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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Are you guys saying the motorcycle shops stock helmets in size that substantiate Thai people have smaller cranial capacity
  2. For 1 billion$, chump change for musk, he will reveal to the World the truth about 1 social media platform whatever that may be. Thank you Elon. You can bet there are some internal memos from smart number crunching code walkers that had drastically higher estimates of the bot numbers but the bean counters won. The SEC will love this.
  3. Musk has already won. Twitter will be forced to let everyone examine how many bots and fake pro china and Russia and trump accounts are on there. Plus they will have to release all internal communications, plus the bit algorithms. jack Dorsey will be revealed for who he is. Elon planned this. He has decimated the stock price. And it can't recover until it can prove to advertisers what the real numbers are.
  4. This a good comment. It just shows that scamming foreigners is supported by the mind of the hiso elite. No wonder I felt this on each and every visit. I say the US needs to charge Thai people double for our national parks. And now hotels and car rentals and why not airfare on US airlines. And property taxes.
  5. Airfare to get to Thailand negates any benefit for a 2 week tourist plus I was getting 35.6 in 2016-17 on my first trips.
  6. This will sum up for my thoughts!! I was wondering how I would stay out of the dog house.
  7. Any gals impressed with the size of your trophy? Anyone stroke your amulet? Did wifey partake before the party?
  8. Not an issue with the Thai women I tried.
  9. Once again the land of small brains does it again thinking they are the center of the universe and can legislate. With all the countries and states with legal weed laws why couldn't they go copy some? From my direct experience as a underaged daily user it was addicting. I had to drop all my friends to quit and it took many times falling off the wagon. I also saw how it changed an adult fishing buddy I had. He now has to smoke first and last thing of his days and all day long. Plus he needs to keep 3 types in hand so he can rotate them as he says his body requires higher and higher doses of he doesn't change up. I have access to it but don't use it but I think current prices are like 10-20$/gram at the legal shops in Colorado a nearby legal state. That's 350-700 baht. With such low labor costs like by a factor of 7 in Thailand. It should cost like 100 baht/ gram and the quality should go up once more people learn how to clone. I have one more question. Where are all these tourist smoking zones and hotels that allow smoking?
  10. This story would really confuse an alien. He she. Not everyone knows what what trans man means. I originally thought this was a women who wanted to be male? Now I'm more confused but really just rather avoid using braincells on these sexual deviations.
  11. Most of my male buddies who hunt probably have 12 guns. Need different tools for different jobs. It's so funny the reaction of people who were not raised with guns. It's like they were taught they are evil or something. Every boy should get a BB gun or 2, by 8, a .22 by age 10, a .270 or so by 14 when your allowed to hunt big game. Somewhere in there you need a shotgun, then some pistols, maybe you get into the long range game. I'm a one shot kid so I don't use my semi autos much even before high ammo prices. It's the same with archery. I guess there are city slickers and mountain men.
  12. Glad the old man went to the police. I wonder how many cases like this go unheard in Thailand and the World? That is a pretty big stash. But only 12 guns to so many rolexes? 7 watches total. I think 12 guns per 1 fake Rolex is more normal.
  13. Why are the pro guys so defensive? I do know the strength has changed dramatically in the last 45 years. It ruined a night for me once. Back 40 years ago I traveled to a friend's wedding and ended up in a hotel room with a high school crush. She smoked regularly but I didn't. I became a couch potato after and my body was trembling and I was to incapacitated to make my move. I also have had pretty strong paranoia but part of that is it's still illegal in my location. I've heard with lawyer fees a bust can run 5k$. I have a good nose and personally smelled kids on their deck smoking it at 400-500 meters at one end of a golf fairway when the wind was blowing just right. The last gummy I tried (last 6 months) gave me the most severe case of cottonmouth ever. Water did no good and I basically couldn't talk. However I have had some great edibles when Colo first went legal. for 2$ each so 4$ mixed with moms iced tea tasted great and gave a very low cost great feeling for 4 hours.
  14. So they still openly tell reporters that they overcharge. I know my Thai woman just accepted this as normal. Can anyone explain to me how your redeem a winning number? I was told you go back to the seller and he determines his and your cut. But I know there are two lottery systems running.
  15. It's so hot in Thailand. I like 3-4 seasons. If your married to a capable Thai woman, living in Thailand has automatically lost one big appeal.
  16. She is a hottie. Was her ex the famous old man Harold?
  17. Whitey?? Ma5thet has chemicals on this weed? Why is hydrophonic different?
  18. I'm so confused on Thailand's pot rules. I think you can now grow 6 plants are home but it has to be under 2% thc so who would smoke that? You can get a medical permit. Is that who they refer to. In Colorado since they made it legal you can smoke in your front porch. I told mom we need to expand her southern sunny porch.
  19. A great way to promote tourism. My heart goes out to this brave woman who was killed by a rotting rope.
  20. Thai wifey is shocked that crossings are so respected by motorists here in USA. Even in front of stores when we walk in or out from the parking lot. She and I used to cross Thong lot at Suk and it was a joke. Even if a cop on a motorcycle was stopped at the light he wouldn't go after the people who ran the light across the crossing. Only safe thing was to go as a crowd. I will say my wife can hike off trail with the sure footedness of a mountain goat. 20 years of BKK streets is good for something.
  21. I remember going to a park in Thailand and it had a price list up but I was with a govt employee. It was like 300 baht for me but they all acted embarrassed and just charged us the lower price. 10$ didn't seem like to much but most parks in Thailand are full of trash and not very exciting
  22. Where do locals pay less? Local is in that state? I have never seen this in Utah or Colorado. I call BS
  23. I would love to see the US national parks charge all foreigners 10x. What is Disney now 160$ /day so 1600$ and many parks are 20$ so 200$ . Would love it
  24. I really feel for this guy. I'm assuming he wasn't suspicious and by the looks of all the tagged baggage and trash bags he was really expecting a warm and lubed welcome. I'm sure he paid for the lube. Probably his good western condoms too. Just imagine his happiness and excitement turning to horror. I'm not sure if that's a rare Ducati or how hard they are to get or import or how much $ we are talking about but probably more important that a hoe.
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