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Posts posted by Sig

  1. 9 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    It's been pointed out before that the cameras will only record the front of the vehicle, Moto's licenses are on the rear.............Its feasible they actually traced him with the camera's.

    Not sure what the context was or where that was pointed out, but I can see that would likely be the case for major thoroughfares like the road going to HangDong. On the other hand, I have seen cameras pointed in directions that would catch the rear or cars in numerous places. And I have seen cctv pics of license plates on motorcycles. On top of this, Phuket had a contract to have cameras installed that would issue fines automatically for cars as well as motorcycles. They specifically mentioned motorcycle plates would be caught to be used in sending out fines. Although I haven't heard about anything specifically like this in Chiangmai, it's not hard to see how just regular cctv in sois or shopping areas could catch plates of vehicles in both directions since the lanes are quite small.
    But yes, it is feasible that they could trace him to nearby his home, as I mentioned. I was just thinking that would be the last resort when much easier options seem like they could very likely be available.

  2. 3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Since similar conduct was practiced by his father and grandfather, I guess they were insane too. And yet they endured and died of old age. Which means that they had a firm grasp of what it took to hold on to power.  And they certainly weren't suicidal. And there's no evidence to suggest that Kim Jong Un the bon vivant is either. And, as I've pointed out earlier, genuine experts - i suspect given your past performance that you don't know what "expert" means - on North Korea don't think that Kim Jong Un is insane. It may be an ugly twisted world he lives in, but he knows what it takes to survive  in it.

    It's almost funny reading the ridiculous debates about Un being "insane". Arguing that he is not insane, with a clinical definition, when nobody clearly proposed such a definition but used the term in normal conversational parlance is insane. hahaha
    It may help you understand what people mean if you look up the term insane in a thesaurus. It is a completely appropriate word to use to describe Un. The guy is off his rocker, crazy, a nutcase, psycho, bizarre, irresponsible, etc.... Perhaps you think he's normal... ok....

  3. 10 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    You have better / more information than Forbes? Please share!


    Anyway, my point is that there is no reason to single out the Shins.

    They are no better and no worse than other - more rich - thieving hiso.


    Clear now?


    You can believe Forbes as much as you like, doesn't bother me. I just makes me wonder... and speaking of wonder... I wonder if you happened to notice any high level royalty (or any at all for that matter) on the list? You really think that list is accurate?
    Anyway... I still don't know why the need to compare the level of rich Thais in the context of this article and in relation to my comment (even if there is an accurate list to be found). I definitely don't agree that all of the very wealthy are equally corrupt by any stretch of the imagination. That is a pretty incredible idea, to say the least. But again, it has no bearing on my original comment nor does it have any bearing on the article posted.
    So, no, sorry, to answer your question - not clear at all.
    I have no idea what your point is in relation to the article. If you happened to notice, the article is about a particular person, not about ALL rich and/or "hiso" Thai people. Bringing them in to compare is a distraction, far off point. But if you're just trying to make your own point... ok, interesting point that has nothing to do with this thread, which is about one particular person who is accused of committing a particular crime. If you want to call that singling somebody out, so be it. But I don't think it is realistic to demand journalists to always need to include every other person who may possibly be guilty of the same thing as the person who is the topic of their article. Do you have a problem with every article that focuses on a particular person and doesn't call out every other person who may have an equivalent kind of issue whether good or bad? Or is it only this particular family that you don't like people focusing on? You can always refuse reading or commenting on them if that's the case. That should make it easier for you not needing to put yourself in a place that brings frustration. And if you want to accuse every other living wealthy Thai person of equivalent crimes or immorality, you are free to do so, but I fail to see any relevance, benefit, reality or even plausibility. I guess I don't need to. To each their own....

  4. On 8/28/2017 at 8:59 PM, oldhippy said:

    I agree that the Shins are filthily rich.

    But they are NOT in Forbe's top 10 - there are many far more filthily rich Thais.

    Do these other hiso help Thailand?


    here is the top 50



    Not sure why you quoted me for your post...?  I never mentioned anything about Forbes or compared them with other wealthy Thais. Whether or not other wealthy Thais help Thailand is irrelevant. Interesting list though those can be misleading since some are better at hiding their wealth than others. But at least one will know they are on there for a reason. I just wouldn't put much stock into the order.

  5. 4 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    There have been a few stories about foreigners getting caught with the use of several CCTV's and this case probably had to use many to catch him. The CCTV cameras seem to not work as well or are broken with many reported cases involving Thai crimes against foreigners however. 


