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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You can do what you like, but many people get a lot from keeping dogs as pets. This makes it worth the cost and hassle of maintaining them. Even though you don't share their feelings about dogs, you should still be able to at least see the logic. I'm not sure why you're applying extra things that aren't true. People often have the dog sleep somewhere else, and I'm not sure how you would "share its parasites" or why you would allow it to have parasites in the first. It sounds like you have an incomplete understanding of keeping dogs as pets, to the point where you have little appreciation of the benefits and a very exaggerated/inaccurate understanding of the costs.
  2. Aren't dogs literally bred to be human companions though? What's weird about that? They provide companionship and affection. It's pretty well proven that they have a positive effect on humans, psychologically.
  3. The whole things makes little sense. The rate of diagnosed cases is increasing. The higher number of pateints could simply be because they are becoming more aware of it, there are more places to go for help, or stigma has reduced.
  4. Did you have any idea what your government did for you when you were a teenager? Do most teenagers follow politics? It's much more likely to be related to something like social media or smartphone addiction.
  5. I disagree with your conclusion. I think doused in petrol, started the fire, then immediately shot himself. Chained to a tree to leave a mess just to mess with people.
  6. One guy says they'll win by a landslide. Another guy says they won't. On Facebook. How is this news?
  7. Sounds like they were doing sexy video calls, probably in exchange for money, then someone uploaded them.
  8. Politicians using fear, particularly fear of an external threat, to control people has been going on probably as long as we have had politics, possibly longer. You must surely know about this. Covid and foreigners are the external threats and mask wearing is a way of keeping it in people's minds. Also it ensures they are more likely to do as they are told, as they are already following one or two measures.
  9. Even if the virus completely disappears, are those Thais who seem convinced that all foreigners have covid ever going to be able to change this view? I feel like the damage is irreversible, at least in the short-term.
  10. Unfortunately, the influences of "progressive" ideas mean that behaviour with negative social impact is not allowed to be punished, where that punishment negatively affects a woman or a child. Any disincentive that this rule would have presented previously is irrelevant, where the idea of "it's happening anyway and women and children are suffering" is prevalent. The concept of "no child should live in poverty or go without education, and the state should provide resources for all children where their parents cannot afford it, funded by tax income" is of course a noble and important thing, but it does remove a lot of the consequences and factors that people should consider before they choose to have children.
  11. To be fair, I don't think people actually claim that foreign teachers are really able to "teach" English grammar. We (foreigners) don't really "study" it when we're at school, so it would take a lot of preparation to be able to teach in any detail, and the Thai students still might not understand (or care). It's more that they (potentially) provide a model and can error correct. They pretty much teach whatever's in the textbook, while the Thais teach the real nuts and bolts of grammar, in Thai. You certainly wouldn't (or perhaps shouldn't) find a fully qualified foreign teacher teaching in a Thai government school. Unless they are retired, incredibly charitable, or perhaps an eccentric millionaire. The pay and benefits (or lack thereof) are pretty much in line with the talent they are able to attract.
  12. Probably, but a lot of men find Thai/Asian women preferable in a lot of other areas also. Often it's a case of how they look, how they act and how they treat their men. Skinny suggest too slim, as in unhealthy or unattractive. That isn't how I'm suggesting Thai women look. And a poor woman isn't the only choice that a foreign man has. And there isn't anything wrong with being poor. The fact that you chose to massage what I have said in such a way suggests some form of bias on your part. You're also assuming I'm implying that being happy with the non-appearance based factors in your women precludes you from appreciating appearance based factors in other women. These men don't necessarily instantly abandon their overweight Western wives, but they likely consider it, if only for a moment.
  13. This could probably be said about most of the mainstream media and politicians.
  14. Especially after seeing so many locals (probably including the ones shouting) casually ignore any and all traffic rules where they are an inconvenience to them.
  15. You mean there are drawbacks to leaving children to be raised by smartphones and tablets?!! ????
  16. I never know who to feel more sorry for when I see a foreign couple with an overweight woman. The guy who's seeing what he's missing out on, or the woman who is forced to see what women are capable of looking like.
  17. And if he tried, the students would likely simply resent him and be confused about why he is being so mean to them.
  18. "A group of locals had approached the street racers and said that loud motorcycles, racing, dangerous driving, and general antisocial motorcycle behaviour was reserved for Thais only."
  19. I have no idea about legal matters specifically, but it seems fairly common in these parts for people to lie, postpone and generally fob people off, rather than actually doing something complicated or difficult.
  20. I don't think anyone is claiming that uniforms are so beneficial they can make pupils enrolled in a poor quality educational system magically perform at a higher level than pupils enrolled in a far superior educational system. It also doesn't prove that a lack of uniforms is what makes the US superior to Thailand in educational achievement. And the UK has school uniforms. This is just an absurd argument. If we're going to bring the US into the argument, it might be interesting to look at things like bullying, mental health, and things like school shootings. There's a possibility that school uniforms would benefit the US school system greatly.
  21. I didn't claim that the performance of the Thai education system was evidence of the educational advantages of school uniforms. Exactly.
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