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Posts posted by Sig

  1. 1 hour ago, Forza2002 said:

    Anutin needs to cut back on his medication as it's affecting his judgement. To prattle on about achieving herd immunity (70% of the population) by the end of Sept just isn't going to happen. Simple maths indicate that it would require 360,000 jabs daily starting from today to reach the 49M target (70% pop) which was the number recently quoted by the Czar. A developed country like the UK with an unlimited number of vaccine has only given 37M jabs (55% pop) to date... https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinations  


    Maybe they'll change the target when it becomes obvious even to the most dull, brainless individuals around that it isn't gonna happen. It can be "clarified" that what they meant was 70% of the vulnerable population over 60 years old! hahaha If they can't meet that... they've got bigger problems than even I thought!

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  2. "What do you see in a ladyboy?"
    I see a fellow human with some serious mental problems. Many of us have mental issues in myriad ways. But I believe we should support each other in order to help each other to not succumb to the problems we suffer from. In terms of the issues a ladyboy may suffer from, I do not believe that supporting them would mean to encourage them to embrace living the lifestyle of a gender that they are not (of course the definition of gender has become a modern-day catastrophe in itself). There is ample evidence that embracing the lifestyle as a different gender does not solve the problem, quite the opposite. Of course this is not society's presently espoused view, as it has taken a dramatic turn in modern days from centuries of how the vast majority of cultures on earth have understood the issue. It's fantastic that society has made great gains in understanding mental issues, but how this one seems to have been agreed upon by many to be treated is quite sad for the ones suffering from the mental issue. We try to help people suffering from psychopathy/sociopathy, narcissism, autism, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, PTSD, etc., etc., etc., but when it comes to gender dysphoria... it is an amazing thing to see how people respond to an issue that is as deep as sexuality is in each person's psyche. I wholeheartedly agree with some on here who have said that we should treat ladyboys with the same respect we treat any other person. They aren't any different than any of us in many ways, except perhaps one issue. And what issue that each other individual may have that is not as apparently obvious that they suffer from? We don't know, but many unseen issues other people have, whether they are aware of it or not, are a hell of a lot more deleterious than the mental problems suffered by ladyboys.

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  3. 15 hours ago, mwbrown said:

    Read it carefully, it says "for high risk groups."  Don't get yourself too worked up.

    well, I guess that would include all dirty farang according to our favorite minister... high risk for transmitting covid, for sure. Not that he would care if any farang died from it....

  4. 3 hours ago, Amdesign said:

    I was waiting Thai authorities tell us how they protect us. With vaccines, with medical facilities, care about elderies, with smart country management.


    Instead, they only terrify people with fines, bans, blocks, raids, imprisonment and detainment in 'field hospitals'. What else will come in their sick minds tomorrow?? Every 'small boss' now terrifies the population of his village - what an absurd fashion...




    Those expectations you were waiting on were a pretty tall order for this place! I can't imagine that you seriously expected those things... or even were "waiting". That would be one hell of a long wait! But yeah, we are in total agreement on the part about "sick minds". Not all that different from what I'd expect from a place like North Korea. Hmmm other similarities come to mind like how there are certain pictures, statues, and other trinkets with the image of certain beloved and cherished ones all around the countryside, in homes, businesses and everywhere else you can think of, even tattooed permanently right into some people's own skin! And many more similarities if one pays attention....

  5. On 4/24/2021 at 9:33 AM, smedly said:

    the need for wearing a mask outside is negligible unless you mixing very closely with masses of people or in a crowded place


    this is very obviously a money grab

    I agree that it is a money grab, although I think that is actually a convenient and happy (for them) secondary issue. I believe the primary reason is a combination of hysterical over-reaction to perceived (whether real or believed or even already proven to be a false narrative or not) danger combined with posturing to show that they really care and are doing their best to convince people to let them stay in power, all the while exercising their totalitarian control (and increasing it day by day) over the people who should know better and see through the charade, but are easily convinced by such face-saving actions, albeit scientifically dubious to say the least, and actually end up being happy that they have such tyrants in control over their lives.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Arrested 32-year-old SAEED ABOHSTAB of Syrian nationality (permission expired 2,612 days) and HOUDA MAGHANIM, Moroccan nationality, age 23, passport authorization expired 750 days)


    Middle Eastern AND People of Colour.... Thus those ridiculing the ‘geography’ and concentrating on one location perhaps need to improve the reading comprehension. 




    The ‘People of Colour’ comment is typically clumsy for a Thai announcement - What they really meant was ‘part of action against Middle Easterners and Africans’. 


    It’s profiling and in many of our Western Countries the Immigration Police would be accused of racism even when profiling brings results.

