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Posts posted by Sig

  1. Agree wholeheartedly with the title, but most definitely NOT with his conclusion. It flies in the face of worldwide patterns and statistics. Time will tell soon enough if for some strange reason Thailand completely does something totally different than everywhere else in the world. At first I thought, wow! great! Somebody who has enough guts to speak the truth... then I read the article and found that he's just another fearmonger paying no attention to what's going on in the world with COVID!
    I'd be happy to admit I'm wrong here if there were some evidence pointing that direction or if in the end Thailand pulls off the miraculous non-recovery that should naturally be coming our way shortly, regardless of nonsensical efforts of lockdowns, masking, etc... There is an abundance of history to look at how this virus behaves, as there is with other corona viruses, but it seems that avoiding that is preferable to many and fear is more comfortable.

    • Confused 1
  2. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    amid a worsening epidemic.

    Really? I believe we should be at the peak around this time, if not already peaked. The pattern Delta has shown in other countries is that a Delta wave lasts around 2 months, which would put us at somewhere around the time for the peak to be reached. Or do they expect Delta to behave completely differently here for some reason? Seems like every time I turn around, evidence and science is shunned in preference for panic and powermongering.

    Edit: btw, I don't particularly aim that comment at Thailand or its government, but rather what seems to be common worldwide.
    I sure hope we've reached the peak! That's my optimism. My pessimism is always placed on government and industry leaders with vested interests, which I think any rational person would understand why.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I can't say that I know the law on this, but it seems to me that regardless of how the driver of the Isuzu was driving, a U-turn in which one needs to swerve over to the outside lane before making the U-turn is a dangerous maneuver. I believe that would be classified as an "unsafe lane change" back home. And probably a couple of other infractions, especially if it ended up with the death of anyone. I don't see how a U-turn being done like that can possibly be legal. It is clearly unsafe. If one needs to make that kind of maneuver, then one should not be making that turn and should go on to an intersection where it can be done safely.
    Such a sad situation when seeing something like this that should never happen, whether it should never happen due to a U-turn like that being done that should never be done or possibly due to inattentive or distracted driving of the Isuzu, either way... dead is dead. Very sad.

  4. 8 hours ago, Kanada said:

    If you’re working on your cell phone then go to Account…click….at the bottom of the drop down you’ll see Ignored Users…click and follow easy instructions! Subject can see what you write but you don’t ever have to read his replies!

    You'll find it such a relief ????

    Yes, you're right. And I'll likely use it to clean up what I see from other toxic individuals that likely have no friends in real life and nobody left to abuse, so they shift to the internet to display their antisocial behavior. Can you imagine that these people actually could talk to somebody face to face like this? It is really unfathomable. I think it's likely they don't in real life or they'd be missing too many teeth! So their real personality is let loose online... ????

  5. On 8/8/2021 at 3:32 AM, Thunglom said:

    you've descended into gibberish.

    You devolved (or maybe it's just your natural state) into making personal insults over something that is apparently too difficult for you to grasp and you only seem able to lash out rather than just let it pass. People like you are exactly what the problem is with how social media is abused and ends up being destructive to society rather than uplifting. Get a life and learn how to respect other people. I know the site won't ban you, but I imagine there's a way that I can block toxic imbeciles... if there is, I'll definitely take advantage of being free from toxic egotistical fools here.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/8/2021 at 6:56 AM, RJRS1301 said:

    Why is that people continue to compare most things to what occurs in the USA?

    There is a much larger world than the USA people, open your minds,

    Many here left the USA for good reasons.



    I completely agree with you. It is ridiculous. Perhaps you didn't see the entire context. I was responding to somebody who had made a comparison to the U.S. I would have never brought it up otherwise.

  7. On 8/6/2021 at 4:02 PM, Thunglom said:

    You appear to be a one click wonder - you need to learn how to research a topic before commenting. I'd also look more carefully at sources - e.g. any map that has "Burma" written on it instead of "Myanmar".

    Making a decision to ignore a source because it says "Burma" rather than "Myanmar" is apparently ignorant of the fact that some countries still officially refer to the country as "Burma". And even some Burmese people and Burmese politicians do the same. The names are used interchangeably around the world by governments and media alike. Making such distinctions without considering the source and history better is not understanding the picture well at all. I guess one could say that you should look in the mirror and apply exactly what you said to that guy to yourself - "...you need to learn how to research a topic before commenting. I'd also look more carefully at sources..."

  8. On 8/6/2021 at 3:13 AM, Thunglom said:

    whaaaat??? = have you been living under a rock?

    "As of 2019 Thailand's protected areas included 157 national parks, 58 wildlife sanctuaries, 67 non-hunting areas, and 120 forest parks. They cover almost 20 percent of the kingdom's territory." - wiki = as opposed to 14% of the USA

    And that is comparing a country ruled by kings for ages and then subsequently by totalitarian types, both of which could take and designate various lands as national parks at will, as opposed to the US where the government isn't free to do so in such an easy manner, yet somehow they still have a very large percentage of their land as national public lands, with 14.7% as national and that doesn't even cover the 3,729 State parks.
    It's a bit difficult to make international comparisons though because in fact the actual percentage of "National Park" land area in America is about 2.2%, which is still a difficult number to compare to other countries since each country designates "national parks" in different ways, some even have cities in them. The number of 14.7% is commonly attributed to "National Parks" in the US, but that actually includes massive amounts of nationally protected lands that are not specifically "parks" and may not even be accessible. But some countries name all of their protected lands as "parks" whether they actually meet that standard or not. So, often times, these comparisons are not apples to apples.
    All that said, Thailand is definitely among the countries with a higher number of parks available to the people.

