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Posts posted by notrub

  1. Thank you all very much for interesting and supportive comments.  Happy to learn of your experience Sheryl and gives me even more confidence to go for the monovision option.  I have been surprised that more people are not aware of this solution given the amount of information posted on Facebook.  


    I ordered glasses from 'Zenni' online using the prescription provided by Rutnin and they arrived without any surprises.  The price for quality coated, armoured lenses and frames was much, much, (much) less than basic glasses from the local chain store outlet.  They work very well and I am surprised how quickly my brain adjusts to seeing with them on (vision gets progressively better after a few moments).  After a day of driving using the glasses my brain takes some time to adjust and see 'normally' without them when I get home.  Funny ai?  My vision is not too bad and it is primarily for problems driving at night that I am having the cataract surgery done.


    Thanks again.  Look forward to the next exchange of ideas in the future.

  2. 50 minutes ago, tifino said:


    The AllFocus type of IOL doesn't always work as well as supposed... (well, in my case anyway) 

    The Dr much later on says the Pre-op eye pressure reading must have some err at the time of measuring - relative to what the prseeure would have normally averaged out to be... 

    Anyways, what was supposed to be an AllFocus IOL, ended up being one that about the only thing that was in focus, is the Moon! What I am thinking about is that if you opty for a Short focus one eye, and Long focus the other... have the eyes done one at a time (not same session) 

    you can then at least re-appraise your options for the 2nd one...


    why Glaucoma drops? for Cataract situation?  what's the medication name on label?     Before the Op, I had a pair of near sighted eyes. Afterwards, I found out that you have to be lucky to get a good optometrist, that can deliveer a set of new glasses than can have one lens with a high +ve factor, and the other with a high -ve factor - and you not result in migraines... 


    A far as having one long and one short focus eye now - yes luckily the brain does quickly adapt. 

    I often quip how one shuts off (brain ignores it?) when reading... just like right now in front of the computer.

     - and then when driving, I can do the long distance stuff for the road ahead, and the other eye for the Speedo etc 

    There will be a month between ops on eye 1 and 2.  Long vision 1st on strong eye then will see how it goes.  The glaucoma drops are a standard treatment to stop degeneration of, I think, the optic nerve.

    • Like 1
  3. Published

     3 days ago


     December 30, 2019


     CTN News


    Is this true or an early April Fool's Day?   



    Five Agencies to Study Cannabis Farming in Northern Thailand


    The farm is also a part of the study of cannabis growth to prove that cannabis can grow well in regular soil. Outside of special green houses. Cannabis plants from the first cycle will be delivered to the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine for further research and extraction for medical use.

    • Haha 1
  4. Thank you Thaibeachlovers and Peter Denis.  These thoughts have certainly crossed my mind.  The requirement to appear at the end of all the 'providing translated documents' to make a sworn statement that I am 'free to marry' makes a nonsense of the whole process.  The amphur requires only this sworn statement, it seems, although they would like a whole bunch of other stuff too given a chance.


    I was not married or divorced in the UK so who is to know?...  If they really check they could find my tax records and applications for various UK documents but how likely is that?


    The UK embassy requires all documents in English and the amphur requires same in Thai.


    I have a small sum paid into my account each month by a private pension fund.  It ends with my death if I am not married.  How will they know I am dead?


    The land my house is built on is in the name of my partner (paid for by me).  The usufruct ends with my death.  She automatically gets everything unless somebody (my children) appear and want to move the house and pool off the land, 555.  


    Further comments welcome.  Thanks.


    Happy New Year!

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You will have to do the affirmation at the UK embassy in Bangkok. 

    Info is here. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand#affirmation-of-marital-status

    You should be able to get the translation of your divorce decree translated by mail to some translation services in Bangkok.

    Thank you.  MeePeeMai sent the name of a translation service so the French to English to Thai may be much easier.  'A Language Lover’s Translation Centre Part., Ltd.' in BKK.


    Do you think I will need to provide my original marriage, now divorced, certificate or will the divorce documents be enough?


    Thanks a lot for this and other comments you have taken the time to make in the past.


    Happy New Year,





  6. My GF and I would like to get married after 5 years of generally harmonious partnership...  It is not a life (or visa) threatening situation but it would be nice to do.


    I would like to find a service that could help smooth the way to enable us to be married sometime in 2020.  There are a few complications regarding my circumstance although being legally divorced is not one of them.  I am, in fact, free to marry and it is providing the paperwork to prove it is what I need help with.  Here is me and my situation.