    I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this is a fabrication just to make people think they are really good with those cameras or to make people think twice about trying to get away with crimes. They could have perhaps even more easily gotten his plate number from a camera right by the shop and traced his registration to him in a matter of minutes. Well... not sure if they are set up well enough here to do it that fast, but nonetheless it should be very simple without needing to check who knows how many cameras. That sounds ridiculous... as if there are cameras right to his doorstep!? Give me a break. It sounds very contrived. But I'll grant that it is certainly possible since they'd only need to get to the entrance of the village he lives in and then scour the village for the bike, assuming it wasn't hidden, but tracing the registration would be one hell of a lot easier!

  6. Just now, DLang said:


    And if the verdict came back not guilty!



    Of course that's impossible as it was all decided long ago by the Junta. 

    I can't even imagine by the remotest sense of any kind of reality, other than that created by blind personality cult followers, that she is anything other than guilty. And I've never seen any kind of argument that holds an ounce of water that would make me even think for a moment that there might be some scintilla of evidence somewhere that might show her to be innocent. I remember the very first time the whole idea of the rice scam was floated. It was obvious on its face that it could not possibly succeed and was obviously just a piggy bank for the insanely corrupt elite. I was shocked when it eventually actually got enacted... well not really shocked since I know where I am, but no sane and moral person would have ever given the plan a second glance. She is culpable to the nth degree. And now, apparently, she goes and hides out with her likewise corrupt immoral brother. They are so extremely wealthy, if they really cared about Thailand, why don't they use their wealth for something to help Thailand rather than just helping themselves and their friends gain more wealth? Their political machinations have been for no other purpose than to use the country to line their coffers. They are fraudsters to the nines and have no conscience.

  7. On 8/20/2017 at 5:29 PM, BernieOnTour said:

    Actually, I think, there's a big difference between International Studies for a  -whatever- bachelor and International Thai language programs.


    In Payap, the only Thai in the class is the teacher, all students are foreigners. Despite its Christian roots, they don't bother you with that Christian bull.sh.

    As said before, Chiang Mai University is only second choice.


    Chulalongkorn is also said to offer a good Thai course, but they seem to be one of the thoughest schools. Their language exam, however, is well accepted. http://womenlearnthai.com/index.php/chulas-thai-test-for-foreigners-cu-tfl/

    I think I may have confused you by mentioning both the international program I was in for Thai language for foreigners and then I mentioned classes with Thai students. The classes with Thai students were classes for the minor degree I was also studying alongside my major of Thai language for foreigners. The international program of Thai language for foreigners was actually even worse. The professors were all academics who were experts in Thai language, Sanskrit, or linguistics. NONE of them had any expertise at all in teaching Thai language to foreigners, which is a completely different field in itself. There are massive differences in theory, curriculum, and etc. They were pretty much clueless. And the curriculum that was "developed" was not so bad in its description, but in practice it was a joke. One will learn much better in a private language school, assuming it isn't one of the typical ones that operates pretty much like the universities and nobody has training in teaching language as a second language, and in particular Thai as a second language. There are very few who have such training. I only know about one university that has a program to teach prospective Thai teachers this specifically, although of course there may be more as this area of study is gaining more demand.
    I didn't know Payap and CMU had bachelor's degrees for Thai language for foreigners. Perhaps they are new programs. Back when I studied, the field was extremely limited and most universities that had anything at all for teaching foreigner's Thai language only had short programs that nowhere came near to any kind of 4 year bachelor's program. Some had "Thai Studies" programs with some Thai language classes sprinkled in. The last I heard, Chula didn't have a bachelor's program in it either, although they do have a couple of programs for foreigners who want to learn some Thai. But they stress the same thing... they say that their professors are experts in Thai language and linguistics. This sadly misses the needed requirements for teaching a language as a second language. But I know that they are currently trying to develop these things. It is just that this field is in its infancy in Thailand. And being that the education system is the way it is here... that infancy might last a long time!
    By the way, that test of Thai language proficiency that you linked to is just how the writer explained it! It is no walk in the park!! I have also taken the CU-TEP (Chula Test of English Proficiency). It wasn't so easy either, but it was a lot easier than the CU-TFL (their test of Thai as a foreign language)! The CU-TFL will have you sweating bullets! People think their Thai is pretty good until they take that test!
    By the way, not everyone thinks Christian stuff is "bull.sh.", even non-Christians who have done any kind of serious study and don't just listen to the nonsense put out in the media and other less scholarly books, respect the scholarship in Christendom and can respect other people's faith, whether Christian or Buddhist or whatever.... just sayin....
    Good luck with your studies! (assuming you're still studying...)

  8. On 8/20/2017 at 6:56 AM, LannaGuy said:

    Agreed but Farang owned and leased condos/house are much cleaner to be fair. Thais, generally, don't care about cleanliness and will throw litter everywhere without a thought.

