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Posts posted by Sig

  1. On 12/16/2021 at 10:31 PM, jacko45k said:

    Although I feel confident to say your experiences and comments do not persuade me that The Skytrain in Bangkok is more dangerous than NYC Subway.

    And I wouldn't try to persuade you so either. I never made any such analogy re public transportation. I only related personal anecdotal experience. And I have experienced the NYC subway back in the 1980's during perhaps one of its most dangerous times. Today is like a cakewalk compared to those days. But just like any big city, there are times and places where you had best have some street-smarts if you're going to think about treading on the territory of some scumbag gutter dwelling criminals and there are those where any naive foreigner can walk through with no problems. The Skytrain seems to be quite safe, but on the other hand, I've also seen a number of knifings and shootings in otherwise-thought-to-be safe areas around BKK. Of course, the odd crime will happen anywhere in big cities. I don't know what the stats show, but I don't think BKK is any kind of exceptionally safe city by any stretch of the imagination. And if the stats say it is... I'd have to wonder, with some pretty strong skepticism, at where the stats were drawn and how the stats were collected and reported. I think it is fairly well known how crime or accident reporting happens (or doesn't) here.

    • Like 1
  2. No Sh*@ Sherlock! As soon as they started the first lockdown, I told my Thai friends to be looking for this in the future and I believe we are just seeing the beginning of the disaster the idiots in government (and the massive number of numbskulls in the populace that agreed with them) created with lockdowns. What did they think was going to happen to education when they single-handedly wiped thousands upon thousands of jobs and businesses off the economic map!? Obviously, when people lose their businesses and jobs, they ain't gonna be paying for any decent education, let alone myriad other things like homes, cars, etc. With just a very rudimentary understanding of history and economics, any dunderhead should have been able to figure that one out.

  3. On 12/10/2021 at 6:28 AM, happydreamer said:

    Sarcasm isn't.  Being offended by everything is. ????

    You appear to have completely missed the clearly sarcastic comment he was making. You seem to be among those who pigeon-hole millions of people due to nationality and on top of that can't grasp sarcasm. Or maybe you just enjoy being toxic, which seems to be so common online and sadly common in this forum too.

  4. 19 hours ago, harry94 said:

    Thank you Worgeordie , i just went down and spoke to the lady , Sorry John i forgot, give me details

    of your passport again , i will do it now !!!! she was on the phone two minutes ago ,

    i will ask again if all done ok tomorrow . Jackdd the point is to get information from this forum .

    Dont get your nickers in a twist and calm down .

    Kc71 that explains the panicky look she gave me , thanks you for your positive reply have a good day ..

    Don't worry about jackdd. He may not have been bright enough to figure out that you were seeking advice and as is so common these days... some people seem to feel like they can behave like a toxic (fill in the NSFW adjectives describing the character of people like this here). I guess some people just like stirring the pot and seem to feel important and self-justified in behaving in an anti-social manner.

    Personally, if something may possibly affect my immigration status, I feel MUCH more comfortable popping on down to Immigration and getting the information needed directly from the horse's mouth. You might get proper information here or on a website, but you may just as well get incorrect information, even from well-meaning individuals. In the end, the landlord may or may not give a hoot. The likelihood of them ever getting fined has got to be infinitesimal, but your immigration status can create real life problems. It may seem like a hassle to bother with going to immigration or reading up on their website for information, but it's a lot better than getting your status screwed or paying some belated fines by following some incorrect information.

  5. 21 hours ago, EricTh said:


    Two unrelated victims accusing the same person of sex crime on the same day and you still think he is 'innocent'?


    Would a 12 year-old child who didn't know him before that day lie? 


    There is also a truck driver witness on that day who saw the incident.


    On top of that, according to the article - "The suspect has reportedly admitted to the crimes..."

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    A struggle ensued as the Swiss man said he grabbed the intruder's arm and the gun went off but it didn't hit anyone.


    Rudolf said he threw it in the pond next to the house.


    In the furious fight fists and feet were used to attack the intruder who was knocked unconscious.


    Worried that he would regain consciousness the foreigner tied him up, woke up his wife and got her to contact the phu yai ban to inform the police.


    However, when the phu yai ban arrived Sathian was already dead.

    With a life-threatening battle going on in the house and a gun being fired... he had to go wake up his wife after tying the guy up????? Did they whisper at each other as they fought? And the gun have an amazing silencer on it? She must be one hell of a sound sleeper! ????
    And he threw the gun in the pond? huh?? Seriously, why on earth would anybody do that?
    The guy "scaled" a concrete wall? A "wall" in the pics looks like it's not even a meter high! It could just be a language/vocabulary problem... but it doesn't seem like this guy penetrated some kind of well fortified/secured compound or anything, if he indeed came in without being invited by the guy enjoying a cup of COFFEE in the middle of the night. Every older person I know avoids coffee later in the day, let alone in the middle of the night. Would be interesting to see if there was a fresh cup of unfinished coffee on the scene or maybe there were two cups? Everything just sounds weird.
    It is so far from cut and dry as so many people would like to think. In the end it could turn out to be that way, but please don't be so simple-minded as to think that things are so obvious as they first appear when crimes occur. Some comments here are positively thoughtless.
    That story has a LOT of questions to be answered beyond just this. It could be interesting to see this pensioner's wife's phone logs too. If she rebuffed this intruder's romantic advances as she says, then certainly she would never have given him her number, after all, they only ever said hello in passing in the village....
    Who knows.... But hopefully there wasn't any kind of deceitful conduct like that and it's just a simple case of one unbelievably stupid fool who thought he could rob his own neighbor without getting caught. But unless that guy was on drugs, who on earth would think they could get away with that!? Soooooo many questions.....

