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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I would love to see the US national parks charge all foreigners 10x. What is Disney now 160$ /day so 1600$ and many parks are 20$ so 200$ . Would love it
  2. I really feel for this guy. I'm assuming he wasn't suspicious and by the looks of all the tagged baggage and trash bags he was really expecting a warm and lubed welcome. I'm sure he paid for the lube. Probably his good western condoms too. Just imagine his happiness and excitement turning to horror. I'm not sure if that's a rare Ducati or how hard they are to get or import or how much $ we are talking about but probably more important that a hoe.
  3. Spoken from experience I can tell! Others talk like wan king is abnormal. Don't knock it till you try it.
  4. No one gave the German credit for buying a condo. Maybe he bought the bike before finding this gal on the dating site. He really loved that bike by the picture and the frame stands of matching color. It wasn't easy to return during covid. Even some frequent posters who are married with children didn't return until a few months ago. Maybe he hit hard covid times or was making really good money. The guy looks smart maybe just not Pattaya smart. But I think most guys from the West are trusting. He was only 41, had a condo and big bike in Thailand. He was probably sending money each month too. It would make a good chapter in a 2nd dancing book. Provide us with all the details. Surely he was continuing the relationship via line sex every few days? Be interesting to learn if and when she slowed or stopped being amendable to that. Ok so let's she went home to isaan and let's say the brother used the condo and hit the safe and took the bike and rings. There is still a crime here. Police can get DNA and most likely prints on the safe. 2 years is to long for a young gal after she's had the slong. Aren't dildos illegal? There another crime. I wonder how future lovers will handle this guy's fame?
  5. Maybe but a place to live. Or marry a landlord. But did being back memories of a married Tennant who I think admired my handiman skills. I spent 2 days each year pruning the 5 grapes, and a larch apple and peach tree. She said her husband, who weighed a good 80 pounds more than me, couldn't change a lightbulb. She asked me to change a bulb in the master suite and it seemed a bit odd at the time, us both being married and her a Mormon, how she managed to bend over showing more skin below the thong than above. Mormons normally wear garnets not thongs if you don't know. She had a rather nice peach. I would say I wouldn't ignore such a display today. Oh the mistakes we made.
  6. I've owned guns since a child like many friends who grew up in the West where hunting and open space is common. I'm not sure what can be done in USA about these high numbers of killings. Arming teachers is a ridiculous idea. Semi auto guns were common in the early 1900's but only held 5-6 rounds. My grandpa had a rem 32 auto rifle for hunting. I don't believe military training is required. I bet by 18 I was a better marksman than 70% of all military members. Being an accurate marksman has more to do with eyesight, patience, breathing, calm mind and practice. I was reloading ammo by 17. Most of my guns are in a safe. I haven't used any of my guns in years for fun or hunting. I have used archery for last 20 years as it's more sporting and challenging. But in the past when I go to the skeet range or desert to shoot one of my guns I enjoy it immensely and say I should go every week. I was raised 1 shot- 1 kill so when a roommate after college bought an AR-15 in 1985 I said what do you need that for? He said it was just as much protected by the 2nd amendment as my bolt action rifles. After some thought I had to agree. I'm sure at least 2 of my guns have no tracking to my ownership as I'm sure is the case of a vast number of guns owned today. In the 80's and 90's gun shows were amazing. They had one big one that used the Dallas cowboys stadium and the entire outside walkway under the stands was full of guns. Private parties with guns over their shoulders with paper for sale signs. Hand a dealer or private person cash and a gun trade was made or trade a gun for another. Add in all the stolen guns plus the illegally imported gun and what is a gun ban going to do?. There are already multiple guns per Capita. How will banning future sales effect anything? Even a registered gun buyback (impossible) won't remove all guns. All these comments and only 1 mentioned video games? I learned at an early age the damage a bullet can do and I held the animal whose life I just took. What about these TV and movies where a gun seems to just stop a life in a second with no suffering. Even the best heart shot and the animal lives and moves for what seems like forever. A double lung shot and I've timed the final breath several times at 5 minutes. I think all grade 5 children should have to kill s chicken or rabbit and prepare it for eating. I had this idea long before the massive vegetarian movement and before I heard the word vegan What has happened to our youth. Fatherless children? Lack of hunting experiences? Glorification of guns being used in video games and movies? Overcrowded jails with drug war victims so violent criminals get out early or go free? I do worry as water, food shortages increase in this World. Bigger and bigger gap between rich and poor. I'm just glad I live in a nice safe neighborhood and knowing many people are good at heart and have a semi auto and 1440 round box of ammo. To me a gun is an amazing tool. How the actual shells are made and how accurate the rounds can be. When I was a lad under 16, without a vice or many modern tools I made a crude gun that fired .25 caliber bullets I made out of the shoulder of bolts and I tested it and it was accurate and even deadly. With all the 3D printers and home tools available now there is no stopping of guns. We need to change the minds of these shooters. How do we do that is the question. Such emigrant hate, even expressed here, when 80-90% of Americans are emigrants in the last 5-6 generations or less. Who is responsible for this hate? I have used many Latino workers and they are hard working like American workers of the 70's. It's funny this close the door after I use it mentality. These crazy religions that cause such decisive issues. The poor state of public education. The overcrowding of cities with no good outlook besides crime. The in your face commercialism of what success looks like. Just look at the foothold name brands are gaining in 3rd World countries like Thailand. Niki, nestle, apple, Starbucks or your a nothing person. I really don't see a quick solution.
