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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. No bidding. How can this be? Always same same in LOS
  2. Actually the code in some areas is higher than 1 meter. 42" for commercial buildings. 36" minimum in the USA which will hit 80% of people above center. Any update on her condition. Hope she is improving better than expected
  3. Good luck. Just don't send money before tasting the candy. And only book one night at a time. I would want her to come stay with you in a city center, don't go to stay in some remote area to see her. You can hire private drivers for such a short trip and they could go wait an hour in case you want to abort things. Suspect but verify! Or was it trust but verify. Screw it on the quotes, just be safe you don't want kid #4. She must be real attractive and a phak whan for you to be willing to take on 3 kids at any level. That means you will need a big car and feeding 5 people everyday, school costs, etc.
  4. What if it floods again? You may be up on stilts but no coming and going if it's tire deep on the roads. It seems like tuy gave drawn that one neighbors house right 9nbthe property line. Perhaps build a pool pump house on your property linevto give you privacy at the pool. I woykd want to invest in an area that never floods. V
  5. She works near her wifi most of the time. She Never uses the phone for banking so I'm not sure security is that important. A very basic user. I didn't want to open an account and wait to get something shipped here. Bro in law is the driver and sister was with us to sorta approve a phone color or case and buy some things at the market. She said thank you . She may start taking pictures now that her screen works. Bro in law doesn't want a phone. He doesn't like doing two things at once and doesn't want to be bothered by a phone. Very simple life here.
  6. A04 was 5999 bayt and only 32 gb. It's not like her sister has a computer to look at the pictures. Battery is 5000 mAh. I'm sorryi didn't take your exact suggestions to heart but this group doesn't like spending time shopping for deals. It was hard for me to get them to go to a 2nd store. We have bought the family so much the past 2 weeks I took the cheaper route but sister is happy. Most likely the screen will be broken in 12 months. It Did come with a screen protector and any case and the case is a closeable one.
  7. Got her a Samsung A03s 64 gb 3900 with a free Bluetooth speaker
  8. If there isn't a rail height standard in Thailand there should be. In civilized countries the height and also the max spacing between the vertical stiles is controlled. Those arguing that Asians are so much shorter are way offbase as these accidents are happening at hotels that are used by western people. Plus the rail height at some places in Thailand are well below the fulcrum of the average Asian. Some are ready to fall apart of leaned on. There is no reason to fix most things here or even care. Just recall the 19 year old Russian who was electrocuted playing bball in Thailand. They really do need to pass out a travel guide to all tourist's. Don't trust the zebra crossings or that any car will ever yield to a pedestrian. Always approach and check balcony railings carefully.
  9. Book rooms with a pot smoking balcony if your into that sort of thing. Travel insurance is low cost for 2 weeks and smart. An onward flight within 45 days is all you really need as your airline will check this most likely.
  10. The one I saw at a school outside of Udon Thanni was 2x bigger and used plastic bottles but was a similar building and I recall they had the door propped open a bit. Wife thinks this is a mushroom that needs to be grown in straw in a basket. She can't understand that I think the mycelium is fully dev6in this bag and it's ready for fruiting. Yes we could inoculate a basket of straw and then maybe get a bigger harvest but that's not needed and we leave in a week. Of course we had the bag for at least a week. Yes I need to learn Thai. Her family eats almost everything so I assumed they knew what to do with this bag. I was wrong. I guess to modern for them.
  11. So do I just pull out the cloth plug and put in semi dark and humid location? Like many subjects this is causing disagreement with my Thai wife. She has seen on YouTube where they are growing this type of mushroom out of a basket of straw. She not believe me that it can grow out of this hole. It makes me want to never try to teach her anything ever again.
  12. Some of these western travelers made plans for a Thailand vacation when it was 5-8% higher. And just a few months ago it was 38 now 34. Ouch. That's quite a few less massages for the typical 1500usd spend on a vacation.