    Yes, you're right, no doubt about that. But even the maids that clean in those places still have their standard of "clean" that I can't quite see the point in paying for. I just clean up after myself. It isn't very difficult. Have you ever seen them use a mop? They do of course get some of the dirt, but much of what they do is just spreading the dirt around. It's almost funny. Examples abound.... in the end, it's just a different idea of what "clean" is. I could live with it if I were camping, but I'm not camping.....

  9. On 8/20/2017 at 5:34 AM, Thian said:

    Have you never been in a moobaan sir?

    Of course... I don't live in a bubble, but I'm not sure how that would have any bearing. Some "moobaan" are dumps and some are really nice. I've been in both. Never been in multimillionare's homes, but been in some fairly wealthy households and they still weren't as clean as I prefer to live in, even with their multiple maids. They just have a different standard of "clean", that's all.

  10. Just now, DavisH said:

    Actually Thais are generally very clean in terms of their own personal space. It's the public areas they treat as their own rubbish dump. 

    Wow! That is an amazing statement! We must know VERY different Thai people!
    I've been here over 15 years and in and out of many homes, condos, and apartments over the years. I don't recall ever seeing a place that would feel comfortable (in standards of cleanliness) for me to live in. Some weren't too bad, but I definitely wouldn't say they qualified as "very clean"! Many of these places even have more than one maid, but are still not as clean as my place, which I keep clean myself because I've never met a Thai who had a standard close enough to pay them for the job.

  11. Just now, longgone said:

    Who's Taylor Swift?

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Just now, rooster59 said:

    FILE PHOTO: Singer-Songwriter Taylor Swift arrives at.....

    Just now, rooster59 said:

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Taylor Swift, one of the most popular celebrities on social media,.....


    Just now, rooster59 said:

    ...the pop singer...

    Just now, rooster59 said:

    the country-turned-pop star....


    They even have her age in the article! There's more info than I need to know about her in the article.
    Can you read English?
    You formulated a question in English. I suppose you can read it too.

    Just now, rooster59 said:

    Swift, who has 85 million Twitter followers and 102 million Instagram followers...

    Apparently she's a little more famous for anybody to be able to feign ignorance about who she is.
    I haven't watched TV in over 20 years, don't listen to the radio, rarely watch American news, but know who she is. And even if I didn't the article provides more than enough info for any cave dweller.

  12. I was transiting through BKK the other day and spent a couple of days visiting friends. My very first day out from the hotel, within a hundred meters, I had to quickly step aside as I approached an intersection when a motorcycle cop hopped on the sidewalk from around the corner and definitely impeded my safe progress and I jumped to the side. I'd report idiots like that anytime, especially police. But in the area I live, most riders who go on the sidewalk do so carefully and often give thanks or apologize as they pass slowly by. I wouldn't report them.
    I don't believe it's a black and white issue. It can also be perfectly safe to drive a motorcycle on sidewalks in given conditions. A motorcycle can be driven just as safely as a bicycle. So if the conditions merit, I don't think anything should be done about safe drivers. Safety is the issue, not just motorcycles on the sidewalk or not.
    The last thing we need is a bunch of do-gooders reporting on the populace willy nilly instead of the police actually doing their job to stop unsafe drivers.

  13. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    “He admitted feeling angry, and failed to find the proper words to request that the foreigner delete the clip.”

    Shouldn't embarrassment and shame be the appropriate feeling when you broke a rule or social norm in another country???? Anger?? <deleted> Who the hell does he think he is?
    If it weren't for this kind of rude attitude, I could easily find room to say, 'no problem, just try to pay attention better please. We care about taking care of things and keeping things in order here.'
    But this along with pulling the race card!? OMG that's the last straw. Get your ass out of the country and go home where you obviously fit in better!
    All that said, I wouldn't condone some sort of social media witch hunt. That is taking things too far. If someone knows their contact that well, maybe they could get Yellowstone to write them a letter asking them to respect the park rules or refrain from visiting again. That should be more than enough for a simple stupid mistake (unfortunately blown out of proportion with lame brain self centered excuses, since apparently since they are "from Thailand", that means they are better than anyone else - or more idiotic? - and should be allowed to tromp all over any place they want)

  14. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Just when you thought the incompetence was being worked on, an incident like this comes along and shows that these folks just never learn. Flying long haul and having a queue anything more than 20-30 minutes is just not acceptable.

    I just came back over the weekend.
    After 28 hours of travel... the wait for me was just about 1 hour 20 minutes. I felt lucky! I have been in much worse there. I can hardly recall a time coming through here in less than an hour... I don't believe I've been quite that lucky before. I sure hope somebody gets a handle on this... even at the hour and twenty that I waited, I was VERY ready to sit down and rest. These lines are really insane.

