course, going solely by anecdotal evidence in order to make absolute claims is not a good thing, just as even in science, absolute claims are generally not made from simply one study. That said, it is utter foolishness to cast aside millennia of anecdotal data, observational data, and statistics solely because there is no study or very limited studies done by the touted scientific method of the day. Said method is also evolving, as to what is acceptable and what is not, over time and will continue to do so. And regarding studies with the modern day scientific method, there are thousands upon thousands of such studies done on a vast number of medicinal plants. They are not widely broadcast and known to Joe Public, largely because they are not the ones that are money-makers, but there is a plethora of them and sadly ignored by most people, who largely trust and depend on established markets or medical establishments to take care of them. To some degree that is understandable. Everyone is busy and not everyone has the time, the ability, or the access to make heads or tails of scientific studies. But to disregard what is widely known, that is, the effectiveness of plants for support of health and healing, just because multi-billion dollar corporations aren't promoting them or says something negative against what isn't bringing them profit, is abstruse in the highest degree.
  2. Whew! I can breathe easy now, knowing the urgency with which they will plan! Within 90 days! I'll bet once they get their plan together, by mid-April, they'll get the air cleaned up in just weeks!
  3. It's hardly even worth responding, but I'll just say that since it is VERY apparent that you've made zero effort to research anything, how is one to take seriously your statement that you'd "like to see some credible scientific research...." If you'd like to see it, there's this interesting tool that perhaps you're not aware of still. It's called "Google". It's really amazing. It can show you wonders that you've never imagined. And it can quickly show you amazing scientific research on many things that you may like to see. "IMHO...." I know that wasn't intended to be humorous, but it made me laugh. It's not so humble to make such audacious statements in the face of thousands of medical publications on turmeric alone! Whether in vitro, animal studies, or human studies, there are scientific studies galore for you to peruse and edify your scientific prowess. There is MUCH MUCH more on thousands of plants used for medicine than apparently you have the slightest hint of a clue about. I can't blame you too much though, I know the pharmaceutical political lobby is very active and works hard to keep people in ignorance, at the same time that they utilize these plant's amazing properties in attempts to improve on the natural order and their patented medicines, at the same time as they improve the size of their pocketbooks and political power. The folly of ignoring or worse, discounting, thousands of years of knowledge and wisdom only to solely embrace modern medicine and the limited numbers of what compromised and corrupted individuals and organizations will deem as qualified studies, barely around for a hundred years or so, is truly stunning.
  4. These girls weren't in swimwear and they weren't inside the temple proper. They were on temple grounds, so in the strictest sense, perhaps they should have had more moderate clothing on, but MANY Thai men and women do just the same until entering the temple proper. It is not a major issue, as seen by Thai people's behavior. But if the temple thought things had gone too far, they could very easily go to the person/people and nicely inform them what they'd prefer of their guests while visiting. VERY likely, the person/people would be apologetic and quickly respond in like form. It's only an issue for people looking to make much ado about nothing, self-righteous judgemental people of no account who have nothing better to do than stir up division among society, making themselves feel so much better than everyone else. Meanwhile, blinded by their pride, they don't even realize that everyone around them has nothing but contempt for them.
  5. You apparently completely missed the entire point of my post. And also conveniently ignored the facts re "rules" for temples and how Thai people treat these "rules" themselves. I even included pictures for the benefit of people who have reading comprehension problems or perhaps whose English is a second, third, or fourth language. I spoke nothing contemptuous of Thailand. I don't know which category you fall into... perhaps English is not your native language or perhaps you need to brush up on comprehension. My post was not about Thailand. The context was regarding a very small sector of a fairly large country - busybody insecure xenophobes. Of course, you begin with "IF" so as to give yourself some wiggle room, but the implication from the tenor of your comment can't be missed. Of course, feel free to suggest I leave. Perhaps you could leave common social intercourse, if you must read into things that people don't say anything about. It causes nothing but toxic strife and society would be better off without the likes of such presumptive interaction. "comply" lol As if things are so cut and dry as to have something clear and specific to comply to in this case. Besides that, what on earth gives you the gall to suggest that I don't do my best to follow social norms or mores when visiting temples??? How to say one is a woke leftist without saying one is a woke leftist? hmmmm Apparently it can be done in a few short sentences.