    I am a 71 year old male with dual nationality, Canada (born) / UK (by marriage later).

    I am in Thailand on on my UK passport with an 'o' non res. ret. visa and comply with all the current requirements to renew.  Including cash in the bank and income.  I own my house on usufruct land etc..  No criminal record or other antisocial history.

    Married in Canada 30 odd yrs ago to a UK national, legally divorced in France last year.  Documents for this are in French.


    It appears that I will have to translate and present my divorce document in English to the UK authorities.  Then have them translated to Thai.  At some point I must swear that I am telling the truth about everything before some sort of qualified (UK?) official.  


    I live in Isaan and only go to BKK under duress so finding a service near Buriram, Korat or Khon Kaen for example, would be nice.  Doing everything by post would be good too.  Appearing in person to do the swearing on my honour etc. would be nice to do at the office of some official near to me. 


    Any ideas re. an honest, economical agency that could help me please?


    Thank you very much in advance.




  7. I recently posted about buying gold online here in Thailand.  Buying gold as an investment is one thing, displaying your worth as gold worn daily is another.  In the west 24K is generally seen as being too soft to wear every day; 10, 14 and 18K are seen as 'gold' there.  So we Johnny Foreigners are not simply being cheap when looking for 18K gold, it is what we have learned about what is practical gold usage.   The high price of pure gold today shows that it is probably not such a good idea to buy it as an investment just now.


    I bought a nice looking chain (which can be easily returned) online for about 40 Euros (1,450 THB).  The local gold shops here in the fields of sunny Isaan do not sell 18K.  As long as it does not turn my wife's neck green I will see this as money well spent and a long way from the 30,000 THB for a 24K 1,5mm dia chain that I was planning on.  On the other hand, if I could buy a nice looking 18K gold chain from a reputable seller for a bit more I would prefer to do that.  Or even the name of shops that sell this type of gold outside BKK. 


    The various tests described by 'https://bullionexchanges.com/learn/test-gold-real' are interesting and will try them out, just for fun. 


    All comments welcome, of course, and thanks in advance. 




  8. I just ordered a necklace from 'Goldshop_Mall' on the Lazada web site.  They are selling jewellery made from 'scrap gold' and claim that this item is 18K solid gold.  As in - GOLDSHOP Necklace Gold Necklace Gold Necklace Real Gold from Scrap Gold Chinatown 96.5% Real Gold Jewelry . 

    I paid 1,340 THB for a chain 24" long.  (see below)


    Here are a few questions.  Has anybody had any experience with this seller?  What is scrap gold please?  Any comments regarding whether this is a realistic purchase?  It seems pretty inexpensive to me. I saw that I can test it with nitric acid but have never tried this.  I can send it back as usual with Lazada purchases.  Any comments please?    Thanks in advance.  


    While we are at it.  Can anybody suggest a reputable gold jewellery seller offering 18K gold items?  Thanks very much.


    Happy Season's Greetings - BTW.

    Screenshot (103).png

  9. On the same subject...  I would like to buy my wife a gold necklace and, as a farang, I am looking for 18K.  All of the (few) local shops I have looked at sell 24K only.  In the west we see that as being too soft for daily wear.  We have 14K as standard and 18K as a bit special.  What I buy for her is not an investment in gold, it will be for wearing.  Any comments about reliable shops in Thailand or perhaps reliable mail order outlets would be gratefully received.  Thanks in advance.

    (Please excuse me for inviting myself onto your post Number 6)  

  10. On 12/10/2019 at 7:33 PM, Bagwain said:

    Forget it with swimming pools!

    I had & was involved with float tanks for yrs & it is great for them!

    If anything go to pink Himalayan salts!



    Thanks for your thoughts, although it is disappointing not to be able to soak up all that magnesium whilst taking a dip in the pool.  I looked up the float tank and it is a bit exotic for us here in the wilds of Isaan.   I was pretty happy to find the bog standard white version of Epsom salts at our local(ish) shop.  Never heard of the pink version.  What is that please?  Take care and Merry Christmas too (if you celebrate it -I don't anymore).

  11. Here in Buriram it is both bank book and 'visa' bank letter.  The balance in the book must be exactly the same as in the letter, which is valid for a very short time.  In Surattanni I had to make a new application a week after the first due to a fault of the immigration dept.. 


