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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Precisely and when one has a Thai friend whose partner has a friend actually working in the Office stating the same thing and why volunteer information and get on their system and yes get the 220K but when they recognise you and stating do not worry about it and yes those who say get a letter but they don't do/ Hang fire and keep written and manual records but not needed!!!
  2. Let's get this straight after sorting out my debit card problem I went along this morning to my local Revenue Office in Kanchanaburi and they recognised me and stated yet again my personal allowances are higher than my income and no you do not to file!!! Same as before and several times!!!
  3. Unfortunately most of us have not got huge income and have wonderful Thai families to support!!!
  4. Precisely and as told my my local Revenue Office several times!!
  5. Yes, indeed and had a look at the e filing and all in Thai and difficult to follow and in my case have no Tin and told I want get one from the Revenue. I have been around my local office and get about the 220K but they stated that as my personal allowances are much higher than my income I do not have to file. Plus the fact I have a Thai friend who has a partner who works in the office stating the same. Keep a record on paper and many stating also let them chasing you and do not fet on the system. Also they asked as I have no employment here or monies from work overseas why do want to file? They stated no need as above.
  6. Some agree to disagree and up to you a well known phrase.
  7. Tomm Yes I totally understand but again many have been told otherwise and by the Revenue
  8. Well Tom many of us have no family or houses back in Blighty and try to make the most of it here in Thailand and yes the same age and have my homes here and my family too!!!
  9. Yes, agree but they do not know and many in the Revenue giving differing views but if they are willing to help you go ahead.
  10. Yes, they do get confused but not as much as us and hard to explain to others when we do not understand ourselves!!!
  11. Tom Please read my posts and my local Revenue Office have frequently told me I do not need to file a tax form as my allowances are below the income coming in and in case if you keep a written record then fine and yes I get people talking a bout this 220K issue and yes we all worry about lots of things here,
  12. As stated by many there is no where to put these figures and yet again my local Revenue Office has stated I do not have to file a tax form as my allowances exceed any income coming in and yes also have a Thai friend whose partner has someone working in that Department and saying the same/
  13. We get this and been told this about no need to file and many are not going to and yes as if they going to give one a letter 220k reportedly?
  14. Not tax evasion at all and read my post again ok No income from employment both here in Thailand and UK and you querying what my local revenue office have stated to me many times and also a Thai friend whose partner has a friend who works at the Revenue office and get the 220K and told me in person in my circumstances I definitely do not need to file a form and in any case why would they chase when absolute zero tas is payable ie ZERO!! Maybe ask again but what is the point they will not issue a Tin and yes I have a pink ID card and again it makes no difference. Please do not shoot the messenger ok. Cheers
  15. Also no tax payable!!! Per my local Revenue Office and several times ok
  16. Very very sad indeed and increasing it seems and yes when one can easily get cheap drugs and as for what they teach at school (not all schools tbf) However, I respect their religion but everyone it seems from a very young age and even before schooling are it seems forced to do so and yes normally do not discuss it or the politicians the same throughout the world) Yes, indeed say no more!! I used to teach and quite a few of the Thais I know or knew asking "What exactly do they teach at school"
  17. Yes, they have told me several times at the Revenue and yes up to everyone what to do or not.
  18. Yeah but when they have stated no need to file and they not going to give one a letter are they? Your circumstances it seems very different to others? And in the system always!!!
  19. The money soon goes down with 3 Grandchildren and yes most hardly got any saving and yes no houses or family back in Blighty but hey ho would not have changed things as we had circumstances and could no buy out the ex but nearly 18 years out here and loved it to be fair. Uk is a <deleted>e hole and we have all mad e mistakes but other circumstances outside our control but enjoy each day as and when it comes and yes seeing family grown up is amazing and many contributed massively re houses etc etc/
  20. The Department with no pensions but we would be found out and wonder those getting increases regarding a false address get clobbered and detest them we all do
  21. Yes, Tom They supposed to be sent randomly I have received 4 of them in 8 years but the last one sent by ordinary post and not received and telephoned them the other day Nothing is easy and yeah well my Family tried several times to put me on the family scheme but no!!
  22. We would be found out and The Department of no Pensions and those getting increases with a false address hope they are clobbered but no and we all detest the DWP.
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