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Posts posted by Sig

  1. Difficult to feel too sad, except for their customers. This is the only company in Chiangmai that demanded a 6 month advance payment to install. And that payment is only demanded of foreigners. Sinet was the only other company that would install to my condo beyond the 4th floor. There's no way I would do business with 3BB. I would rather move to a different condo that another provider could service if I had to. Keep on burning for all I care.

  2. 23 hours ago, canopy said:


    I am afraid you are the one who misread it because the word road does not appear in the article at all. It was called "the path of locals who needed to dump their garbage", hence my query on whether the dump site was even legal. Wouldn't be unusual if some of the locals were tossing trash into a public ravine for instance. Just look around. Don't give up though, maybe if you keep trying you can find something legitimate to complain about in my post. Because apparently opening one's mind to the possibility that any of the answers to the questions I posed could actually point towards guilt would be unthinkable.





    Apparently they were so happy about him taking matters into his own hands to clear this "road" that they called the authorities to bust him.



    You raised some other good questions, but this, I don't believe is one of them. I think the context is clear enough to make a safe assumption that it was blocking a road of some sort. It may not have been a paved road and therefore referred to as a path? But if the tree blocking the path caused people to drive into his land causing nuisance (another legal issue), then it would seem that a road of some sort was being blocked.  (“These locals then drove into Thongsuk’s plot of land, causing a nuisance.”) By the way, 'path' can be translated from more than one word in Thai that can be translated as 'road'. The author of the article is Thai, as is the person being quoted.

    And if "Justice Ministry deputy permanent |secretary Tawatchai Thaikyo" said that, "This tree blocked the path of locals who needed to dump their garbage at a dumpsite”. I'm inclined to believe it's more than likely a legitimate dump site. The official didn't call it an illegal dumpsite and he said they "needed" to dump their garbage there. Not "wanted" to litter and illegally dump.

    But your other questions are very good. And definitely should be cause for caution in wondering what on earth is up with this one. Having also lived in a very rural area, I cannot imagine for a second that somebody would call the authorities unless there's some bad blood somewhere. Jealousy, prior problems, who knows, but definitely not a happy friendly neighbor! Who knows, these old guys could be the jerks of the village and hated. But without some kind of evidence, other than just cutting up a dead tree, which they apparently never took possession of, it's pretty much impossible to know what they really had planned. Could be totally innocent as the article makes them out to be, or could be very conniving. If people were really driving on his land, I think he is justified since the government didn't take care of it properly. And if they wanted to nail him for anything, they should have waited to see what he did with the wood. Jailing them in this situation is pretty absurd. It's nothing that a written citation couldn't deal with, along with further investigation as needed. Just another abuse of authority....



  3. 1 hour ago, 6thST said:

    I think Mom needs 99 wacks with the stick.... Bitch!

    I'm guessing you only read the headline?
    You may want to actually read articles before you form ideas about them. Especially when in Thailand. The mom was not confessing guilt of keeping it quiet by accepting a bribe, as the headline may be interpreted by its ambiguous/poor wording. If you just read only the first line of the article you would have gotten enough to understand that... the mom said,


    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    that the teacher had tried to bribe her to hush it all up.

    TRIED is the operative word.
    If you read the second line it would have made it even more clear for you...


    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    But mother Bunseup Khanthong, 50 was not having that.

    Take an extra 30 seconds of your day to actually read articles if you really want to make an attempt at being informed.... :/

  4. 2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    So the abusive teacher's parents are C9 civil employees. Is that high up? Just asking because her having good connections will make this turn out like all the other rich on poor crimes. But good on the mom for refusing the bribe. People have to start doing this in these cases.

    Yes, it is quite high. Perhaps you could say very high. Civil service here goes up to C11 and there is only a handful at that rank, as in maybe 20? I'm not sure, maybe 30? I believe at C9 there are probably about 4,000 across the country among the quarter million or so civil servants. So, if both of her parents are really C9, they had to work to get there. Or, they had to work the bribery system to get there, one or the other. This teacher may just be offering a bribe going by what she learned from her parents. Who knows, maybe they are in on it. But then again, maybe they are fuming that their daughter had to drag them into the mess she's made. Who knows... but it sure is getting more and more convoluted and without the spotlight on it, in all liklihood it would disappear VERY quickly. Hopefully it won't and the teacher will be convicted of and suffer the due repercussions for child abuse, abuse of authority and bribery. It should be a painful consequence, like never being allowed into the civil service in any area at all, which with her connections is what she dreams of I'm sure. And she definitely should never be allowed in any kind of school employment, even if only admin! And banned from any job involving children. A year in prison on top of that and a hefty fine and settlement to the family should do well. Oh, and publish her picture after she is convicted of these allegations. Yes... I know... it seems like I forgot where I am. I doubt we'll here anything about any kind of reasonable outcome :(  So sad for that kid and mom... I wonder where dad is...? I'm guessing he doesn't have one or that teacher might already be dead or hospitalized.

