Why are the pro guys so defensive? I do know the strength has changed dramatically in the last 45 years. It ruined a night for me once. Back 40 years ago I traveled to a friend's wedding and ended up in a hotel room with a high school crush. She smoked regularly but I didn't. I became a couch potato after and my body was trembling and I was to incapacitated to make my move. I also have had pretty strong paranoia but part of that is it's still illegal in my location. I've heard with lawyer fees a bust can run 5k$. I have a good nose and personally smelled kids on their deck smoking it at 400-500 meters at one end of a golf fairway when the wind was blowing just right. The last gummy I tried (last 6 months) gave me the most severe case of cottonmouth ever. Water did no good and I basically couldn't talk. However I have had some great edibles when Colo first went legal. for 2$ each so 4$ mixed with moms iced tea tasted great and gave a very low cost great feeling for 4 hours.