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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Top complaint was about the lottery? I don't understand it. But it seems like winners don't get paid in full. Sis in law won a small one and it sounded like the seller got the money then paid her a portion. But perhaps they were talking about the other lotto? Also it was accepted in BKK that the price was higher than the govt price. I never understood that. 100 rather than 80 is 25% profit plus the sellers normal amount. I was thinking all those poor sellers but they are just the first face of corruption that Thai people learn to accept.
  2. Ah! The softer side of you gents. Goid Bread is something I crave when in Thailand. This thread makes me hungry. We have a sour dough starter. My favorite recipe is a honey beer miche you can find at https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/honey-beer-miche-recipe But it does take lots of work. Fun thing is it calls for 299g beer so a 12oz let's you have a sip in the morning. A coffee stout or a chocolate porter are winners. But a Guinness will do in a pinch.
  3. Show us pictures? Maybe a flood car? Maybe it's normal looking underside.
  4. So those who have umpteen tickets from 5 years ago no penalty? And if you don't pay just lose 1 point and 2000 baht? But you gets your registration? Seems like it should be 2000 and 1 point every day late. I bet who ever controls the points is making bank. But if you have a govt ID you don't need to worry about getting a ticket in the first place is what one gal told me as we sped up to CM
  5. Coming to a town near you. We get some bad days in Utah when those big California fires blow this way or we have a local forest fire. We get some inversions too. Is that 5x the Thai level or 8x the WHO level for on 2.5?
  6. So many people don't read before posting. It's 6 month old building it was his first day and he cranked it to 20c. I assume he was unpacking and needed it cool. Maybe the nearby units, sides, below, above are empty? A big factor. Is it a Corner unit with more outside walls? South exposure? I'm guessing room was hot? Remember heat transfer is proportional to the delta T to the 4th power.
  7. If they keep finding corruption in police there will be lots of defaults on car loans and home loans coming unless they raise the salary of all. Seems all you need to do is examine the finances of 100 each of random police and immigration officers to find what % are in the take. I bet a high % are relying on extra income for house and car payments. And this means the bank loan officers are ok with this. My wife has basically said it's everywhere so people just accept it as normal. But it seems like she is seeing the light.
  8. Talk about pedantic! That's a better title for this thread. I am bilingual in units of temperature, distance, mass, force,beauty, and sexiness. May I suggest some of you memorize 25.4, 1.7, 2.2. or type in Google. "1/16" and select "1/16 to mm". Pick a calculator description to read. You don't usually even have to click a website to read. 1/16"= 1.5875mm!! Join us in 2023 and enjoy!! I used 1/16" because that is what Bosch states on the laser measurement tools sold here in USA and it's 1/16" for the under 200$ model that I own. There are Bosch models under 100usd that have an accuracy of +/-3mm. But heaven forbid the packaging says +/-1/8". Many finish carpenters on YouTube are not using tapes anymore as these modern tools are so handy, precise and accurate. They cut baseboards and crown moulding without a tape. Realtors have had similar, less accurate, devices for 20 years. It seems the OP wishes to have a CADD floor plan file of some extension he can load into a furniture arrangement program. Perhaps if you ask the builder to ask the architect to provide a simple vector drawing of the wall plans. He maybe less worried about you stealing the design work. Go find out which fike ext types your furniture layout program uses and ask for those fille types https://fileinfo.com/filetypes/cadoor measure and Make paper cutout of furniture.
  9. Simple Bosch handheld Lazer measuring devices start at under 100usd. They are amazing accurate if you spend 200$ like 1/16". They have an area feature. About the size of a small backpacking gps unit. Take maybe 2 hours to make an accurate drawing
  10. What do they put in a ping pong ball to create these? Wonder how they ignite? Fuse or on contact?
  11. I sizes and installed my dual Aircon heaters in an accessory apartment. Aircon requirements were almost null because walk out basement with cooled room above. I used LG red. I looked into the cassette for main area but couldn't fit it in the ceiling. I don't understand the Feng shui issue? I know stairs not supposed to head out the door or that's what will happen to your money. Can't a cassette be placed off center and perhaps 1 vent closed? Heat flow is proportional to the Temp delta to the 4th power. So if course your comfort setting matters in sizing. But fan speed and temp are all controlled via remote. And the remote can even be placed anywhere and is the thermostat. I loved having this during love making in Thailand. This is a well built GH and shaded. Are your various calculation all using the actual window measurements? Sorry I don't have a good feel for mini split Aircon sizing. But I used a 7k unit in 12sq m back bedroom mostly below ground and heated ceiling from home above. 9k in 16 SQ m room with 1 outside wall. 18k in 27k kitchen living area. And for sure heating Delta temps here higher than Thailands cooking. 20f outside 70 in 50 delta. Vs 99f and 74 for 25 delta in Thailand.
  12. If you are careful and pick the right woman for a wife there should be no need. IMHO
  13. So we now know the bungee cord was 7 years old. Never take any blame. Just like my Thai wife. After 5 years together I have finally got her to say she was sorry 2 times, and she made a mistake recently. What you guys fretting about the 22,000 for? Any western doc who saw the fall would want to do MRI, cat scan plus other tests, looking for micro fractures, plus the lung infection which I can arrest to. I got a lung infection 2 times in Thailand. Once from mouldy hotel Aircon, one time from tuk tuk ride in BKK during a rain. Lung infection would take a couple days to get bothersome. 3rd World country with first world ways to part people with their money.