  5. 16 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    Better not to fight here, unless you have more in your gang then they in theirs.


    1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    Could say the same for any country that have gangs?

    Nope, not the same everywhere. I've seen a number of fights (America) where the two sides/gangs let the guys (or even 2 or 3 on each side at a time) that have a beef with each other duke it out without interference from others, actually physically preventing others from getting involved. They only intervened when it was clear that one of them was going to die or be hospitalized for a long time if he didn't wise up and give up, but was too proud and stupid to do so. Some of them actually have a sense of honor, sometimes....

  6. For those of you who are for the beating, have you considered that the teacher is breaking the law? So often people on here look down on many things Thai because of an apparent local disregard for law. In this case it's funny how suddenly a law doesn't seem to matter to some TV posters and people say stuff like,

    17 minutes ago, riclag said:

    I hope the kid learned his lesson

    and other similar idiotic comments.
    Ever think that when a child sees (and experiences) an authority figure abusing their authority might grow up to disregard/disrespect authority? It has been shown over and over again. Not always, of course, but that isn't the point. Laws are usually put in place for a good reason. And when they are broken they need to be enforced. This teacher should get some punishment fitting her crime. I don't know what the books give for the penalty for this, but I hope they give the maximum.

  7. Utter nonsense.
    There are such a vast number of more important, and even interesting, news stories to cover every hour of every day it isn't even funny. This trash is what I'd expect to see in tabloid media. Why is it here? Sheer stupidity on so many levels, from the improper headline announcing the guilt of a man not even tried yet, to a woman who gets away with an assault in the presence of film crews and police, to comments that I won't comment on... all the way to myself wasting time to comment. I think I need to get a life after seeing how I wasted a few precious minutes of my life on this idiocy.
    TV, Please cover things that may actually matter.

  8. Interesting to see many of the replies here.
    But I can't help but think how horrible I'd feel if I was in the wrong, regardless of BAC levels, me being farang, they being Thai, or anything else... just wrong, and KILLED 2 people! Who cares who is Thai and who is farang? I sure wouldn't. Two people are dead....
    I don't think I'd be worried much about how much I'd be sued for. What can replace two people? It is incredibly sad.
    I wouldn't drive if I had a beer within the last 2 hours! It's just not worth it. The question would be in your mind for the rest of your life... would I have done something even just slightly differently if I had no alcohol in my system and 2 human beings may still be here today except for me?

  9. 28 minutes ago, seahorse said:


    Best post about this sad case.

    One small nitpick - how could people not think about sex if there's a woman on a motorbike sandwiched between two guys?


    Critique is great. Thanks for being polite. It seems rare around here...
    You said, "how could people not think about sex if there's a woman on a motorbike sandwiched between two guys?"
    Do you think that way when you see a grandma sandwiched between her grandsons?  Or a teenager sandwiched between her uncles? Or even if the guys in the previous examples were strangers...? Or even a guy between two girls? What does the gender of the riders have to do with the act of sex?? They are on a motorcycle going from point A to point B. Where does the idea of sex come into play? They are not in any kind of intimate relationship and have no reason for considering it for even a split second. Not to mention when it is against someone's will. I honestly don't know why the thought would enter the mind.  But, let's say someone doesn't have control of their sexual desires and is like a dog and willing to just take any member of the opposite sex at their convenience. They are human and live in a society in which all know it is unacceptable. So, he should not allow the girl on his bike if he knows he is a dog and won't be able to control himself. Otherwise, just like a dog that randomly attacks and bites people on the street, the death penalty is suitable.

  10. 3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    'She sat in the middle of the two men' 


    That is an extremely naive and in some ways provocative thing to do. What happened to this woman is inexusable BUT sitting in between two men on a motorbike??? How much room is there? Remember, we are dealing with farm boy numpties here.....What the hell was she thinking? I am going to be VERY unpopular in saying this but it WAS  slightly provocative for a western woman on her own to sandwich herself between two (perhaps obviously) drunk men. They deserve to have the key thrown away for what they did but where was her common sense? 