  6. I agree with you as far as any sort of preventative measures from the air pollution problem. But that isn't actually what the doctor was saying. The problem is with the intellect, or the lack thereof, of the "journalist" writing the article and the editor passing off on such stupidity, saying things like, "...the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine unveils a game-changing solution to combat the notorious dust particles..." and "Thai herbs: Nature’s secret weapon against deadly PM2.5 dust". Complete nonsense and not at all what the Dr. was quoted as saying in the article. I highly doubt he would agree with the so-called journalist's interpretation. The doctor said, “Thai herbs have been scientifically proven to be effective in treating respiratory symptoms, as well as inflammation in internal organs caused by the fine dust slipping through the body’s screening mechanism.” This does not "combat" the dust nor prevent anything from it other than symptoms one may experience AFTER exposure. How is that a "weapon against deadly PM2.5 dust"??? It is a helpful agent for supporting health, but not against the dust, it is a help to the body. He is correct as to these plants effects on the body, which has been known for thousands of years. And in more recent history, agreed upon by scientific study, since people these days think they are too smart to accept anything that has already been proven and known for thousands of years and reject it unless scientific studies have been carried out to their liking. At any rate, one thing I disagree with the doctor on is his oh-so-stereotypical fashion of attributing wonderful things to Thailand that have no basis in fact of being able to be such a thing that hails from the oh-so-amazing Thailand. These are called "Thai herbs". That is a farce. Turmeric is widely acknowledged as originating in India and there is record of it there from around 2,500 B.C.! Try finding records about ANYTHING in amazing Thailand from 4,500 years ago.... Then there's Indian Gooseberry... hmmmm any takers on guessing why it might have that name rather than Thai Gooseberry? Then the other two plants, they don't seem to have as clear of an origin, although one is found from Africa and Western Asia and also in parts of Southeast Asia. The other all across South Asia as well as Southeast Asia. But now they are all apparently "Thai herbs"!? These people are so full of themselves it is insane. These plants have been used in Indian medicines for millennia and Thai medicine very likely came about using them from the influence of Indian medicine, who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years ago. "Thai" herbs.... The insecurity is screaming so loudly every time I turn around, I need ear plugs to go along with an N95!
  7. "cultural laws", which aren't laws at all (but I know what you mean...). I think this is a case of simply people projecting their xenophobic, insecurities. They think their culture is superior and so they think that foreigners also think that their own culture is superior to Thai culture and thus become offended over nonsensical things. I've seen Thai people sitting on lawns around Thai temples and there are commonly festivals at temples when people relax on the lawns, eating and drinking and OMG! They might even lay down while relaxing! They might even do it in the sun! Although usually in the shade... It isn't sunbathing, but what on earth is the difference. People are enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the temple grounds, maybe even meditating, maybe while laying down. I didn't read of an issue being made of their clothes, but of their activity, which is not at all significantly different from that of Thais. They do it, but foreigners cannot because only Thai people can behave in informal ways in areas that if held in a strict traditional view, could be considered inappropriate, and if a foreigner would do it, it won't be considered as only poor taste or just people behaving informally when maybe formal behavior may be preferred. Oh no! It's straight out offensive! It's just another clear example of their projecting of xenophobia and insecurities. Just for the heck of it, thought I'd include some shocking examples of relaxing on the temple lawns.... some, even while sitting directly in the sun!
  8. Air Force??? I know that on occasion, various military branches are tasked with humanitarian missions, but this strikes me as more of a mission for an environmental department than a military. What a waste of military resources this will be! Nothing like degrading a military's readiness than going off mission and being distracted by things that will do absolutely nothing to help their readiness to do what their mission is - protect the country from human invaders, not dust particle invaders! Just because the word "air" is in "Air Force" doesn't mean they should be tasked with cleaning up the air! I could see them coming alongside an environmental department to assist them in some flights if water needs to be dumped on a fire, but it doesn't even seem like an air force would necessarily have that sort of airplane in their inventory. Perhaps? I don't know... maybe they'd have a need to protect troops from a forest fire sometime?? But an environmental agency and/or forestry department would certainly have those sorts of aircraft. It just seems so strange... I'd think if you were going to task a military branch, you might choose the Army over the Air Force. Get those soldiers on the fields putting out those fires. That's normally how fires are put out and sometimes air tankers may assist, but firemen on the ground seem to be more the norm. But I still don't think I'd task any military, unless in a very brief and narrowly focused support role. My home has entire forest fire fighting departments in different regions. With the incessant problems Thailand has with these fires, I would think they would too. But, Air Force??? Just so silly and distracting from their mission as a military. No surprise though. They come up with the most incredibly absurd and completely useless "solutions" every year! Massive amounts of money wasted every single year from these politicians, whom I have many adjectives for that I'll refrain from using here.
  9. "Illicit production of crops, such as maize..." Seriously? Maize is an illicit crop? "Enforcement (of burn bans and crackdowns) has been a challenge..." hahahahahaha How can they be taken seriously with a statement like this. "A challenge"? lol Maybe a challenge to their intellect? It's not a challenge to actually carry out, unless the challenge is referring to the number of stuffed brown envelopes being taken into consideration and the level of laziness and incompetence.