  14. I love threads like this. It may givee hope an OCD , AR, guy like me wouldn't die if you make it. Haha. My first thoughts. Check on termite system! In Vietnam the builder used some type of poison powder he put around the inside of the beams on the main floor. I would have to look at my pictures and video to recall for sure but I think it was just before spreading out the pile of sand ,with a few bags of portland, that was mixed by shovels in the center of the room. This 75-100 mm of dry pack mud was the floor, tile was laid on top just hours after using a Portland slurry? This was on top of poorly compacted fill of 80-100 cm hauled in be wheelbarrow loads, pushed up a ramp by the women 2 days before. I was concerned about no compaction. The next day they flooded the area and people were sinking up to their knees as they did some march compaction dance. 2nd thought was is it ok to have septic tank under a slab? Or tucked in between beam? I guess it will have a pump access and should last a long time. What is a Dos hero made out of? 3rd concern was seeing the rebar thinking it was going to not be surrounded by a continuous fresh pour so water intrusion in the dry joint would cause rust. Glad they will raise it up. I am still wondering about the need for the mortar slab. But I guess it is a way to stabilize things so the supports don't move and if they move the mortar will show cracking. And also less chance of leakage under the forms during a pour. Probably only took a few hours. And can mark heights from the laser that would be more permanent than stakes that could get bumped during the form building. I've seen those cement puck spacers used. I guess that is a cheaper stronger way than relying on those plastic towers. When labor is so cheap. I did wonder what that low shade cloth was for? The boss probably sets up under the big one? I'm sure your current spreadsheet items will each get several subsets of their own. Proper prior planning prevenith <deleted> poor performance. The 7 Ps as my old salty boss on the javi program used to say.
  15. I didn't see the picture of these cane marks. But I got sent to the principal with a buddy. It was justified. It was serious to get sent to his office. He had us touch our toes and we each got 3 wacks with a 12-18" ruler. I teared up I recall but the ruler broke on my buddies ass so we laughed after. I dont think it left a mark and I do think it was positive in my life to learn there are repercussions if you goof off. I think there were a few times at home in late 60s I chose the belt over days of being grounded to my room. I've seen these lazy, chubby ,video playing Thai boys. They don't seem to be required to do anything around the house. In fact it is similar for even 17ye old school girls. You guys complain about all the crazy young men. So what is your plan? I can't imagine trying to teach a grade school class over 40.
  16. Deposit doesn't mean it is all returned. In this case it was a deposit to give the possible Tennant time to decide. If the entire deposit was returned then why even take a deposit. I do admit 3 hours is a short time. Next time I would get a receipt that would specify a time limit vs penalty amount and I would think 3-4x the daily rent rate would cover the possible loss of rental income and provide you with 24 hours to decide.
  17. What would be the purpose of a refundable deposit may I ask? Sometimes here in USA there is an application fee. But if taken then you must look at the application and have a reason to deny. Usually you are supposed to have a set of preestablished reasonable rules. Like % salary, # people per bedroom, no dogs, no criminal records, no prior evictions etc. In a hot rental market you may need to give a deposit to reserve the place. The landlord may cancel other showings so he is taking a risk. But I will add that I think 15bkbis crazy high considering that is like 1 month rent or salary for most Thai people. I would only ask for 200-300$ deposit here. But usually not that many inquiries each day.
  18. All police, imagration police, politicians and anyone signing government contracts need their banking transactions investigated.
  19. In most civilized places if 1-2 people were attacked by wild animals in one area they would put up warning signs. I would pay to do critter control on a vacation in Thailand. Dogs or monkeys.
  20. We're doomed then when you look at the GOP in the US and all the man-made climate change deniers who post on AN. If the World thinks there are to many mass migrations of people now just wait to see what we are bestowing our grand children.
  21. Thailand needs to get the police, monkeys, and dogs under control. And I maintain that this video will hurt tourism. Each media hit Thailand takes adds up. Whenever I mention Thailand and people are like I can't wait to go I've heard it's so cheap or this and that I tell them. It's not cheap, don't swim in any non pool water, the diving sucks, don't rent a scooter, taxis and most anyone tries to rip off foreigners. Plus dual pricing, police corrupt, etc.
  22. TF or TC worked well in 2016-2018. Didn't really notice a difference in the women but I wasn't searching under 30 age wise or in pats. I like the driving lesson idea. In my youth I found bowling dates worked well. You got to check out how they moved and it opened up chances to talk and even touch them if they needed a lesson. Man I wished I knew how to write in Thai? I used ttalk translator which I think isn't available now. A couple working gals may have poked through my sorting process but I didn't pay them as they tried to play the long game. One real looker with a hot body was such a fun dinner date at an outside restaurant. My only clue she may have been a night worker besides her seeming like the perfect escort was she couldn't sleep at all and used the excuse that she can't sleep anywhere but her own bed so had to leave at 4am. She said omething about ghosts too. I figured she had to go home to moms or bf at her normal hour. I do recall she was a mother. No money was exchanged but we did talk about going shopping for groceries and things and filling her petrol tank the next afternoon, but I checked out of that hotel and advanced the lineup a day and went to my next town. Yes I was willing to travel and see Thailand from CM to Phuket,
  23. But I thought it was smelted? The 13 tons of furnace dust? How much metal was contaminated. Let's hear some international professional chemist or radiation expert explain the chemistry and risks.
  24. The US needs to charge Thai people 10x to enter national parks. I mean only HiSo can afford to come and get a visa so they must have the money. Disney should do the same as should all businesses.
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