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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. No need to fill in a tax form and your personal allowances is 500 K and inxome much less than that!!
  2. Precisely and see my latest post today and yes before and yes have dealt with this a lot but just conveying consistently what the local Revenue have stated.
  3. Well mine is 500K as can not allow for my wife as she is not over 65 and yes everyone mentioning this 220K but that is if one has employment in Thailand. Confirmed by my local Revenue Office and a Thai friend who has a Thai friend in there and do not fret you simply do not need one
  4. As I have been told several times by my local Revenue Office I do not need to file a tax return and yes my personal allwances and exemptions are higher than my assessable income. And not going to and aware of this 220k but that is for employment income. As a matter of interest has anyone had a 15 so-called free consultation with Carl Turners ex pat firm as they seem as many other complicate matters with so many differing opinions. Thanks all
  5. As a matter of interest has anyone booked a so-called free consultancy with the expats site and have cancelled a meeting further on in March but several times my local Revenue office state I simply do not need to file and yes my personal allowances exceed my assessable income so not tax to pay. I know about this 220K but if you had a neeting was it useful coz we are being swamped with so many differing view points. Thank and not filing
  6. I think you could well be right and hence again and again my local Revenue Office not only stating again you do not need to file a tax form as your personal allowances exceed your assessable income and even had figures and P60s and not interested.
  7. No and yet again my local Revenue Office stating no need to file as stated several; times before but keeping my paperwork and they stated no need you are paying no tax.
  8. I get screamed at even if I slow down and life is cheap here and they can do A Wai and a couple of hundred part at most!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  9. I will try not to and they think oh you again LOL
  10. You are correct and my local Revenue office again today 5th March stated no need to file BTW My personal allowances are 60K OAE over 65 190K First pension 100K First Inc tax 150 K If you have a spouse over 65 60K Total 560K My allowance is 500K as my wife who does not work is not over 65 years old BTW even seeing old forms there are several allowances not listed.
  11. Yes, indeed the 220K and yes that apparently includes 100K first pension income but also told if from income from employment but again told several times my personal allowances are higher than my income and I simply do not need to file.
  12. All Revenue Offices are different and yours where you are certainly are!!
  13. Again today 5th March confirmed by my local Revenue office and had my figures written down and did not want to see them and stated it was the UK State pension but the income is less than all the personal allowances do they stated once again you do not need to file a form!!! The 2 very small pensions are taxed in the UK and have the P60s but keeping my written accounts just in case.
  14. Again confirmed 5th March the Revenue confirmed I do not need to file and many are not and will not as they would not allow me anyway. They would not give a letter and stated we would not do and confirm you do not need to file and you are right a real mess.
  15. Again and again my local Revenue told me otherwise!!! but see your point
  16. Well my circumstances maybe different and yes had a very small rebate on my tax in the UK from their tax office. Again, my local Revenue office has often stated that as your Thai personal allowances is higher than my Frozen state pension coming in to Thailand and have small prnsions which are taxed in the UK and can proof this on the P60s. They stated I do not need to file a form and many times and aware of the 220K or in my case 160K allowance but told on employment only and you have no employment in Thailand or indeed the UK. Pleased you got sorted but you realise you are on the system now and so many conflicting reports and like many going to wait as the forms are not up to date.
  17. Meanwhile and yes my local Revenue has again stated again as my personal allowances are greater than my income I do not need to file a form and yes I am aware of this 220K or 160K but again they told me only for employment
  18. Yes, I understand but the 2 are completely seperate and yes tax is paid in the UK and got a very small rebate and got P60s to prove it. As a separate issue there are so many conflicting reports on this tax issue and no one knows what is what!!!
  19. No I did not, and in any case I got a small rebate of tax from the UK the other month and can prove the other pension as taxed as have P60s and yes I know different dates but these are fixed amounts and will be taxed again from April 6th 2024 until 5th April 2025/ Why would I mention this and inn any case got P60s and the tax free allowances make no difference!!!
  20. I also keep a manual record written down but my local Revenue office has stated several times as my personal allowances is higher than any accessible income coming in you do not need to fill in a tax form but will keep my record just in case. Yes, I am also aware of these old forms om PND 90 and the 220k allowance though in my case the box is 60K personal allowance plus the first 100K pension and my wife is not over 65 so I can not claim this. The Revenue also stated that as you to not have employment in Thailand so why do you want a form and in any case not needed and I also mentioned I have pink ID card and it makes no difference and yes so many experts giving differing opinions too/
  21. Can not use home computer for Sonetel and tried and only mobile number and most have a home computer.
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