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Posts posted by notrub

  1. I am fairly new to the world of a full top denture and mine is not one held in place by liquids in the mouth (mucus?) and am forced to use the only adhesive commonly sold in Thailand.  I won't  resort to expletives but how hard can it be to make a product that does what it says on the box?  At around 250 THB a tube it should work but it does not.  I buy Fixodent on ebay which is a powder and it does  work.  I cannot find it for sale in Thailand anywhere although I have found Fittydent and it is better but not by much.  lazada does not sell a powder and my dentist has never heard of powder waterproof adhesive.  Any help out there please?  I have some fixodent on the way but it has become lost in transit.  Thanks in advance.

  2. Thank you Rc.  I just must accept my irresponsible treatment of the phone and move on with confidence.  How do you get a free phone?  I have a monthly contract with AIS that costs about 500 baht per month with more call time than I could ever use but enough data to remain connected all the time.  Never download films, only to listen to one of the online music and I never run out of credit.  I got the first J7  with an AIS contract but still had to pay quite a lot.  The first replacement (which it seems I have just broken) came from Lazada at a much lower price for a naked phone than I have found anywhere else.  I read about the S8+ for less than 17,000 baht but also see the S9+ in the less than 27,000 baht range.    what do you think?  While you are thinking, any comments on the Honda HR-V 2018 to begin to be sold in a few weeks.  I know it is off topic, but there you go.  Thanks for taking the time to comment. 

  3. Is it just me or ?  I bought a J7 pro misunderstand splash proof.  Replacement of new unit was 500 baht more than repair so the one dipped in water sits in my drawer and new one in my pocket.  There is a bruise on the screen that they told me was from pressure on it.  It is in a hard case but not covered by guarantee.   4 or 5k to replace screen.  I see the A8 and S8 are waterproof and sell for about 15k A8, 18k S8  on Lazada. but would like comment b4 buying 3rd phone in 4 months.  Is it just me?  Are Samsung phones as great as advertised?  What alternatives would you recommend please?  Waterproof and strong are important features but most other hype is (?) so what.  What do members think please.  Thank you

  4. After I posted the note above I realized that I looked  right <deleted> just to buy an expensive car just 'for fun' and 'we don't need one' etc..  I am writing this to apologies and explain that I just turned 70 and this is the last car I will ever buy.  I started work on a newspaper delivery route when I was about 14 and I have worked ever since.  I am not well educated but I am a carpenter and worked hard and did OK.  I have separated from my wife (another story) and she robbed me of 90% of what I worked all my life for.  Yes, I do have a few million baht and I built a small house with a small pool but that is what I wound up with after working hard all my life.   I know lots of fellows have stories much worse than mine and who have less than me too and sorry when I learn about that.  Quitting the alcohol and being robbed by my wife of over 30 years set me back a bit but there you are.  I am sorry to have been an offensive as*hole about this and thank you for advice you have posted for me in the past. 

  5. We don't really need a new car so I thought I would ask at the Honda dealer if they ever have once a year sales or something and would he call me when they do.  It turns out that the new 2018 Honda HRV is available next month.  The EL model has been the top end but now they have introduced an RS model as top end one for an extra 100,000.  It is not clear to me what bits have been removed from the new EL which is a lower price at 1,059,000 for the 2018. The 2015 model is 1,099,000   It seems to be just a facelift, and still based on the 2015 design. It seems that the RS gets lane changing warning, LED lights and a camera out the back.  Not a lot of stuff for 100K.  I am in Buriram and they have a 2015 model demonstrator that is offered at 10% off.  I have not bought a new car in Thailand although I have owned plenty elsewhere over the years.  Here is my question or maybe 2.  Is it that some dealerships will compete with others of the same mark, in this case Honda, and am I likely to be able to get a much better price from a big dealership in BKK?  Second question is to ask if there are better cars for around the same 1,000,000 price tag of the Honda?  We have a pickup and I am not interested in a flash car, quite the opposite and that is one of the things that appeals about the Honda.  Nice car but not a jaw dropper and I hope not to create jealousy or contempt as the rich farang in our small rural village.  Here is a 3rd question.  My GF has an old Toyota that she (I) pays 8,000 pcm and will do for another 7 or 8 months.  It runs ok is is fine for taking Mum for a checkup at the hospital but I kind of fancy a new car.  So what do we do with this old dented Toyota?  Nobody has a DL in the family (except GF) so we cannot just give it away to a sister or something.   Is there some way I could work the old car into the new car purchase?  I plan just to pay for the new one when I pick up the keys.  Thanks for any comments and directions to relevant information websites would be great too.  