  9. 2 hours ago, it is what it is said:

    from a slow start they have caught up with and overtaken the uk, which has a similair sized population, that truly is an excellent job as the uk was one of the most efficient vaccinators in the world. i'm sure we're going to see the international media reporting all about this stunning achievement in due course.


    well done thailand.

    Caught up with and overtook the UK!!?? What planet are you living on?

    • Like 2
  10. On 8/4/2021 at 9:30 PM, EdrigoSalvadore said:

    Thailand barely has any national parks.

    Are you serious???  Just how many national parks should a country like Thailand have!? I can't even fathom how you came up with that idea.
    Thailand has around 150 national parks! To me, that is a LOT of national parks, hardly in the realm of "barely" having any.
    Guess how many national parks Spain has. It is a similar size as Thailand. According to Wikipedia, it has a grand total of 15 national parks. Turkmenistan is another country similar in size, supporting 35 national parks. France (somewhere around 20% larger than Thailand), has a massive number of 11 national parks. Mexico, about 250% larger than Thailand has 67.
    I think you get the idea.
    National parks in Thailand cover somewhere around 20% of the area of the country! That is incredible to me! It boggles my mind to think how anyone could think of that as barely having any national parks....
    [Some of my numbers may be a bit off. It was a quick Wikipedia search and percentage estimations]


    • Like 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

    I agree, another tourist law that doesn't apply to Thais - like don't feed the fish or handle the wildlife, or be jailed, fined and banished.


    They are skipping some more important laws, like regulating pesticides. Last I heard, 85% of the vegetables in Bangkok school lunches were tainted with pesticides and the govt's been quiet about it, so it's surely a higher figure now. If they have time to address sunscreen, I would have hoped harmful pesticides would be in the rearview mirror by now.  It's like they scramble to keep up appearances internationally, but when it comes to their own people, being 50 years behind is good enough.

    You mentioned the prevalence of pesticides. There are also HUGE amounts of chemical fertilizers being applied and often in amounts more than prescribed because there are so many ignorant farmers who think that if they put on more, then the result will be that much better. And that doesn't only apply to Thai farmers by the way, it is a commonly shared stupidity around the world. Oh, and don't forget herbicides too!
    Not entirely an ag armchair commentator... used to be in the fertilizer business and also spent some years at the ag uni here in Thailand (Kasetsart University).
    If you think it's bad... it's worse than you think. If you have the wherewithal, know your food sources, and wash your fruit and veggies anyway. That won't solve it all, since there are systemic issues, but it'll help.

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/27/2021 at 11:28 AM, lanng khao said:

    What reason did you use on your form for getting the extension, did you say no flights?

    You don't even really need a reason.
    I don't remember now exactly what it said on the form, but on the form that has 4 boxes to check for the various reasons why you are applying for the extension. The bottom box is for "Other", but don't bother with it. I wrote my reason there and checked that box, but it wasn't good enough for them. They still wanted one of the other boxes checked anyway! hahaha It is hilarious. Why on earth have an "Other" category, if an "other" reason isn't sufficient? Anyway... if you read the text with the first box, it will seem like it doesn't apply and you'll probably stop reading that line, BUT if you read it all the way to the end where it says something like - OR any other reason under the sun. Well... not really, but that's essentially what it equates to because if I remember, it says something to the effect of - OR if the COVID situation for wherever you are going isn't resolved yet. So, that pretty much covers everybody, everywhere.
    In the end, they don't really care.
    If I get another extension, I'll just check that first box and they'll be happy.

  13. I live in Chiangmai. Not sure where you were doing yours. You mentioned a new location, so that to me meant Promenada, but you mentioned CW... and I have no idea where that is, so I'm guessing you're not in Chiangmai. At any rate, I did mine the other day and it took probably less than an hour or thereabout. I went at around 1400 or 1430.
    I think every immigration office does thing differently... surprise, surprise. Not that doing national government business uniformly should be expected in different locations ????  Process was the same as you mentioned with
    some differences:
    They did ask me to come back in 14 or 15 days for a stamp,
    They did not give me any paperwork for any possible next extension,

    They did tell me that there is no need to do a 90-day report w/ the extension,
    They did not say a word about any kind of time period to apply prior to a possible new 60-day extension, nor did I see anything posted regarding such.


    • Haha 1
  14. 6 hours ago, John Drake said:

    A personal experience. Two days ago, I went to a nearby private hospital to get medicine I take for a vestibular disorder.  It is Thai manufactured and a better alternative than the imported version. Couldn't get it. The physician checked with the hospital pharmacy when writing the prescription and they told him the company was in lockdown because of Covid and not shipping medicine for another month at least. The hospital was already out of the imported alternative. I visited a couple of private pharmacies until I found one with a couple of boxes of the imported med still in stock. More of this type thing will happen.

    Yep, a lot more. And there has already been plenty, but not reported. Just wait 5 years until the damning studies start coming in. And of course there will be some before that and even worse ones later. Due to the 2008 economic downturn in the US, studies showed that over 260,000 excess deaths occurred from cancer alone due to inability or restricted treatment availability. These days the situation is MUCH worse than at that time. If the US suffered that casualty number from only cancer deaths, I can't even imagine what the number is going to be from the fiasco of how governments are dealing with COVID-19. I recall a report from the UN that predicted over a million deaths of children in developing countries due to these nonsense measures governments are taking. So, just read between the lines with all of the other kinds of diseases not getting treatment, drugs not being available for all sorts of things, mental issues meteorically rising (some can be seen in the posts here...), suicide rising horrible, alcohol and drug abuse rising massively, and spouse and child abuse going in hand with that... etc ad nauseum.

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