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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It sounds more like he wasn't even waiing properly.
  2. My point was/is that there is no correct way to do that in general. There is a way to wai the older boss and there is another way to wai someone younger and another way to wai a monk. And some more. I guess it depends on the receiver how serious they look at this. I believe the second pic is more to receive a wai. So a younger persons wais a very senior person and that person will do the pose in the bottom picture to "accept" the wai. If the friend made the gesture in the second picture, perhaps the woman thought he was accepting her wai or not really making a proper wai. I think the top picture is a proper wai, but the position of the thumbs suggest a wai to a very senior person and showing high respect. I think a typical wai would be thumbs at the chin. Oh, I just looked for a video on the various types of wai and found the video that the pictures above came from. Take a look at this and maybe send it to your friend.
  3. Or just accepting reality and paying for a much younger maid/carer/sex provider to take care of them until they pass on.
  4. China are the aggressors. Everyone else wants to be left alone, China wants to invade them, America wants to stop them.
  5. "Let us invade and occupy Taiwan and much of the South China sea, including territory disputed with multiple countries, or it's war." Knowing China, it's probably just a bluff. America's interest is the only thing keeping these countries safe. I'm sure they aren't going to bow down.
  6. The "to" is redundant here, as it says "former" self made man. The title literally suggests he went from being a former self-made man (not a current self-made man) to sleeping in a gas station.
  7. This is quite a negative response. You do understand he isn't British, right?
  8. I don't think closing half the schools in Thailand would be a good idea.
  9. Do you think they weren't aware of what was happening prior to this? It's certainly well known. They don't make any effort to hide it and everyone knows it is happening. If they were really bothered about what Hank and Gunther were up to, they could have easily found out and stopped it at any time.
  10. And Western pensioners without proper funds. Apparently viewed as being indistinguishable by many TV users... ????
  11. They are acting accordingly, but Thai style. They're trying to show how bad foreigners are precisely because it has been made clear how reliant they are on their money.
  12. Yeah, I would have thought that a lawyer would be a little sharper on the law and interpreting them. The article also has the following: So if you have a school name on your uniform but you don't intent or try to mislead someone you're still guilty simply because the school name is there? And without the school name you couldn't possibly be trying to pass yourself off as a student? Something not right there.
  13. I'm kidding. It's a bit from Seinfeld. It doesn't even make sense as a reply to you, I just wanted to say it.
  14. The problem is that tattoos are generally like a fashion accessory, often acquired with the idea that they complement the persons body and make them look more sexually attractive. A tattoo that once looked sexy, snaked around a man's bulging shoulder or bicep or peeking out from some part of a woman's slender figure, becomes almost a mockery; a haunting reminder if what time can do to a young and attractive body. Then you have the fashion angle. A tattoo that looks good on a young body, might not look so good on an aged body. And of course a faded and sagging tattoo looks good on no one. Whether they look right at the time or not, there seems to be reasonable grounds for getting them removed before you get too old.
  15. It's trendy these days to throw isms and phobias about when you don't like what someone has said. It saves having to make any real kind of argument against your opponent. If you can successfully label something as sexist, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, etc., then it's just wrong and bad.
  16. Oh yeah? Well, the jerk store called. They're running out of you!
  17. I think the "primitive" suggests a belief that is perhaps somewhat archaic and anti science, sort of like believing in magic, luck etc.. The difference would be the Thai person wearing an amulet and believing that it will keep them safe, or surviving a near fatal car accident and believing it was down to the amulet or blessing that their car received, and a Westerner wearing a cross and simply seeing it as a sign of their religion. The difference seems fairly clear to me, although it's a subjective judgement.
  18. Sure, tell your new Thai friends how you consider go-go bars and ping-pong shows to be a rich part of Thai culture...
  19. I see a big clash coming in the future. If kids keep getting worse, then eventually "Thainess" is going to slip away. I wonder what the tipping point will be...
  20. I'm not so sure. If tourism gets back to normal and the government has money to subsidise everything again, people will probably stop worrying. The whole democracy thing seemed to go away pretty quickly. The household debt thing looks a lot more serious. I wonder if Tony has any plans for that. Maybe harder to address because he can't blame the government and would actually have to blame the people? A tricky issue for a populist.
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