  6. Thanks for comments.  We have nearly 2 rai of flat land near but not in a small village.  We are lucky to have many trees and plants and we only cut away some of the jungle and bamboo to  build our house.  I put the grass because the soil is just muck when it rains,  The crap grass that I put in worked OK but it is now out of control   This is a farming town and you would think that help would be easy to find but it is not.  Some farmers come and cut our grass for their animals but only when it suits them.  For free, but I want to clear it up and put in something more manageable .  The roundup company is not a friend of the earth and their products damage the environment   They are like the tobacco companies who denied the health problems with smoking even though their own research contradicted the public statements they were making.    I want to steer clear of these kind of products.  

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  7. I very stupidly planted every evil type of grass onto our site in rural Isaan.  We had imported over 500 trucks of dirt to bring up the land level and when it started to rain it was a field of muck.  I have some experience with stabilizing slopes and what I have done in the past is to plant wild grass with big roots.  Well, Mr. Stupid here stuck in every variety of grass that grows wild around here.  That worked, too well I am afraid.  Now I want to get rid of it and plant a more civilized variety  that grows less quickly and will still keep the earth surface consolidated.  I do not want to resort to heavy, destructive military grade defoliants but there is nearly 1 rai of affected area and the roots are very well developed.  Do I just bite the bullet and remove by hand or is there another solution?  Ideas about the problem and also about what to plant when we get rid of the bad stuff will be welcome.   Thanks very much.

  8. KittenKong.  I have not tried any shops except the one that supplied the windows when I built this house.  The owner had no idea about multi bifolds but maybe that was just him.  I will do a search around Buriram with pics from Pinterest  but I don't have any high hopes about this just now.  I would pay extra for special glass and I know there is a big wholesaler up here.  Thanks for the comment.  Any more ideas welcome.

  9. Well, I did not realize that this is such a sensitive subject for some members. I live in Isaan in an agricultural area and whet there is here in my neighborhood is lots of rice and not much else.  I like music and I am looking for something that plays music to brighten my day.  Sorry to offend, it was not my intention.

  10. A while ago a member kindly took the time to summarize the internet online shopping sites for a variety of goods.  Lazada is one I use a lot, for example.  I cannot find the post that lists many online shopping sites.  Does anyone remember this list and where I can locate it please?  I am looking for electronic stuff this time.  Bluetooth speakers.  Thanks for any help 

  11. Thanks for your comment.  So far I have information from a company that makes stainless steel multiple panel folding/sliding doors.  This is the only supplier that I have heard of here.  The normal door companies look at you as if you have 2 heads when asked about this kind of door.  Pinterest has hundreds of examples of these doors and the variety is amazing.  I would like an anodized dark brown aluminum frame with about 8 panels around 45cm wide each to close off an opening of around 4 meters,  the height of the opening is around 3 meters but I would be happy with a fixed transom so any height available would be acceptable.  I would like to explore the different glass options but do not want mirrored glass.  We are looking for a bit of privacy without curtains and am open to any ideas.  I am not a wealthy man so cost is a factor.  Any suggestions of where I could start to look?  We are in Isaan but any Thai location would be fine.  Thanks for any ideas you may have.

