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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Some people who got in the US cannabis industry early made lots of money. I heard big bucks took it over from the small fry. I'm not a user (I did'nt inhale ). Maybe the World would be a more peaceful place if there were a few billion users. But I think GDP and the government coffers and wall Street as well as main street profits would go down. I see many people don't understand this natural plant and that all the fake public service ads over the years has had it's intended effects on you. Funny how you folks can talk about grabbing a pint, tieing one on with negative health ramifications (like a recent thread) and all is honky dory. We constantly read drunk man does this (insert violent act) and it's so common we rarely here talk about an alcohol ban. But we all know the World would be better sans booze. Instead the vocal majority complain about the bars closing early and the 2-5 ban. Would I rather spend some time around an edible eating guy, a cig or pot smoker, or steroid user or drunk? That's an easy choice for me the edible guy. I should also point this out, there are thousands of strains just like wine. It is a highly scientific field and lots of genetics going on. I've tried edibles a few times and vastly different effects. One time it was really good. The cost per dose seems comparable to home drinking. I think some studies have shown it doesn't impair driving but the way it usually make my mind work overtime and the paranoia I would not drive. I think the paranoid feeling is because it's not legal in my state but most neighboring states it's legal.
  2. The fine and sentence are a joke. Didn't say he can never be a police officer again. Seems like 3-5 years would be more appropriate.
  3. Start with the DNA. Sounds like a person was told to take out the trash (evidence) and was in a hurry. All jokes aside I would find that gross.
  4. I brought a suitcase full of new and thrift store finds. The price of Levi's in Thailand was higher than here in the US. The quality or material have for sure changed. I have worn Levi's for over 55 years. I buy 2 at a time. Shrink to fit 501s only. The last batch didn't shrink for at least 15 laundry cycles. And they were to big in the waist which was a good thing with covid and new wife's cooking. But I had to cut off 2.5" on the legs and learned how to do the magic hem on YouTube from some Asian guy. I wear 34x36 which normally means they shrink to 33x34. I thought to hot in Thailand unless on a bus ride or or plane and did have a worker at a bus station ogling and commenting on a newish pair I had on. I watched my luggage more carefully as I waited for the bus to get full. Current price here is about 40-44$. I priced some in Thailand and I seem to recall 1600-1800 baht in 2018. And they were like 35$ then
  5. This story gave me a sick tummy feeling. That's a lot of effort to check CCTV with no idea of direction. Or do they employ plate readers? Grandpa must be a man of influence either way it seems. A kidnapping? Mia noi?
  6. I love snakes but I don't think the World would miss these eggs if they were discarded. Who can deny these eggs put into a random place don't cause displacement of others or migrate near people and kill someone? Thailand treats snakes better than it's people.
  7. Porked the porcupine. My h3ll. Prickly peach.
  8. Wouldn't this need 400 single people willing to get married? And facing risk of fraud for how much$$. The fee it says was 20-30 k total so what did the fake spouses get? I was offered 50k by a Vietnam woman I chatted with on a dating site.
  9. You don't need a lawyer! It's a choice between aCR1 or K1 . A bit different costs. A bit different timing on when your 10 year commitment of support for her kicks in. How rushed are you to go to USA? Can you handle separation. All the timelines of both Visa's were reset in 2018 after trump and his ambassador took hold. Then covid hit. I started our K1 in Feb 2020. What was before an average 259 day process took till April 26 2021. Speaking as a K1 experience SS card is easy to get , just have her name on a utility bill and provide that to SS. Then can open bank account. SS office not open door due to covid excuse. Armed guards now. Appointment only. We sent in change of status in late July but had aRFE. Request for more information. Submitted that in December. We got her work permit and advance parole last week. With K1 she can't travel outside the US until getting the advanced parole. A travel card that tells Airlines it's ok to fly you to US. That means for 11 months if she had to return to Thailand for an emergency the K1 is invalid. Crazy government policies. She may get a job soon but for us that's not critical except once she gets 40 quarters in as a worker she can get I think half my SS benefits even if she moves back to Thailand. SS System rules require an expert. As I understand it a guy could marry 4 women for 10 years each and they all would be entitled to 50% of his benifits. I would suggest you going the CR1. This will take longer to get but she can work right away and no travel restrictions. This means she can work up till the move in Thailand and then right away in US. Can you delay your move for the 18 months or whatever the current CR1 timeline is. Check the sites mentioned for that. Again no lawyer needed. as far as where you met that has no bearing. legally you only have to meet this person in person for one week in the three years prior to application for a k1. And for a CR1 the only requirement is that you are married. you do not need any lawyer support. If you're thinking about this you should make sure you have a valid birth certificate for her. Suda bot. My wife even says if she is sex worker it's no problem. My wife follows those Thai Facebook pages which actually sometimes are better informed than visa journey website. And the visausa@thai FB website is best. The K1 gives you 90 days plus the year or more wait to commit to marriage. If your sure about marriage and her working is a financial need then CR1 is probably best. .your income needs to be 125% of poverty rate. I think thats like 25k but assets x5 can also qualify. We were separated by covid. I did the K1 shortly after returning from my 7th visit to see her in Jan 2020. To return was 14 day quarantine and seemed risky so I did K1. If I had just got married or started the K1 the July trip before we would have beat the covid delay. If your sure about this girl go CR1 if not K1.