  13. I once read that Thailand government uses calculations for it's AQI that results in the reported reading being half of what they would be in the West. My buddy in Utah invented the purpleair.com monitor. I brought 1 to BKK 3 years ago to try to give it away for free to a dental office on sukumvit and thonglor but they were suspicious of a gift that hooked up to their wifi even though my gf at the time worked for them. I couldn't find anyone to gift it to so I took it back to USA. It would have been the first purple sensor in BKK. I recall there was 1 or 2 in Chiang mai. Purpleair.com
  14. I should add that 3 years ago I saw her brother in law drilling holes in a log and innoculating them so I assumed they knew all about mushrooms.
  15. At a building supply store they had what I thought were bags of fully developed mycelium that we could buy and slit the bag and get some fruiting. It turned out the wife didn't inquire very much or no one in the family knew how to finish. We had a busy week and this has just sat in a shady spot despite my continued inquiry. Then it resulted in an argument because wife looked on YouTube and thought this bag was to be used to inoculate a who new substrate of rice husks that we needed to sterilize and prepare. When I found out this was causing delay I've told her no this bag is fully developed. Any directons on what to do with it would be appreciated. Back in USA we do lots of mushroom hunting and I did try to grow some . In dry Utah the procedure is to slit the bag and place it in a clear box with slightly open lid with some water in the bottom and to spray the inside of the box 2-3 times a day and give it a little indirect day light. In Thailand I once observed a school where they had a black plastic shack with each wall covered in stacks of bottles and the mushrooms were growing out the bittke top and being harvested by some parents to make money for the school.
  16. Thanks everyone. I learned some things about phones from your posts. I had never thought about updates and security updates lasting different times. I buy used phones from private parties. My last purchase was a S21 ultra for I think 600usd it was factory refurbished with new screen and battery. It's camera is amazing. That qide angke and 10x optical is amazing. My S9+ sim card stopped reading I thought it's camera was good but not now. Back to sister's phone and her usage patterns. She does have Dtac but only adds about 100 baht month load for a few calls when she isn't home. Rest of the time she uses line and messenger on good wifi from home. Her and bro in law are real hard workers from 4am till 8pm. He doesn't have a phone. We did plan to take her cracked screen to get fixed at MBK and send it for him to use but that may be kinda dumb to spend $ on such an old phone. I will inquire if he needs a phone. He may as he is going to start working for a company soon. He is a general handyman. No complaints about this part of my Thai family. I'm sure sister isn't one to need a iphone or phone for show.
  17. I'm hoping the trip went well and she is worth seeing again. But these travels are usually worth it but it doesn't hurt to have a plan B girl nearby. 2 birds 1 stone.
  18. Her screen is cracked real badly. I think she just uses it with wifi as they only go to town and back and don't need Google maps. However in one trip she heard her buffalo was loose soaybe texts? She uses line for calls and video chats at home. Her old one is an Hawai or that brand, so android. I will have to inquire if she has or is interested in a phone plan for calls. I can't imagine she would need but 1 gb of data each month. How much is a phone plan like that. Yes a cover and hardness 9 uv glue screen protection is nice.
  19. Pinch the lip? No fasteners. Just punch the mount and panel edge together so they are locked? Would fly away where I live with 70mph gusts + 30 steady for days.
  20. Yes this data indicating such successful brain washing and tradition BS saddened me.
  21. Is this in the news now? Of course as I typed "if he is a rich man" he can get the CCTV tape lost.
  22. I think it's best to wait for the facts to come out. If he is rich I'm sure his hotel has CCTV.
  23. There is a tree over there the man, pointed, who raises pigs, fish, chickens and 2 beautiful cows that he feeds rice bran to. Lately he has been milling people's rice for free because feed is so high and he wants the bran. His Mill is big but seems slow. It takes him all day to do 300 kg. When I see similar sized machines that do 600kg/ hr. His chaff blows right into the screened off chicken coop. The hogs, cows, and fish really love that bran. Here are the 3 chunks of coconut husk I used. 1 had the outside hard shell on and no flare ups. 20230103_161107.mp4
  24. Maybe it's because I'm American and wasn't brain washed all my life but I can't believe there are so many royalists in 2023. Absolutely crazy. I'm glad harry is exposing the racists and other things from the royal family.
  25. What is a decent phone brand and model for a much lower budget? Say 5k baht , this is for sis in law.
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