  15. I graduated from a Thai university. I didn't take part in their nonsense and since I'm a foreigner and was quite a bit older than the usual student, they didn't expect me to take part anyway, but hazing is a complete norm. It is verbally discouraged and/or banned by the universities, but then when the time comes around for the activities, the university grants them usage of various spaces to carry out the exact activities that are supposedly banned. And professors come to watch ("supervise") all the while smiling and laughing. Most of it is not harmful like this, but much of what I saw in the 4 years I wasted at the university could very easily be psychologically damaging for many individuals and if nothing else, extremely degrading and demoralizing. Although some that I talked to about it actually thought it was fun! Some of it can be, but there are many things that are truly inhumane. Most of it is just stupid and childish. But, it is unbelievable the kind of crap they do, all under the direct supervision of professors! Of course there will always be those that go to the extreme and these kinds of incidents will inevitably come about. Just raise your kids to have some common sense in the first place and not take part in such stupidity. They may get ostracized, but who cares! The kind of idiots that ostracize them aren't people they should care to be friends with anyway.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    The story of this being about a 10 baht toilet fee is total BS!


    The report I read elsewhere is about the attendant taking pics of the girls in the toilet on his mobile. They returned with their male friends to retrieve those pics. It's the only reasonable explanation to be ascertained from the actions on that video.

    The naivety of many posters here continues to astound me!

    I'm not going to join the "guess the age of the attendant" game.

    By the body language in the video, that was what my guess was about what happened. Since when does any worker care to stash their phone so quickly when somebody comes to talk to them? This worker sure did. And the girls were the ones doing the talking and I guess accusing, not the blue shirted guy. The fight then started over the phone... hmmmm
    Well, We don't really know what happened, but it sure seems HIGHLY likely that the story here is total BS, just as you said. I wouldn't think of reporting who that blue shirted guy is for such a fake story, especially to some random video poster offering a little reward!? Why? So he can go get his revenge? Seems to me that the police should look into following up on the phone numbers that Facebook user who posted the video. And the Phuket Gazette went and published the phone numbers as well!!?? <deleted> For a story that looks fake as hell and that they have no way at all of verifying.... The Phuket Gazette must be one of the regular arm chair judges posting on TVF!

  17. 8 minutes ago, smedly said:

    actually the very wording of the headline says it all.


    How about 


    Thai Man Pulls across road in front of other bike causing accident

    We must be reading different articles.... That's really weird....
    The headline of the article I read that is attached to this forum post says, "Two dead as foreigner on powerful bike hits local in Phetchabun"
    Of course, my assumption is along the lines of what I think you are leaning toward, that it is the fault of the older man who was apparently crossing the road improperly. My point is that we don't really know with certainty. As usual, these articles are very poorly translated and leave nearly everything up to speculation with a dearth of details. Nothing in the article that I noticed was clearly stating anything done wrong by either party.

  18. 45 minutes ago, DLang said:


    Yes, one of them was 100% to blame for it.


    The one illegally pulling across the other's lane (on a blind corner).



    Hard to assign blame without actually seeing it. And the article doesn't give enough info to know either.
    Obviously, IF the older guy was crossing at a blind area it would be insanely stupid and dangerous, although the norm here.... But actually, we don't know for sure he was crossing at a blind spot. According to the article the police said it was LIKELY that he was crossing there. Nothing is clear about this in order to assign blame. And I don't know any way of knowing if the driver of the big bike was going too fast or not. The article doesn't say. All ideas of guilt are purely hypothetical and nonsensical to pass such verdicts.
    But of course, that won't stop the court of TVF! It is hilarious to read the predictable verdicts of guilt without evidence. It just advertises how poorly one reads or how badly one uses any kind of critical thinking, all while (as so often posted) looking down on Thais for lacking such....

  19. On 5/6/2017 at 11:56 AM, ujayujay said:

    Whats your Problem: Its a no go in a National park area. Some People just understand the hard Way beqause too stupid.

    I'm guessing that English isn't your native language, so I won't say much back to you except to let you know that it is very apparent that you completely misunderstood my comment. You might not want to address people so strongly with attacking language when you don't even understand what you read. I guess you thought you understood.... I'd recommend reading carefully.

  20. On 5/5/2017 at 7:40 PM, sambum said:

    If you would care to check back a few posts, I think that you will find that Starky was replying to my Post # 105 and not to you!


    And I answered that myself in Post # 109!


    As someone said sarcastically to me a while ago "Please try to keep up!"

    Yep,  you're right. And if you'd care to check back, you'll see that his comment came immediately after mine. Perhaps you could see why I might have misunderstood? No need to be snarky.  TVF has more than enough of that crap already


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