  10. Definitely could if you continue posting... 13 posts and counting on one single article
  11. What idiotic lunacy. "The only way you can do to avoid theft is to carry valuables with you and be alert. Thieves are everywhere.” Duhhhh No Sh** Sherlock! Especially in Thailand! Oops... I mean Russia? That is the norm no matter where on this planet you go! And she relies on a translation app to be so certain that she only got vulgarities from the Russian police? lol Well, it might be accurate, but it might also have been well deserved! From the tenor of the article, I'd go with the latter. The eye-rolling from Aeroflot staff was likely just as well-deserved. I can almost hear the shrill entitled complaining now.... I think the police and the Aeroflot staff were thinking something along the lines of, Who on earth is stupid enough to use unlocked designer luggage (assumption) and carry expensive easily pocketable, expensive, designer goods and not keep their attention on their luggage in a Russian airport!!?? Hilarious how this makes news that is apparently intended to make her look like such a poor victim, but reveals more of the level of sheer stupidity.
  12. Who knows what happened.... but it sure doesn't look good for this guy. It looks like another case of a very high quality tourist....
  13. So sickening and angering. Even if the family won't press charges, there ought to be a way that the State can bring charges. There is no way in any sort of even relatively civilized world that this should go unpunished. At the VERY least, he should lose his job. And it would be preferable for him to spend at a minimum 30 days in jail along with a hefty financial penalty that would be difficult, but not impossible, for him to pay. How hard to you have to hit a kid to make his forehead swell! It didn't even sound like they brought the kid to the hospital! Plenty of ignorance to spread around on this one it sounds like.... And very little true respect for the humanity of a child.
  14. Yeah, he was definitely not there to browse. As soon as he saw those glasses, he looked around and saw an opportunity. Then, "casually browsed", likely as he was heading for the exit. Amazing that a store with expensive goods don't have alarms at their door to detect things they leave out that are so easily pocketed. Sure hope immigration gets ahold of this dirtbag.
  15. 40 minutes? Not bad! I remember arriving to a mess of people in the middle of the night, exhausted from 18 hours of travel, and it took 2 hours to get through! 40 minutes would be like a dream.... Glad to hear that 40 minutes is considered a major overflow these days!
  16. One can always hope for the best.
  17. I suppose anything is possible, but they're really pushing the envelop with that one!
  18. Seriously??? Tell me you don't pay attention to the news unless it suits your narrative without telling me you don't pay attention to the news unless it suits your narrative. Well, this is getting into off topic arenas I think, so I'll let it go with that. You really should look it up. You are giving information that is 100% contrary to the facts. I don't know if it's possible to be more wrong....
  19. Ok, no problem. I don't think it is off topic, being that it is regarding honour killing. But I could see how perhaps it is drifting a bit. Feel free to go the route of the CCP or the former USSR or Pol Pot or many others who thought/think along the same lines. Nobody is forcing you to follow any religion and if you have one, I hope nobody is attempting to force you out of it. I don't believe any Christian or Jew would. If they did, it would be against their teachings.
  20. No, I am not saying anything of the sort about what they may or may not revere. Your question is absurd. Everyone knows they revere it. I'm not going to attempt to teach you the Bible in a forum. I'm not qualified, for one and for another, the Bible also says something about not throwing pearls to swine. Your comments/questions only show intellectual dishonesty and an unwillingness to look at facts.
  21. Good reason why nobody follows that. I just posted re Christianity. I don't know why it isn't followed in Judaism. The odd thing is why on earth would somebody post something of which they are in complete ignorance. Note that his first comment on it was regarding "practice", not only about what those religions may have in their texts. If one is ignorant about a religion and thinks they see an incongruity between that religion's texts and their practice, it seems like it might be better to get informed before making foolish comments. Just maybe an uninformed person doesn't know all and is able to make judgements on this kind of thing.
  22. Sure, I can accept that as a reliable source, but I can't accept the ignorant application of that to Christianity and the treatment of it in the new covenant established by the leader of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth. Matthew 5:38-42 ““You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” Didn't take the time to look it up, but I imagine you've heard of another verse that came to mind, something about loving your enemies and doing good to people who hate you and it goes on from there. Doesn't sound to me at all like the kind of religion that has honour killings as a part of its practices. And since you've never heard of such a thing carried out as any sort of Christian thing, why do you make such a specious argument? I've never heard of honour killings carried out by Jews either, but I'm not familiar with their teachings on it or how they interpret that Exodus passage. But it certainly doesn't appear that they follow it and I wouldn't assume that's an accident. On the other hand, Muslims definitely follow it and that is well-known.
  23. Do me a favor and name one single country where that is true? I could however name a bunch of majority Islam countries where you would be within complete acceptance if you slandered Judaism.
  24. That's a new one on me. I'd be very interested in some sort of reference for that idea. I've never heard of a single instance of a Jewish or Christian honour killing, let alone about it being a part of their religion. On the other hand, I have heard PLENTY of vociferous outcries against such barbarity from Christians in the west. I haven't even heard of blood for blood being a way Jews or Christians settle feuds (not speaking of wars here, I'm assuming, due to the context, we are talking about personal feuds). Genuinely interested in where you heard this. Preferably from some sort of relatively reliable source....
  25. Case in point, the USSR. Oh wait... ummm the CCP? oops... Pol Pot? oh crap... this isn't working, I give up.
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