    "They were Syrian Saeed A., aged 32, and his wife Houda M., 23, from Morocco." As posted above, not as you have it written in your comment.
    It was written so poorly that I could see why, if someone was scanning the article rather than reading in any kind of careful manner, the country "Syrian" could be missed and passed right over as being the man's first name. That's how the grammar of the sentence reads, leading one to believe they are both from Morocco. And foreign names can be a funny thing, so they are very easy to subconsciously pass by without even trying to read them, but the brain knows the grammar already and goes with that.
    Not sure where you got your English version. It is very different from the version posted. Yours is quite clear. The article posted is not. The Thai language article is also quite clear. The translation in the post above is atrocious. It doesn't surprise me in the least that some would miss this point.

  7. On 4/12/2021 at 9:54 PM, FritsSikkink said:

    What a load of BS

    There are numerous studies showing this, even in the CDC's papers and vaccine manufacturers studies, not vaccine researchers out with an agenda. But if you prefer BS, then that's fine. Believe what you like. I prefer to believe that a good number of scientific studies with historical data over decades provide fairly good evidence for what sometimes happens. You perhaps may choose to believe that the manufacturers and the CDC are always are transparent and give all the information out in an unbiased manner. Just to let you know... they don't. There have even been some of the leading scientists who were involved in creating some vaccines come out to reveal these sorts of things. It doesn't mean that vaccines are a farce or that they are useless. It does mean that they are not what they are promoted to be.

  8. 3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Only if you pay 2,200

    That's the line at ONE hospital!?? After people who visited just 7 pubs were requested to get checked? Those must be some damn popular pubs! Big ones too!! I wouldn't want to assume such a condescending thing that there are a massive number of hysterical people driven into paranoid panic by the media and government, so I'm sure all of these people must have been patrons of those pubs. Maybe they just all happened to show up at the same time? There are far more than 50 hospitals in Bangkok... Maybe this one is super popular with pub goers?

  9. 36 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    government trust and authority is the backup, hence why it's called "fiat" currencies ????


    would you trust anarchy and "no central" authority for your currencies? ???? 

    I definitely don't consider an arbitrary decree (fiat) of any civil government to be backup to be relied upon by any stretch. Yes, I absolutely trust my currency to be better without a central authority's control over it! 1,000%! Or should I say 5,000%, which is the profit that I just made from my most recent crypto coin sell, a couple of weeks ago. Every fiat currency in history fails. Gold hasn't failed, silver hasn't failed. Pretty much any physical resource can act as a currency on some limited basis. The government tries regulating everything since they see themselves as the owner of pretty much everything, but they can only control what people allow them to control. Trusting their decree is nuts IMO. It can be useful, but I certainly wouldn't depend on it, let alone trust it for a nanosecond.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    My personal experience,

    After age 40 in the UK, once a month or less, all my pals admitted to the same restrictions.

    After age 52 in Thailand, 3x a day for the first 2 years dropping to 2x a week at age 65.


    I certainly didn't feel my marriage in the UK was anything but normal.

    Interesting. I suppose there could be a large difference between the U.K. and America. But that's a pretty huge difference! That would definitely be out of any norm I've ever heard of from friends with decent marriages back home in America. And 3x a day is definitely amazingly far outside of the norm on the other end of the spectrum! Sounds tiring, even at 52! Maybe when I was in my 40's? But even then... wow, 3x/day, 21x/week, 1,095x/year hahaha Everybody's different, that's for sure! Glad you're resting a bit more now ????

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I would say no sex is entirely normal in western marriages after the woman has popped a couple of kids (or over age 40). Which is why we're all in Thailand. 

    That's an interesting conclusion. Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but interesting. I have not heard of that situation from any friend back home, except one who is an absolutely <deleted> husband and father and on top of that, his wife suffers psychologically from being sexually abused by her father at a young age and my friend doesn't do much AT ALL to try making things better... They have a horrible marriage. They are 70 years old, I don't believe any of the others I know are under 40. Probably all at the very least, 45+. The ones you refer to sound like they must be pretty unhappy marriages. It sure doesn't sound normal AT ALL.
    But your comment intrigued me, so I did a quick search...
    Just for the heck of it, I'll share a couple of quotes:
    "...researchers at the Kinsey Institute found... Those in the 40 to 49 age group manage to have sex only 69 times per year..." https://www.medicaldaily.com/am-i-normal-average-sex-frequency-week-linked-age-421328
    They didn't show stats beyond the age of 49.

    "... the decline with age is not a very pronounced one. Married 30-year-olds report a sexual frequency (about 1.5 times per week) not dramatically different from that of married 50-year-olds (about once a week). By contrast, never-married singles report notably less sex at every age. So neither marriage nor advancing age spells the end of a consistent sexual relationship."  http://relationshipsinamerica.com/relationships-and-sex/how-often-do-americans-have-sex

    They also didn't show any stat over this age other than a graph that showed an expected slight decline.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    Yeah, you're right, he should spend another 20 years living with a woman that won't have sex with him.