  7. 18 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Wow! Ever so sensitive! But where and when did I say I was against crypto? Or where I said fiat currency is not used for dodgy deals? Nice tho' that you inadvertently concede  cryptocurrency can also be used for dodgy deals. However is it not so that fiat currency is minted and recorded on a ledger according to national treasuries providing comparative trading values whereas crypto can be "created" , "mined", in an electronic smokescreen yet is ultimately "valued" in fiat comparisons even to each other?

    I do believe that eventually "money" will eventually cease to physically exist in exchange for electronic accreditation of purchasing capacity or debit liability. All good until a major solar flare or nuclear war event !

    Meanwhile be happy with your own convictions.

    oops!(convictions being in what you are convinced about, not the result of dodgy deals gone wrong )



    hahaha sorry if I'm too sensitive to humorous things. I guess I laugh too easily at absurdities.
    Where and when did you say you were against crypto? Nowhere that I recall offhand. And I didn't say that you were against crypto either. Of course my statement implied such, just as yours did. And more to the point, it is a fact, as I said, that "...people use this as an excuse to be against something that they know virtually nothing at all". I hear it regularly.
    You made me laugh again... sorry, I guess I just love finding humor in things.... but you say that you found it nice that I "inadvertently concede  cryptocurrency can also be used for dodgy deals". That's funny. It doesn't need to be inadvertent, as though I wouldn't say that outright. There's nothing to concede when I'm not defending something. Of course crypto can be used and is used for dodgy deals, so can your lawnmower or a hubcap off a wheel of your car or a loaf of bread. Dodgy deals can be made with anything somebody may want or need. At present, the worldwide prevalent medium for dodgy deals, I think the case can be made, is the U.S. Dollar and crypto can't even remotely hold a candle to it. The tens of billions in yearly credit card fraud alone (dealing with fiat currencies) is likely more than all fraud with crypto presently. Of course that is only conjecture and fraud will certainly increase as crypto becomes more widespread, but saying that it is "The funny money behind dodgy deals" is saying a lot and missing a lot. 
    I really couldn't care less about what people consider money. If I can make a gain from exchanging something that somebody willingly exchanges in return, it works for me. I guess that's my conviction and yep, I'll continue being happy in that conviction and exchange whatever works, whether it's lawnmowers, crypto or fiat. I've done Forex trading with fiat the past couple of decades, but find the return is much more satisfying with crypto these days. Maybe if a nasty solar flare hits or nuclear war that doesn't vaporize me arrives, I'll move to trading lawnmowers or loaves of bread ????

    • Haha 1
  8. 19 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I'll bet he was well putside the 100 meter range of the gun when he was firing it making the whole incident quite irrelevant.


    Of course you would still hear it on the beach.


    Of course I have no idea what your experience is with firearms, but if you go by "effective range", that will be what people seem to usually refer to as the range a shooter is likely to hit a target to kill them and the average joe shooting a 9mm, that would probably be up to somewhere around 50 meters. A good shooter would extend that range to 100+ meters. I've seen a guy put groupings of about a meter from 200 meters with a 9mm pistol. As far as lethality of a 9mm pistol, it is MUCH farther than 100 meters. I've seen a guy shoot a 9mm and hit targets from 400 meters. He was not your average shooter and even at that, it wasn't like he was able to hit a body sized target with every shot at all, but he was able to hit it. And the hits showed that it would absolutely be lethal. At 100 meters a 9mm cartridge will fire a bullet with only about a 6 inch drop on target. As for the range a 9mm bullet can reach and still be lethal, I don't know, but it is most certainly a LOT more than 100 meters. I've seen it at 400+ meters and I would be willing to bet pretty much everything I own that it would still quite easily be lethal at over 1,000 meters. It wouldn't be accurate whatsoever, but some guy shooting randomly from a boat toward shore less than 1,500 meters is a lethal threat to the populace on shore as far as I'd be concerned.
    EDIT: I decided to look up info on range. It was interesting. I found this:


    And then I wondered about the lethality of 300-350 ft/s velocity and found this excerpt from an interesting report:
    "The scientific literature reports incidences of celebratory firing as a major public health concern internationally. In Kuwait, after the end of the Gulf War, the Kuwaitis celebrated by firing weapons into the air—and 20 Kuwaitis died from falling bullets. In Los Angeles, between the years 1985 and 1992, doctors treated 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries at King/Drew Medical Center, and 38 of them died. Practically all of the injuries were due to happy holiday weekend revelers.
    Bullets fired into the air during celebrations return at a speed fast enough to penetrate the skin and cause internal damage to other organs in the path of the migrating bullet. The bullet’s velocity required for skin penetration is between 148 and 197 feet per second. A velocity of less than 200 feet per second, which is easily obtained by a celebratory gunfire, is capable of fracturing bone and even causing intracranial penetration. Spent bullets have the capability of reaching up to 600 feet per second during their downfall, and thus they have the ability to inflict damage to multiple body cavities."
    In the end, that numbskull shooting toward the shore jeopardized many lives. He should be severely punished.


    • Thanks 1
  9. On 9/15/2021 at 6:52 PM, Liverpool Lou said:
    On 9/15/2021 at 6:48 PM, Sig said:
    On 9/6/2021 at 11:09 AM, Liverpool Lou said:
    On 9/6/2021 at 4:31 AM, Sig said:
    On 9/4/2021 at 2:16 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    Given to him by the rescuers after they found him, perhaps?

    Perhaps.  It reminds me of when I went to the condo management office a few days ago. It was after hours and there was only the one guy manning the office... alone... with his mask on....

    Expand  Expand   Expand  

    Perhaps he was anticipating the chance that someone would come into the office (just as you did).

    Expand  Expand   Expand  

    You just can't figure that the mask wearing in a room when alone is nonsense?


    Yes, I can and I agree with that sentiment.  But, what I said was nothing to do with not being able to figure something out, or being brainwashed, what I did say was that perhaps he knew someone was coming into the room that he was in and that he'd have to wear a mask.   Surprised you couldn't figure that out by reading what I posted.

    No, that's not what you said. Although your revised version is better. What you did say was, "Perhaps he was anticipating the chance that someone would come into the office (just as you did)." There's a BIG difference between knowing and anticipating a chance that someone may come into the room. But as I mentioned, there would be no person who would be entering that room at that time, let alone me or any other client. Perhaps you live in a beautiful bubble somewhere and don't see these kinds of things daily as I do. Take a look at drivers driving solo with a mask on around you sometime. You may actually be surprised since you seem to not have any idea that people may actually be so nonsensical to wear a mask obsessively with no good reason. Heck, I've seen solo driver's like this up in the beautiful mountain air driving alone in remote places of Chiangmai and Maehongson! But particularly at this office where I know their habits, including one of the other workers in that office who is more sensible and rarely wears her mask, regardless of the time of day or who is or isn't in the office. I've never seen this guy's mask leave his face and he is alone in that office for hours on end and is not expecting anybody to come in. I asked him today, just for you.

  10. On 9/6/2021 at 11:09 AM, Liverpool Lou said:
    On 9/6/2021 at 4:31 AM, Sig said:
    On 9/4/2021 at 2:16 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    Given to him by the rescuers after they found him, perhaps?

    Perhaps.  It reminds me of when I went to the condo management office a few days ago. It was after hours and there was only the one guy manning the office... alone... with his mask on....


    Perhaps he was anticipating the chance that someone would come into the office (just as you did).

    You just can't figure that the mask wearing in a room when alone is nonsense? Perhaps he thought this or that or the other thing... or perhaps he is just about as brain-dead as so many who have been so utterly brainwashed by all of the foolishness going on about COVID. I did NOT go into the office, as you said. And no, he would not be anticipating anyone would be coming into the office. As I mentioned, it was after hours and there were no staff around who would enter the office and others who have business with the office, like I did, go to the service window, which is now sealed off with plastic with a small square cut out at the bottom to pass paperwork through.
    PERHAPS you can't seem to recognize that somebody who was there first hand could judge the situation for what it was. It was stupidity fueled by nonsensical government and media propaganda and there was no plausible reason for the guy to be wearing his mask while in the large office space alone. Just like when you see drivers all over the place wearing masks while driving in their car alone or motorcycle riders (other than the very few individuals who wear a mask in an attempt to protect themselves from pollution, which in Chiangmai is so low that wearing the mask is not protecting a whole lot), the same. It is complete and utter nonsense.

  11. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There are lots of things Americans don't understand.

    Don't be confused. Try to learn.

    And get used to the fact that America is not the center of the universe. 

    What kind of imbecilic remark was that to someone who was enjoying the differences between British and American English and making mention of them for fun!?? He very obviously understood and was not in the least confused. And he was in no way making some kind of foolish grandstanding of how America is the center of the universe! Do you really need a reading lesson? I doubt it. I just think it's a case of people like you who are why social media has become the bane of society. Would you actually make such a brutish bullying attack on someone to their face like that? Not to mention that it was utterly nonsensical since the comment your nationalistic senses became so offended by wasn't even anything like you propose. Seems like you may be kin to the fool who jump kicked the old man. If not kin, maybe just mates from school? At any rate, likely about the same IQ and tribalistic leaning.

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