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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Only if they say at the outset that they will not let the will of the people or the president get anything done like they did with Obama and will probably do with Biden. But the young people who determined these record poor gop mid term results will not tolerate that old political BS. Its a new age. Dinosaurs not welcome. We need age limits like 70 max and and competency evaluations. Bad ideas for gop to even think about: Anymore voting restrictions Any more gerrymandering Touching SS or medicare. touching the green new deal, Paris accord or any solution to global warming. Abortion stirred up the youth, and women like a hornets nest that will never go away. It's ok if hunter is serving time next to Trump. GOP can benefit from pointing out Bidens glaring omission of tesla in all his electric car talks.
  2. It's the final leg that may cost big. 2 bags on international but airlines like delta only allow 1 domestic. Each additional 23kg bag is 40$ on economy. SW allows 2 checked bags. I do think on business Ana is 2 at 33 kg. But then these will be overweight on domestic. One thing to consider ís shipping from DFW to your final destination.
  3. So 1.6 billion baht or 43 million USD so 10% of 70 million can watch soccer? So like 6$ per viewer or 200 baht or 1/4 days wage per viewer. I'm glad im not a sports fan
  4. So they sell ganja on credit? The new loan sharking biz. What % interest. Up in smoke! Kid needs to grow his own.
  5. It would be enlightening to know how this works? So obviously some boys opened accounts and gave the new act # and password to the cop. Wouldn't a large deposit like this trigger a bank to notify police?
  6. It maybe legal to grow and possess but you shouldn't be able to cause me to suffer the smoke. I'm a once every 2 year partaker with a sensitive nose. Can I be assured you won't mind if I open a bottle of real skunk scent near you? I'm thinking part of this crackdown is to protect those fixed shops owned by hiso people. Is I don't think a soi full of lettuce vendors in vans and table would be much appreciated by your average tourist. On my upcoming visit where will I be able to smoke some of I buy it? Will the condos and hotel rooms that are supposed to be non smoking smell like it? My nose can't be beat.
  7. I have serious pothead buddy who spouts off like hamagama. Is there a chance you've puffed to much?
  8. I am registered republican just so I may influence the primaries. Haven't you and hanagama played chess as youngsters? Basically it is easier for me to just say I think opposite of you and hanagama.
  9. Garden village is booked Jan 17-20 We did book this place but reading the reviews we are trying to cancel because trip adviser reviews say it's to close to loud bars and a bit rundown. Reaksmey Chanreas Hotel We are in town 3 days but have not bought the 3 day pass yet. I do enjoy and appreciate stone masonry. What other things are there to do in SR?
  10. Thanks for the link. Those rooms are 100$ +. There are many in that price range. We prefer rooms about half that much.
  11. Yes who would praise Thailand?
  12. Wondering if anyone has suggestions for a good place to stay for 3 nights. We plan to get a 3 day pass. Mid January time. Any other trip tips appreciated. A pool and nearby nightlife would be nice. Where is the bar area?
  13. Can you buy tickets 60 days in advance? Thai wife thinks it's 30. It's not so easy to get private sleeper cabin tickets but worth it.
  14. MY VLC plays all .jpg as small 3-4 second video clip. I have win 10 on (laptop new) and 7 ultra on old laptop. I have put up with this but it's not easy to look at lots of pics. Of course sometimes my phone gets in that picture mode where it takes dozens of pics in 1 photo. I've had more important things to worry about but after reading this thread I thought I could learn something without hijacking.
  15. Quite a lively topic. 500 was to much if that is even just 1/10 of an hours wage. I would have told the collector that of all the religions in the World what I like about Buddhism is it's not a forceful religion except for the morning chants which need to be stopped. But so sorry I don't follow any religion and So I'm sorry but I donate to causes of my own choosing. Op needs a bit thicker skin. I recall the birthday, or retirement collectors bake in my company days. Typical donations were 1/20 of an hours wage plus you could eat some cake. Be a leader and gossip about some of them in front of them and then tell them the gossip is silly and should stop.
  16. The Thai style of leaving rice sit out overnight is a high risk for bacterial growth. Not sure what a hob is but a microwave is great for heating Thai leftovers and rice. Warming syrup, https://www.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/healthy-tips/2020/04/is-it-safe-to-eat-leftover-rice
  17. Interesting.
  18. Twitter user growth remains steady. Anyone who ever worked at a company with 70k employees knows 30% need to go. Look at zuck laying off 11k at Meta. I read twitter has offered some laid off workers their jobs back. I'm won6hiw many visa workers will be exiting the US? And how these tech layoffs will effect the housing market? Employees are probably hired post Elon with new contracts with new wording. I read He is demanding 40 hours work in house or he considers you are resigning. New ownership is the perfect time to lay off people. Your sort of immune from lawsuits, the economy hasn't looked like this in 4 decades. Charging for the blue verification seemed smart to me. But like Thailand he didn't think about all the details. Some of these people really benefit in financial ways. 8$ or 20$ is nothing. Not exactly sure why the advertisers are pulling out so much. I read it started with one big ad agency pulling all it's customers ads. Is it this related to Elon's comment that he may restore Trump's account? Hope he will restore mine. Twitter was really a good COVID news source in Feb 2020. I was subbed to some of the doctors saying this was a big deal. I flew through Shanghai Dec 26 19' was deadly sick Jan 2-7 in BKK. Still felt a bit off Jan 25 when I returned via Seattle the day after they say the first US case arrived in Seattle. I had brain fog for 2-3 months year before it was a thing. I spent hours a day reading about this emerging COVID. Just wished I did the things in my 401k that I thought about in late Feb. It is going to be interesting to see how this Twitter saga goes. For those who never used Twitter and followed a couple hundred important people you can't understand how it works. Do I think the Russians influenced "the" election via Twitter as a tool? Yes I do. Go Elon I wish you the best but just don't get to conservative on us.
  19. So are the penalties for protesting in these areas raised now? I think protests at big summits are so the respective reporters from each country writes a story about the reasons for the protests. It will be interesting to see how things really go.
  20. It's an exchange,. How was it ever worth 20 billion? Hope we see some serious jail time for the crook who often visited the White House. Oh yeah that's normal.
  21. You can now get 1 that bakes, microwave, convection bake, and air fryer. Air fryer is healthier than frying in oil. Great for leftovers. Don't you ever have lol leftover rice? Or stuff. It reheats foods great. Air popcorn popper is better. Those microwave bagged popcorn are expensive and don't ysst so good. We bought a counter model for 200$ I removed the one above the stove. Needed a vent hood to outside for her cooking.
  22. Well it's obviously not suicide. Why not tell us if cctv is available? I guess initial report. Sad to think about a hard working lady dying like this.
  23. On Tuesday I asked mom how she thought the election went for Trump? She said we need more people like Desantis. And my pothead hippie bum almost ex friend is text bating me at this moment how the orangutan was the best president ever. I just can't understand it. The great divide remains. I agree Biden is losing his mind. We need to have a top age limit of 70. The age of politicians has never been so different than the average population of America
  24. I would like to know what segment of the population is coming? Service dodgers, lots more women than men?, People from the wealthy class, surely poor people can't afford to come. Do they plan to stay as long as needed or on a short 45 day vacation? Hmmm.
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