    I must have missed that part... I don't recall him saying that was a problem. If I recall correctly, he said he loves his wife, but apparently wants a wild sex life with other people. I don't recall him saying anything about lousy sex with his wife at all. But even if it were, his love for her is what he makes it. And he sure doesn't appear to be trying very hard to make it anything. By the way, it is very common for people to love each other without sex. I guess that's difficult to fathom for some people. Of course it wouldn't be normal in a marriage, but then again, that wasn't even alluded to as being any problem here. He said it was just a shift in his own mentality. Pretty much everything focused on himself.

  13. Difficult to imagine this could be real, but being on TV... well... I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
    You've "developed numerous deep and emotional long term relationships during these trips"??? You must have a different definition of "deep" and "long term". You haven't been around for anything to be long term! And "deep"? I couldn't help but laugh as I read that. I can't even fathom how self-centered one needs to be to come remotely close to considering what you wrote. What a beautiful love you profess for your wife and kids to be so willing to just dump them to get your rocks off with some young girls. I'll guarantee that none of those girls were from a family of any kind of decent education and wealth. And by the way, a decent education is nearly impossible to be found in this country, so I couldn't care less what prestigious university she went to here. Even at the best, there are few programs that are worth their salt. And beyond academic education, if a Thai girl hasn't spent a relatively significant time in foreign countries, it would be a very rare one that would have that kind of education that would make her a decent chance of being what you seem to think. You sound like the typical guy who has ZERO clue about the culture here and has a wild imagination about what it is. It is definitely NOT what you think it is. (Don't get me wrong, there are definitely very decent women here, but they sure aren't going to be interested in a guy like you!) If you do come, I'd bet that after 10 years or so, you may wise up, but by then it'll be too late and your life will be so incredibly far from what you had imagined it would be that it isn't even funny. But you got a few years of great fun! Now the rest of your years are utter <deleted>. Do you have any idea how many older western guys are living in a miserable daily grind of life here after chasing the dream??? In the meanwhile, leaving good people behind and destroying what could otherwise be a good legacy helping future generations to be stronger rather than disabling them. I've met Thai people who were connected with an older farang who died and whose family back home couldn't care less and didn't want anything to do with helping with any arrangements after his death. The Thais were astonished and appalled at their behavior, but they didn't seem to realize that it was the making of the selfish imbecile who left a path of emotional/psychological destruction behind him. Of course the children and other relatives wanted nothing to do with the fool and anything he left behind! Other than any cash, they could not care one iota. To leave behind what can be repaired and maintained to be a real life for a fantasy that will inevitably lead to emptiness with a veneer of fun, is so unbelievably foolish. Some can fool themselves to continue on like that, but do you know how many farang end up committing suicide here? And how many languish in loneliness and on and on....
    Of course there are exceptions to the norm. But by far and away, in my few decades, that is what I've seen. Get a better counselor and/or doctor and get your life together. Learn what love is. It has nothing to do with your wife in bed, by the way. Consider your children. Some say, they'll get over it. Maybe. If they do, they'll do it with zero respect to you, even if they are nice enough to keep a happy face. And they will have nothing good to say to their children about their grandfather. I'd say that even if you only care about your own "happiness" and don't give a flying F*@# about anybody else, then it is still an unbelievably bad idea to consider what you are. The odds of it turning out well and with happiness are so amazingly slim, it's like throwing your entire investment profile into a penny stock that nobody has ever heard of, and that company spent nearly everything they have in advertising to attract your investment. Good luck with that.

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  14. 9 hours ago, ukrules said:


    Not really, these massive NASDAQ listed companies have already found a 100% compliant and legal way to purchase long term Bitcoin holdings using the law as it stands right now.


    That's why they're doing it, and Michael Saylor (CEO MSTR) just gave the millions of dollars and many months of legal research that his company paid for away to anyone who wants it.


    It may take a few months to follow the Saylor guidelines, so inside a couple of months time I think we're going to see something unlike anything that's came before.


    Buckle up - things are about to get very real.


    These people have a habit of giving endless reasons for Americans to move their assets out of the country and out of the control of the manipulating U.S. controllers and their cohorts. Any American doing anything with cryptocurrency connected to any exchange that is under U.S. oversight and connected to any U.S. bank, is nuts.

  15. On 1/22/2021 at 9:12 AM, VocalNeal said:


    Yes it is wonderful there amd not colisions at all.?

    Of course everyone knows there are collisions there. The OP was stating from his 25 year experience. I'll give you another experience.... I drove there for about 30 years with no collisions. My mother drove there for about 70 years with no collisions. My sister has been driving there for about 40 years with no collisions. My younger brother/hot rodder has been driving there for about 35 years with one collision while racing hahaha. And my older brother about 45 years with no collisions. In the 20 years here in Thailand, I've been in 4 accidents.... ???? None of them my fault by the way.....

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