  12. I see a variety of 'sail shade' options on ebay and Lazada.  From cheap to not so cheap.  Any comments on what to look for and type of cloth and corner fasteners/connectors etc.? I see a company 

    'Sail Shades Thailand'  that has a variety of sizes and prices.  That they are made here appeals to me. Any comments?  Thanks
    • Like 2
  13. Hi, 

    I am looking for a supplier or manufacturer of multi paneled bi fold patio doors.  Also called accordion doors etc.  Pinterest has lots of examples.  We are in Ban Mai Chaiyaphot sort of near Buriram.to our south,  east of Nakhon Ratchasima and south of Khon Kaen. so a supplier from any of these areas would be best.  I understand it may be that we must source from BKK and that would be OK if nothing closer.   The opening is about 4 M wide and I currently have 8 - 45 cm (ish) solid wood panel folding doors but we have just built a pool so now glass would be a good to get if poss.  Sadly, I am not a wealthy man so cost will be a factor too.  Thanks in advance for any help and/or ideas.  

  14. My Trannscend 1TB storejet just died on me.  I plugged it into a powered USB hub and the blue light on the top went out and will not come back on,  I have tried other cables and other computers withput any luck. Is there a reset or fuse inside the rubber casing please?  Any other Ideas what to do please?  Thanks very much for any help.

  15. How does an 18 year old Thai person learn to ride in order to be able to pass the test for a driver's permit?  Is there a learner's permit category in Thailand?   Otherwise how can they legally practice driving pre permit?  I hope not only on private land.  Thanks 

  16. 6 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    This is the third time you've ran this Topic


    I thought you got the answers before

    No, have had no luck except one fellow who brought some sections back from Aus..  I keep posting in the hopes that there is a Thai supplier out there just waiting to supply this product.  These drains are so commonplace in other countries that it is hard to accept that they do not exist as a product for sale here.  I hope my reposting doesn't cause you any problems.  If so, sorry.

  17. Hello, If I put a quality waterproofing agent into quality tile glue does this equal waterproof tile glue please?  In this case it would be  a Mr Fixit product added to Davco AC-2 glue.

    I know that Davco sell a different line of glue for swimming pools but I see that this 'special' is glue with a Davco additive.  Davco is, I think, a part of the Lanko family and I am very familiar with their  products and quality.  The question here is cost.  A 20 kg sack of Davco glue is 99 THB and the additive is about 160 for 5 bags of cement.  I assume this refers to a standard sack size and weight.  The Davco glue is 20 KGs.  I don't want to go cheap and have a failure but I know that often waterproof glues are simply presented in a different sack to be mixed with a waterproofing agent at a big cost increase.   Any thoughts?  Not urgent but soon would be helpful.  Also, if you have any suggestions re different products they would be gratefully received. Thanks


    On a slightly different question I see a line of Reln products on pinterest but cannot find a local supplier.  I want to add a flush surface drain around the entire pool.  Only 24 ML.   

    My 4x8 pool is not a luxury item and we are doing it ourselves with 14 cm quality cement blocks from a supplier in Korat.


    Thanks for any help or ideas. Still looking to source 2 - 4x4 wood cabins with or without roof structure.  They could be delivered in kit form and will be placed on a tiled concrete slab.  More details provided as required.  


    We are in Isaan 100 km east of Korat and 80 km north of Buriram.  We have a great builder if you are looking for a small family type organisation.  Only Thai and Laos spoken.


    Thanks again.  


  18. Further south from Korat I have seen wood house fabrication being done by the roadside and being sold from there too.  I went to our 'go to' guys here once and that was plenty thanks.  Fortunately they made such a mess of some simple jobs that left even the village people tsk tsking and shaking their heads.  We had to pay most of the bill but we escaped with our reputation intact.  Mr. Ya still turns away when he sees me but the other 7 or 8 are OK.   Ans why should they not be?  Do a crap job and get paid for it.  My wife's family is from here for generations and a few thousand was worth it to keep things smooth locally.  BUT, never again.


    I have a guy from Buriram with a team of 4, all family, and they are great.  My new pool will be finished soon and 100m2 of terrace too.  Contact me for his details but Thai, Laos and Cambodian are their languages.  Great, honest people.  

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