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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. I have just booked and paid for a flight online. It is an 'e-ticket'. The airline company said they would send me an email with flight details and advice of payment etc.

    They did not; so I called them and they said use their web page and retrieve the booking with my six digit 'Amadeus' code.

    I did that and printed it off. Is that enough for me to present at Check-in?

    How do e-tickets work? Surely paperless tickets is not rocket science and should have been done years ago?

    Why are paper (hard) tickets still issued? Are they of monetary value? Are there any pitfalls regarding e-tickets?

  2. There is a large book sale (organised by Bookazine) on the ground floor of the Royal Garden Mall (Second Road entrance).

    Upto 70% off many thousands of books, I picked up some Lonely Planet guides for 100 baht and lots of computer books/manuals etc all 70% reduced.

    Worth a look: However books are not priced so take them over to the staff who will scan them and tell you how much. Some are reduced 70% some only 20%; happy hunting.

  3. Yes, I remember the old 'canned videos' of horse racing: you won't find them now though.

    Now there are state-of-the-art DVD computer programmes that generate random winners at virtual race tracks, whose fictional names include:

    Portman Park, Steepledowns, and even a dog track called Brushwood.

    So; the way to go, would be to contact any of the big three bookmakers in the U.K. Ladbrokes, William Hill and Coral and ask them how to get your hands on the hardware and software.

    I understand that gambling is illegal in the L.O.S. but let me know when you are set up for a 'race night'. I will be on the front row...........

  4. Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

    You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

    You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

    There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

    I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

    So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

    I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

    You write as if the many functioning binational marriages that are out there do not exist. So I thought I should remind you that they do.

    There is no need to remind me that 'binational marriages' (a very Swiss expression) exist: indeed they do. I prefer however, the term miscegenation. (I am a partner in such a relationship).

    It is always difficult for those who prefer to ignore and disbelieve that failure of {a} relationship is a real possibility in the L.O.S.

  5. Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

    You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

    You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

    There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

    I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

    So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

    I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

  6. Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

    Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


    Yes; I was wondering if USB sockets 'wear out' I do use them a lot. Anyone...do USB sockets wear out quickly? Any solutions? I am suspicious because my digital camera only seems to connect on one USB.

    I use USB Hubs that stay plugged in all the time and plug peripherals in as I need them.

    they are CHEAP <so disposable!>

    Yes: I will get a hub: they have upto six outlets: does that mean six USB devices will work from one USB outlet?

    Meanwhile back to the problem: Still no detection when I plug in. I had this problem witha 'thumb drive' and had to uninstall/install it to get it to work, so will try that with Nokia software i an hour when I close down for the day.

  7. Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

    Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


    Yes; I was wondering if USB sockets 'wear out' I do use them a lot. Anyone...do USB sockets wear out quickly? Any solutions? I am suspicious because my digital camera only seems to connect on one USB.

  8. No carry on electronic equipment? Is this still in place? Do people with lap-tops and expensive mobile phones still have to check them in with luggage?

    Plus, most (if not all) insurance policies consider electronic goods 'valuables' so a claim against checked in 'valuables' would be worthless.

  9. Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

    At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

    Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


    You have installed the PC-Suite software for the Nokia? Like Oxygen or so? If not, you need to do so first and for sure the propper driver!!

    And what kind of Service you use? AIS, DTAC, Orange?? Prepaid or full account?

    Yes Pc Suite installed and operational. Drivers are O.K. I feel that this is a detection problem.

    When I used to plug in the USB lead an icon appeared the phone synchronised and then I was away, no problem.

    Any tests I can do, regarding USB connections?

  10. Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

    At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

    Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


  11. ACM Kongsak: the bomb hidden in the car is a TNT type

    thank goodness it wasn't the explosive type!

    Well its a little less damaging than compound 4 (C-4) but you can't eat it, while C-4 is...

    But TNT is more dangerous than C-4 which is absolutely harmless without detonator

    TNT and fertiliser (ammonium nitrate) mix would be the the old-fashioned explosive called 'amatol': a stable explosive requiring detonators.

    Mercury fulminate, is the old fashioned choice of detonator, I would imagine that modern bombers would use zinc azide these days.

    However, whoever this mad bomber was, the more I think about it, the more mad he must have been, from photographic evidence, so far.

  12. 2 years and 8 months was the longest, then I had to return to the U.K. for a funeral, then less than a year later back again.....for another funeral....hope they don't come in threes, the air-fare is usually 36,000 baht for short notice.

    The first time was very strange, new buildings, new shops, closed-down pubs, but when I found my drinking buddies, they were all still exactly the same; it seems everyone in the U.K. is in a state of permanent depression, brought on upon, by; mortgage payments, credit card debt, unhappy, yet stable relationships and everyone loathes and detests their job.

    Two weeks was enough, I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting to fly back to the L.O.S.

  13. First, I am sure that the Thai lottery on the 1st and 16th of the month has been going for a lot longer than three years:

    If you buy a large result sheet; from a vendor a few days after the draw, results from the last 36 draws are listed. (18 months).

    There are records available, in a tiny Thai booklet; which go back about 6-8 years; get help finding this booklet from a fluent Thai speaker, by asking an elderley ticket vendor/result sheet seller.

    However: remember no matter how much you study past results, it cannot help you.

    Like a roulette wheel does not have a memory.....neither does the lottery.

    If you take a look at the result sheets, very often numbers repeat themselves just a few draws apart.

  14. Tax Reasons: Worked overseas for 13 years and U.K. tax rules used to be a rolling 1/6 rule, then in 1998/1999 everything changed and strict U.K. Non residence 90 day rules kicked in.

    So Thailand was ideal. Just recently it has proven even better because of the new withholding tax on gross interest on investments (it is not applicable to non-EEC countries).

    I feel sorry for U.S. citizens, they cannot escape tax even living overseas!

    Plus; difficult to stay single long in Thailand: So I am am well and truly here to stay now; coming up to six years.........

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