    All was fine (as it could be following a forced trip to Kuala Lumpur), until the officer noticed that my bank letter had expired.  Never mind that this letter was only a few days old and that it matched my bank book exactly.  Mad dash across town and BKK bank did me a 'favour'  (100 baht) to produce a new letter in an hour. 


    Back to immigration handed over the letter and the sum was not identical, 1,400,000.24 THB in the letter, 1,400.000.42 in the book.  No matter that the original error had been their fault and that I had just flown to Malaysia for a new stamp, and that the sum in the bank exceeded the amount required by quite a lot. 


    It was back into downtown traffic and a very snooty young woman did another letter (for free!).  Finally got all the ducks lined up in a row and I got my new O visa.  We just managed to get the last ferry back to Koh Phangan and home...

    • Thanks 1
  12. You have recommended Khun Jammaree but don't post any contact details.  Could you let me know where she is and what is her business description please?  


    My circumstances are a bit complicated in that I was married 30 years ago in Canada am here on my UK passport (I have Canadian also) and my French divorce was finalised earlier this year.  (I am still a resident of France.)  So, my divorce documents are in French. I live in Isaan so going to the UK embassy in BKK will be difficult, as it always is, and would hope there is another solution.


    The principal reason for marriage is that I have a private pension which passes to my wife on my death.  I can arrange for her to access my bank and our house etc. is already hers, so to speak.


    I don't need to be married for my Thai retirement visa and we have been living in sin for 5 years already.   


    Any comments about how to achieve a 'single status' would be very welcome.  Thank you.

    • Like 1
  13. I have been looking into adding magnesium sulphate to my small pool (4x8x1,5).  I have a salt chlorinator, cartridge filter and use muriactic acid in the pool water (to lower ph and keep it clean).  It is all working pretty well but I am a big fan of magnesium sulphate and would like to put it into my pool.  What I have found on the net is not too clear and wonder about the following.


    Can I just add magnesium sulphate to my existing pool setup?

    If yes, how much?


    The sites I have seen suggest draining the pool and refer to 'big pools, small pools' and 'bags' and 'gallons' (but not how many).  Also not draining the pool.  They do not instil confidence.  If I didn't already really want to add MS I would just forget about it.


    (Magnesium sulphate is a very useful chemical with many uses not the least of which is drawing out splinters and sea urchin spines from you feet.) 


    Any comments please?  Thanks in advance.




  14. Canada may be the second largest country in the world but it stretches, coast to coast just over 9000 KM with about 90% of the population living withing 300 KM of the 49th parallel (US border).  


    It is very difficult to govern such a long skinny country that has so many different ethnic groups and shades of political colour.  Mr, Stargrazer  is mistaken, the cash cow is oil, not tax, and with the cash comes power.  Disproportionately so, and with a very narrow, well focused agenda, the oil barons can influence politics with only the bottom line in black to strive for.  Not the well being of the country, the world or those who inhabit it.  The fossil fuel industry is not bound by borders or politics,  and are united fighting those who oppose them.  


    We had 2 PMs in recent memory, Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper, both backed by Alberta Oil money and both worked tirelessly to promote their interests and ideology.  Finally, Trudeau was able to take back control from these groups.  But they never sleep and with unlimited funds they can run a negative information flow aiming to unseat Trudeau and regain the seat of power.  One such person announced, following the previous election, that they would research and publish daily, their thoughts on Trudeau's governance.  


    So, I support Trudeau over Trump any and every day.   

    • Like 1
  15. I am trying to return a Kindle reader to Amazon in USA.  DHL express shipping is over 2,000 baht.  Thai Post registered surface is 300 baht.  Except it appears that they will not accept any item with batteries even by surface.  The parcel has been turned back 2 times.  One time sent by air TP 800 baht and 1 time TP surface 300 baht.  The The battery is lithiun Ion 'not restricted' (PI 967).  Time for delivery is not an issue.  Any ideas please about how I can send this back?  Or must I bite the bullet and pay the DHL price? Thank you 

  16. On 11/21/2019 at 7:21 PM, Thomas J said:

    I have the need for corrective lenses for distance, reading, and I have astigmatism.  When I was younger I had laser surgery to correct the astigmatism and the distance vision.  I can tell you I wish I had never done it.  Yes for a period of time, I did not need glasses to see distance.  However, immediately I needed glasses to read with.  When you are older Presbyopia causes you to lose the focus ability close up and the laser surgery to correct distance then unmasks the Presbyopia if you are near sighted.  You will get the same effect if you wear single vision glasses for distance.  You won't be able to read.  Now my corneas are flat and contact lens do not fit properly.  I can not use the new multifocal contacts.  If you have astigmatism and need correction for both distance and reading you can try the TORIC lenses.  Multi-Focal to correct both distance and close up.  Also, try mono vision.  One contact in dominant eye for distance, one in other eye with prescription for reading. The TORIC lenses correct for astigmatism and should help with the starburst effect at night. 