  10. She is cute, dimples and all. Could possibly loose some baby fat and become stunning. Maybe she had humble beginnings and people admire her for her career. She does have lots of tattoos (IG) but I'm one to respect a persons choice on that. Glad she hasn't got the nose job and it appears the rest of her equipment is all original and that's mandatory to me. To each his own. I am saddened at how many stars in Thailand are Leh Kreg and or have had more that one facial alterations and it's so accepted that this surgery is ok.
  11. So is the OP worried about working near this guy or swimming in possibly the same waters? The dreaded S is on the physical for immagration into the US. I have no knowledge about the stages or anything on this feared condition.
  12. We are buying the cha Cha brand (Thailand)of processes flavored seeds in our US Asian market. 2.99$ for I think 8 oz. The coconut flavor is good but I should stop buying them because I just read Artificially flavored.
  13. So how many poor victims don't we hear about? I think in this case there are many intriguing tidbits. This case had the star in a water drowning, a fixed accident/murder scene with a zany cast of characters. The B actress who had overcome adversity with her car crash, the wealthy boat owner and I think wealthy un licensed driver( both now monks in training) ,the manager/friend, the wealthy lady boy, suspicious after actions of those on the boat considering a good friend was lost in an over board, different stories from them, the missing prop, the head not working on the boat or it was working? , a hiso somehow urinating off the back of the boat with a jumpsuit on, the man's voice on the video " she brought a friend", was it? , the time line problem with the automatic lights off on the bridge, the flavorful mother, 30 million baht gift to Fagetaboutit. This will be made into a movie.
  14. I believe most Thai people think something nefarious happened and they are so accustomed to this that they don't protest or demand change. Thailand bis known for a dual justice system. What kind of country is this really. Where are the anti Thai bashers now? TAT should tout this. It may help attract more wealthy clientele. It does appear we have a similar system in the USA but there is hope we start to get justice soon.
  15. 21 cuts? Evenly spaced? How deep? On the front or back of her leg(s)? I think I read the cuts were made while she was alive. Why was the prop taken off and lost in the water? Was the prop lost that first night? 2 days before the body was found? Didn't it take the police 2 days to find the prop with divers. Is it standard for police to check the prop when someone falls overboard? A prop has a pitch and for small boats usually only makes a few turns per meter. When the boat is underway a leg is what? .5 meter. Say the prop has 4 -5 blades that should only be a few impacts. She reportedly could swim? Was a BAC or drugs found in the autopsy? I'm sure the water was warm but nasty and fast current.
  16. The sad part to me is that the Thai population (including my now wife) accept this mark up so willingly like it's normal corruption. Also what is the procedure with collecting winnings? When sister In law won a modesty big lotto she went to the man who sold her the ticket to collect and she paid him like 2%?
  17. Maybe this will help reduce the crop burning. Composting needs to return.
  18. I agree the post about the tropical climate and vastness of the drainage basin being unlike Holland and sinking BKK is unstoppable IMHO. Global warming will result in more weather extremes. Utah broke many hottest day records Sunday as it has done so often the past few years. Also worst drought in 1200 years Indra Nooyi, the former chair and CEO of PepsiCo, is widely considered one of the most powerful women in corporate America. She has a new book " My life in full" in response to a question about why she is so concerned about low birthrates she states "I think we need young people so that we can keep growing. If we don’t have young people, how are we going to support the aged, how are we going to build future consumers?". So telling. Can Thailands cheap labor compete with robots? Can a turn in the education system occur fast enough when it looks like zero change is happening? I don't think those in government want education. They see the threat educated young people represent. Produce your own food? In a drought with lots of chemicals. Whatever they are doing is it related to the rising cancer rates? To all you long timers, you may love many things available in your life in Thailand but, I ask you this. How hard is it to teach the average Thai person new things?
  19. Great for tourism and a side plug for medical tourism. They look pro, but at least not chubby. He seems to have good taste. I say it's attempted murder and robbery. Hope they catch these gals? as probably not first or last time.
  20. There are signs we humans were reset by time before. The spinx maybe 5x older than the pyramids.
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