    Back when I lived in BKK, I saw foreign girls behave like this, actually MUCH more dangerous naive trusting behavior, a good number of times over the years. I've talked with some of them to warn them about how their behavior could bring about very bad consequences and if they continued that I am pretty sure it will sooner or later, probably sooner. BUT, a majority of these girls (Americans and Europeans) told me something along these lines - It is so much safer here than back home, I feel totally safe, the people are so kind... blah blah blah etc etc  They were confident that I was just a killjoy old jealous American and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, regardless of having been in the country over 10 years at that time. They were all new to the country (university exchange students) and had no clue at all about crime here. And a couple of them were from areas I know well, which have their good share of violent crime, but not comparable at all to Bangkok. And especially the difference on how women are looked on and how alluring and sexy these girls looked to Thai guys, even back home they would have been considered good looking. The context was usually when they were dressed scantily, tipsy or even barely able to walk drunk, and walking or getting motorcycle or  tuk tuk rides back to their room ( about 2 km), alone, at 2 in the morning.
    My point is, you would think they should know better, but they don't! I don't know about the poor girl in this case, but it sounds similar to what I saw (except no reason to think she was dressed in any sexy way or drunk). Although it seems crazy, and a complete lack of common sense, they are totally trusting and so joyful at being in this wonderful land of smiles that they put themselves in compromising positions without having a clue.
    I wish it could be the utopia they seem to think they are in....
    All that said, no women can possibly bear any responsibility for being raped. Period. There is never any justification for any rape of any kind for any reason. A woman SHOULD be able to sit between two guys on a motorcycle without anyone thinking about sex. What on earth does a ride on a motorcycle have to do with sex!? Just because your bodies are in contact, sex comes to mind??? Or whatever other excuse... it is incomprehensible as to why this is the case. Just what do people think sex is!? What is it's function, purpose, and place??? Such a low view of sex will just encourage the continuance of this animalistic behavior.
    I know many don't believe in the death penalty, but I sure do. Especially for rape and murder - and not just as a possible punishment, I think it should be a mandatory sentence.
    Sorry for babbling on so long....

  11. 8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Whats up with the thumbs up in the photo ?,

    blame the drink,blame anything,but having

    morals or a conscience,disturbing number 

    of Farang ladies been raped lately.

    regards worgeordie

    I momentarily thought the same thing, but if you look closely and think for a moment, you can be pretty sure that it is not a thumbs up sign. Usually a thumbs up sign has the fingers clenched and not open handed. I think he was using a gesture often used when explaining, proposing or asking something. It's difficult to describe in written form... maybe you know what I mean? Kind of like a rolling of the hand swiveling at the wrist. I would think the cameraman or editor should have had a better choice of pictures....

  12. 1 minute ago, Straight8 said:


    Listen to this guy.


    8 pages later still here, replying to posts. If it is such a waste of time, what are you doing here, I'm kinda confused.


    It's an open forum, people are allowed to share their opinions, are they not?


    So before you go and accusing me or anyone else putting someone down, re-check your posts & tell me who is putting who down.


    You wanna play the hero role, cool.. but  Stop being a hypocrite!!


    At least I got a laugh out of that one!
    "8 pages later still here, replying to posts..."  hahaha Very funny
    I guess it's just something you can't help, some kind of habit formed through your life. I wish the best for you to perhaps be able to see a positive side of something somewhere without being skeptical. I have no idea how you came about to speculate that I've been on here for 8 pages of comments!? I just made a comment a few minutes ago after reading the article and reading a few comments.
    Yep, all are free to share. And it would be nice if people could do it with some sort of reason and not so crude. Just a personal preference, if I'm allowed....
    Yep, I accused you of putting down the girl. Absolutely. If that is putting you down... so be it.
    Speaking of still commenting... I wonder how far back in the comments you started in.... I just came on a few minutes ago pal.
    Yeah, wasting time with you.
    No further

  13. 4 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

    Want to bet the most vocal critics have never been to a full moon party, or any kind of party for that matter? Most likely never even set foot on KP...? 


    Their envy is hidden with false modesty (I would never...), while their pretend indignation (how dare you...) is used to mask the obvious paranoia their bitch comments display. A kind of closeted hypocrite, armed with a keyboard and nasty disposition, spending way too much time alone, best years long gone.


