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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Sinsod always an interesting topic. Timely thread as we will do our Thai wedding Jan 2. Officially married in US for 18 months and she has hopefully seen the light during that time. Yes we make so much more for our days labor but see has worked hard and seen how an American man multitask and plans to maximize efficiency. She has seen money doesn't grow on trees. And she sees how much it costs to live in USA. I thought I had squelched the sinsod topic but it has surfaced a bit last couple days here at moms house. I'm not sure why. What's love got to do with it. Who falls in love with Thai culture? It was the shapely slim figure and skin tone and bright white smile. I thought the comment about wiping her self with her hands was timely for my our current situation and it's basically what I told her this morning. Do you want to live here with those toilet conditions or in our beautiful house in USA? I do worry about some guests drinking to much and then thinking they can drive and having an accident on my conscious. Taking the keys away or trying to stop serving someone probably not to go over so well. Of course one of her dreams it to build a better modern house for mom but she sees how they take care of what they have. They are happy and I think she sees that. It's just this sinsod thing is cultivated as a measure of ones worth. They read about the 5 million sinsods on FB or the news and it creates false desire just like brand names like Niki and iphone. I do have to say life in the village has similarities to a crude elk camp
  2. I washed my US passport and I pressed its end covers flat and used it again. The main pages were ok. A few stamps where the ink ran a bit but no real staining transfered to other pages.
  3. So they think that most Thais get the news and read this idea? In moo nans the person down the street or the store sells all day long.
  4. Yes but you attach an Al ladder as a guide.
  5. A sane person would need protective pants and gear. And whatever else? Places to inquire about purchase or delivery? Do have a truck.
  6. If liking guns is a hobby attributed to America I can live with that. Why wouldn't the reporter ask what numbers on the bullets? Obviously a semi auto handgun because they break down and could confuse the uneducated. So 9mm, .380, or 45acp. Yes most commercial pistol ammo comes in 50 per box. To bad this Aussie doesn't read Asiannow or he would know the Israeli got in deep do do with less bullets no gun.
  7. Was he here for many years or just 45 days +38. Just seems like info to put in the article.
  8. Maybe many are now working online
  9. Tell wife not to take this personally. Scammers are getting good. I almost got scammed a month ago in USA. Got a call saying it was google and why hadn't I finished my Google business profile or account? They knew my name and address and business name. They needed to confirm my phone number so sent a code that looked like from Google or maybe it was. I did give them the code but them they asked for email and I got a smelly wiff so asked them to prove they were from Google. I hung up and went to Google and changed my password. I don't know what they were attempting. Indian sounding guy. And maybe their were 2 guys. I don't use Google for much.
  10. Are you saying sinsod should be related to age gap? What if the gal is over 30? Or 40 or 45? Have you really been that close to marriage multi times? that it was time for the serious sin sod talks? Getting big sinsod seems to be for face or like bragging rights. A woman may ask big because she thinks it's the thing to do. But a smart woman will realize the couple may need that money to live a good life. 1 or 2 million is some good cash. 100k shouldnt hurt most guys. Bahts of gold gets expensive and a good woman should value warm winter clothes, good mountain bike, good food,. Nice house and life outside of Thailand
  11. What all type of things can you include in a list? And was it true we had to get some form and show passport at Robinsons or can we just show the receipts upon leaving at the airport?
  12. I was expecting to read a few facts like the depth of the water? I did read that there were 3-4 generators but when the running one was flooded the remaining backups wouldn't run? Going to be interesting to see of we get a transparent full report on this big sad mishap.
  13. Bought some stuff at Robinson. Under 300 USD and was asked of we wanted to register for vat refund. Guy said we needed to go wait in 3rd floor service desk line. I was worried about giving Robinson my passport and any details for a measly 400 baht refund. I really see this as just an info gathering for money skeme do I told the wife to forget it.
  14. It seems important what the OP:s future wife replied when they asked for 2 million baht. I plan to give close to nothing. Lucky my wife is a frugal person with our and my money.
  15. There is an alternative. Like just now I was sitting in lobby of my Asoke hotel. A cute, classy gal sitting there. Man 55-65? Just came down to take her upstairs. Down and dirty by 2:30 pm. Fresh start to her day. I was a bit jealous.
  16. If some of you party animals can get dressed and ready by 7pm yiu may enjoy the ample hunting grounds at the Judd fair market outside central plaza shopping mall. So many 18-30 slim, beautiful, quality women there. Lots of Korean and Japanese the wife said. Amazing that some of these geek looking kids have such hot gf's. I swear 90% under 48kgs.
  17. Yes I'm over 50. I needed to get up early, 5am most of my life,. If crazy house stage had 30 women on it right now 9am, I would be in for a breakfast meal. As you get older each high caloric drink is a factor in your lifestyle. I don't enjoy feeling any negative affects from the night before. We also have the wisdom to know we don't want to need hearing aids like some people we meet. The nightclubs in Thailand are way to loud without hearing protection just 4 hours is going to cause noticable damage when your older. Just the other night we went to Khao San road. In one area about 5 of the bars seemed to be having a speaker sound system brag fest. It was earsplitting just walking past. Hardly any customers at any of these places. Add in the attempts at rap I think and it was the worst.
  18. 10 million tourists. Say there are 200 big night clubs in Thailand with 300 people each day that's 2 million or just 20 %. Who would want a woman who sleeps all day? I guess I have always looked for longer term. I think this is a big separation in ethics and lifestyle that's just to big to ignore. If clubs closecat 2 am one can still catch the last gals. I'm sure memory of a few 8 or 9's would be nice if they were natural good ones. But 2500 ore COVID was not a low price. Why not go find young, fresh unspoiled 8-10's who are out only until 10 because they have goals and dreams by themselves without relying on a transactional life of sex for money and drugs. I'm sure I've missed what it's like to be in a bar full of x takers but I can live with that.
  19. I would like to go to bars at 5am when I wake up. But I don't want to see drunks. I did see sunrise a few party nights in my life but it's to disruptive to switch sleeping rimes like this. I wasted the while next days. I think for some people they don't have other interests in life. Like bike riding, gardening, handyman things, swimming. I say down and dirty by 10:30. Why don't these clubs open at 6pm.
  20. Really with 6k you can consider many non third world countries.
  21. And just where are these anti Virals? In hiso stashes? How many are available? Price?
  22. I would expect the operator of a tourist boat found to not have enough knife vests to serve time. And the payout for the families who lost loved ones should start at 20 m baht
  23. Anutin must be an inspiration for drug dealers.
  24. What % of tourists want to party past 2 am.? I would guess 10% or less
  25. I can't believe there are many who support the continuation of this "royal" family or any example in the world. What an old ugly concept. What a bunch of ugly examples of people and morals. Camille over Diana,. The lolita express eager beaver. What a bunch of losers. Can't end soon enough and here too.
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