    Regarding cataracts, my closes friend is a Ophthalmologist.  He said that you want to do cataract surgery only when the cataracts are so bad that they are impacting your life.  In the meantime stick with glasses or contacts.  He stated that though cataract surgery is very simple, getting the correct lens replacement is inexact and made more difficult if you have lasik surgery. He said that he would never recommend multi-focal lenses for cataract correction.  He said they are far too difficult to accurately fit.  He said when absolutely necessary do the cataract surgery but go with single vision and then rely on glasses to read.  The likelihood is that you will still need some glasses to make you 20/20, correct for the astigmatism, and have added power for reading. 


    Exactly what the doctor said.  Thank you.

  17. Thank you.  The doctor said one at a time to see how it goes.  Yes Sheryl, there is time to wait and see.  The doc said she did not recommend the variable type lens unless it was a special need situation.  Her option is to put one long and one short focus and I understand what she means.  When they take out the existing lens the cataracts come out with it, is how I understand it to be.  She said the problem will be when they get so advanced they harden, or something, and are difficult to remove.  


    She want me back for another puff test for glaucoma in one month.  That is to see if it goes from a value of 20 down to 15 and if the drops are effective.  That test seems like it could be done anyplace that has the equipment and competent staff.  I have a month before another trip to BKK to decide.  I have done a lot of driving in my life and 'The thrill is gone' so there is no joy in the commute to BKK.  Don't suggest flying as the 'Thrill' for that 'is even more gone'.  Thanks a lot for your comments.  I am always ready to take advice and it is good to get some for these sorts of things.

  18. 28 11 2019


    Thank you again for all your comments.  I did go to the Rutnin Hospital as several persons suggested I do.  Very glad that I did and had the standard exam plus an extra add on for glaucoma (2 or 3 k baht).  It all came to 7000 baht including the first month's drops. I don't have astigmatism or macular degeneration, good news but do have cataracts and glaucoma.  The glaucoma is in a fairly early stage and the doctor thinks it can be controlled by eye drops.  Hope so, don't fancy being blind if I can avoid it.  


    The cataracts can be fixed by the standard replacing the lens operation.  The doctor there said that she likes to do both eyes, one long range and one closeup.  Both fixed focus.  Apparently my vision is already that way and the brain compensates and uses the appropriate eye, so to speak.  She is reassuringly competent looking and sounding and her recommendations are purely medical.  I am confident that she was not 'drumming up business'.


    They gave me a quote and it comes to 90K baht per eye not including prep, or something.  The local, Buriram, doctor (who is the eye doctor at the main hospital there) gave me a quote of 14K baht per eye.  Gives a  person some reason to pause for thought.  I know the argument can be that I have only 1 pair of eyes and should I risk getting a dodgy op by an incompetent doctor inn a shoddy operating theatre but moving on from there...  What are the options available and how to explore them?



    Ivor Bigun commented on his experience at the Queen Sirakit hospital, Satahip and others have mentioned this hospital too.  I am going to post a note in the Buriram Expats' forum to see if the local doctor is known etc. and also will contact the Queen Sirakit hospital to ask if they would do the operation and what would it cost.  Living in the north of Buriram Province I am definitely outside their catchment area and don't know how that works in Thailand. 


    Aside from the giant cost difference, travelling to BKK is difficult and I do not enjoy spending time in big cities like BKK.  If the Queen Sirakit hospital was a viable option going to Pattaya area would be as far but a bit easier on the nerves than BKK.


    Putting the 200,000 baht cost into perspective, it comes to about 1 1/2 years of my small pension.  I have some savings, enough to cover the 200K+ for the op and travel and what have you but it would be nice to find a safe alternative at a lower cost.


    Any comments will be gratefully received.  PS, The name of an online glasses supplier that many expats use has been mentioned a few times but cannot find it now.  Could I be reminded of it please?  Thanks.  And thanks again for encouraging me to go to Ritnin hospital.

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