    Add alcohol and the world is theirs... Young people wanting to have fun are condemned and anyone having a differing opinion is attacked without concern for manners, dignity, etc. etc.


    Just put Trumps face to their comments and it all makes sense?


    Yep, pretty much....
    I have been to the full moon party. Not my thing so much, but was with friends on a post wedding holiday trip to the island that coincided with one of these parties. They wanted to see what it was all about and I tagged along. I enjoyed being with people who were having a blast. And how can it be that I didn't even drink a drop of alcohol!? God forbid! I just don't care for it much, unless with a meal... no big deal.

    As for putting Trump's face to these people who seem to get a rise out of only finding the worst in anyone, except themselves of course, I think you could just as well put Clinton's face. Same same but different....

  14. 9 minutes ago, Straight8 said:


    Right, I have no idea, but you do ha genius?


    Aren't you speculating? Of course you are!! Your opinion is different to mine, hence your defensive reply.


    What are the odds, I am right and you are wrong.


    Gee....another one who believes in the tooth fairy.

    I'm not speculating squat. I was offering a viable opposing idea to your speculation. I have no clue what the true situation is and don't think speculation is productive. And especially such that only focuses on putting somebody down, somebody that for all you know is one of the nicest people you'd love to meet. Of course, they could be scum too. What good does it do to waste your time, and other reader's, speculating one way or the other, but especially what good does it do to trash somebody with no cause?
    I shouldn't even bother wasting my time responding except that I have a modicum of hope that even people who do this nonsense will take a hint and stop it.

  15. 1 minute ago, Straight8 said:


    Nah, she wouldn't have been drinking, she was there for some R&R, knitting booties for her baby... seriously!!!


    What are the odds, she was not drinking and not there to party??

    You have no idea whatsoever, so why bother speculating only for the worst of someone? Does it make you feel superior? Is that what floats your boat, to feel like you are better than others?
    It could be very likely that she found out she was pregnant upon traveling and being with a bunch of friends who were headed out to the party, why should she just stay in her room alone? Something wrong with hanging out with friends who are drinking while abstaining yourself? It is quite normal in my circles. Is there some reason why everyone needs to drink?

  16. Reading posts on here is about as enlightening as listening to a Clinton vs. Trump debate. It also becomes understandable why the likes of these posters would support either one of them. The number of assumptions flying about are so incredible it makes me wonder how people get along in life!
    Anybody with 2 brain cells working in tandem know that the hospital was scamming big time! But, then again, for those with no experience with much in Thailand, it is worth some of the explanations given about just how much of a scam shop this hospital is.
    But how on earth can anyone make any of the many ridiculous assertions made in here with absolutely no first-hand, or even second-hand, information.
    She was drinking? I've been to that party myself without drinking. And she very well may not have known she was pregnant when she came to Thailand over a month ago. She is apparently 3 months pregnant. That could be an approximation where she could be a bit over 2.5 months pregnant. It says she has been here a month. That could be an approximation where she may have been here 40 days or so. She could be one of the many women who do not have regular periods and wasn't particularly alarmed at not having a period in a month and a half or two. Some say, where is her husband/boyfriend? Is a girl not allowed to travel alone??? Apparently she has friends here and/or is traveling with friends. The insurance not covering pregnant women is not an issue to blame her about since nobody has a clue whether she knew she was pregnant when she went traveling.
    The number of idiotic comments on here are really astonishing. Did you guys grow up reading tabloid journalism believing it to be a reflection of the real world? I wish your UFO piloted by Jesus Christ would hurry up and get here to bring you home! You are ruining this site... making it an utter waste of time to read.

  17. On 12/6/2016 at 0:15 PM, Charlie1 said:

    I noticed that many Thais try to speak a not understandable "American English". They should be taught only by UK native speakers - the teachers, I mean.

    hahaha That's too funny. I suppose a UK native speaker from Newcastle would be your preference? No offense intended. I actually find all accents interesting, but in my travels I have found that many UK native accents are frequently incomprehensible to many around the world.

  18. 11 hours ago, balo said:


    I think we need to stop discussing what is the obvious thing , of course you have to pay extra if you're not following the normal route . Then I would choose Uber if I need to travel from A to B.  

    But my point is you can get away much cheaper if you have time to use the songtaews and know where you're heading. 



    Although I agree with you, as you can see, it isn't obvious to some... And he not only refuses to acknowledge what seems to be obvious, he adds insult on top of it.
    I can understand why people leave these forums even though they can be quite helpful sometimes.

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