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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Glad the old man went to the police. I wonder how many cases like this go unheard in Thailand and the World? That is a pretty big stash. But only 12 guns to so many rolexes? 7 watches total. I think 12 guns per 1 fake Rolex is more normal.
  2. Why are the pro guys so defensive? I do know the strength has changed dramatically in the last 45 years. It ruined a night for me once. Back 40 years ago I traveled to a friend's wedding and ended up in a hotel room with a high school crush. She smoked regularly but I didn't. I became a couch potato after and my body was trembling and I was to incapacitated to make my move. I also have had pretty strong paranoia but part of that is it's still illegal in my location. I've heard with lawyer fees a bust can run 5k$. I have a good nose and personally smelled kids on their deck smoking it at 400-500 meters at one end of a golf fairway when the wind was blowing just right. The last gummy I tried (last 6 months) gave me the most severe case of cottonmouth ever. Water did no good and I basically couldn't talk. However I have had some great edibles when Colo first went legal. for 2$ each so 4$ mixed with moms iced tea tasted great and gave a very low cost great feeling for 4 hours.
  3. So they still openly tell reporters that they overcharge. I know my Thai woman just accepted this as normal. Can anyone explain to me how your redeem a winning number? I was told you go back to the seller and he determines his and your cut. But I know there are two lottery systems running.
  4. It's so hot in Thailand. I like 3-4 seasons. If your married to a capable Thai woman, living in Thailand has automatically lost one big appeal.
  5. She is a hottie. Was her ex the famous old man Harold?
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