  7. On my bucket list. Have been to 2 hellfire events and even fired a few small rockets I built. 1 is a 1/2 size Javelin. I guess the government has a reason to be concerned.
  8. Bank account or investment assets of 5x the poverty level can be used instead of income. I think your poverty numbers were low. Unless military it's 125%> I Believe it is 22k for 2. https://www.uscis.gov/i-864p I think for a spouse to get your SS benefits she has to work for 40 quarters. And yes trump did really hate immigrants. Funny since his family and wife are recent immigrants. And Dad was a crook. See what Germany thought of him. And funny how melania got her parents into the USA. How silly can trump fans be with these sorts of things in his record. His union busting workers, his connection to mafia cement suppliers, his degrading comments towards military members and Generals.
  9. Another misleading title, unless you can see naughty through that window. If so perhaps you can open a business for peepers. I would not like such close neighbors and especially windows. Plant a tree in front of that window pronto. Both neighbors solved their rain water problems. You could tell them your installing sump pumps and ask where do they want the 6" pipe to dump? Buyer beware.
  10. And they want to trick the above average to come live here. But they say don't wear your valuables.
  11. Seems so cheap. Why do some countries have this agreement and some don't? I guess after 70 years they figure no votes will be lost to continue.
  12. I can hardly swallow those big vitamins. How he do that? And 1 oops your dead? No body x-ray machines at all departure airports? Could have been C4. Guy is going to regret this idea. Must have been desperate. Wonder why he was acting funny. Looking for a head with urgency?
  13. Also get a real test kit. Those strips are not accurate. At minimum get fresh strips. My only ex8is taking care of a bromine 400 gal hot tub for last 20 years and a 1 day pool spa certification needed for air BNB with those amenities.
  14. I recently saw kids car seats at Walmart in USA for like 150$. I'm thinking there aren't any 33$ ones here. I can't imagine this law will stand for long. Or it will encourage families to take the scooter rather than truck or car.
  15. Is this what they mean by amazing Thailand? I sure hope the Thai men and women are as sickened by the as me. I think penalties in USA are more severe for people who are in positions of influence. I believe these people have a sexual perversion that can't be cured. Lock them up for life.
  16. Sausage maker would be strong. Or did he keep a heater in the cooler?
  17. Maybe he said 20 million total for this year? Tens of thousands arriving daily now? So odd thinking. If your numbers are lower than you want, you would postpone a new 300 bath entry fee. Or did it occur to them that adding a new fee at this time was really such a stupid looking idea? Did they get pushback from airlines?
  18. I didn't enjoy this article. It was poor use of English and he jumped all over the place. If using monthly and annual numbers with such a big range I think it's important to specify xxx$/mo or yyy$/ yr
  19. Corporate greed. Some CEO said inflation is good for profits. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/apr/27/inflation-corporate-america-increased-prices-profits
  20. I thought hospital stays in Thailand were low cost. 500,000 x 2 days. Wow. Hope his recovery is good. It will be into find out how the accident happened.
  21. They burn the whole appliances? Or just the insulation off the copper wires? Here there is a different price for clean wire and insulated. I admit in the 60's my lineman father would take a big load to a nearby field to burn off the insulation. One time a cop drove out to see what was up. Not illegal then. Not sure about now. Burning of brush piles is still allowed and done in some of the suburbs of Salt lake City, utah. No reason they couldn't toss in some wire. It stinks real bad and I don't like it. Many oeo6have outside fire pits. And they aren't supposed to be used on bad air days but no real patrolling that I know of. I use pinyon and cedar because it smells good. But it does send my purple air monitor over 300 real quick.
  22. It does seem like a bad policy. But from the government standpoint no vote to change things I imagine. Was it always this way?
  23. Even a striped down version and I'm in for some flight hours. Perhaps another more local pilot wants some hours in the #1 plane. Funny one post says something like "China is far from being in the hands of China" maybe he forgot the word " South" in that sentence. Does anyone else find it odd how accepting the Thai populace is that many stars on major media, company owners, IG stars, have Chinese heritage. I guess the same is true for luk Kreung.
  24. Maybe Prinn learned this from his father? Or his father should have done something after the Uk case.
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