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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. "Shoot to stop the threat." Most people that criticise police shootings have no clue about a violent or armed situation. Many say things like "fire a warning shot" or "just shoot them in the arm", which are both completely ridiculous.
  2. Yeah, it really is. You might not mind if your wife or daughter is forced to share a bathroom or a changing room with a person who has a penis. You might not think women have a right to choose not to do so. You might even not care if vulnerable young people with body image issues are convinced to have life ruining operations only to go on to regret them when they are older. However, luckily, some people do care.
  3. I wonder how they get genocide from this. Unless we are always talking about trans people, unless there is a trans character in every story, a trans actor in every show, a trans person present in every group that holds a position of power, all trans people will die?
  4. I'm sure some are. Besides, this isn't an example of someone on the right making statements regarding eradicating people.
  5. It's about protecting people and allowing them to live normal lives.
  6. More importantly, how can they address it without making people feel bad?
  7. You think he paid for a load of beer but decided to steal a bottle of water?!! And it was OK for the bouncer to handcuff him and assault him?!!
  8. They feel small and being unpleasant to others makes them feel slightly less small.
  9. Except he won because they settled with a cash payment and multiple people were sacked. People broke the law and behaved badly. His actions led to consequences for those who wronged him. Now maybe others will think twice before doing the same. But sure, a fool just wasting everybody's time... ????
  10. Surely a victim of a crime would be safe at a police station of all places! ????
  11. Aren't ozzies counted as kind of honorary non-native English speakers? Like some South Africans are counted as NES in some places.
  12. Well, it's third hand information from a random Internet person, so take it with a pinch of salt. I've also heard that in China the locals sometimes refer to women who are in a relationship with a foreign man as being something like "foreigner toilets". (Again, this is second hand info.)
  13. Of course. In Thailand, most women are quite keen to be seen as a sweet little girl. Whether that is good or bad isn't really an issue, as they are free to choose. It's probably a noisy minority who have been influenced by Western ideas through social media to believe they should be constantly outraged and make claims of oppression. It's basically some unhappy people following a trend.
  14. Thai men/society appear to have women trained to an insane level. When I think about how much Western men are trained to pursue women, put them on a pedestal, shower them in gifts and experiences, give them full commitment, and to keep this up for the duration of the relationship. Then you have many Thai women apparently chasing men, buying them gifts, and trying to win them over, while they drink and cheat and treat them like garbage. There must be some serious indoctrination going on with Thai girls. No wonder some Thai people say that having a daughter is like having a toilet in your front garden. But it never occurs to them to try to address the actual cause.
  15. Can you explain a little please? When I use Google translate on mouse and rat, they both translate to "หนู"
  16. If time travel was invented, I think it would be highly regulated. It might be the case that it would be invented then instantly banned. Even travelling back in time to do something "good", could completely change things to be much worse, and in a way that means there is no way to change it back.
  17. OK, sure. You can say that, as a girl, you don't want to be called something that suggests you are sweet and small (because some random feminist on tiktok told you that being a woman is bad and you have to want to be a man), just as long as you know the next time you try to use being a girl to get something, don't expect to actually get what you want.
  18. I believe the comment I was replying to was referencing "Western feminists'" attitudes to prostitution generally, and really in terms of it occurring where they are. So I think they don't want men in Western countries to have the kind of access to prostitution that Thai men have. Western women seem to like to limit who men can have sex with. Hence things like prostitution, age-gap relationships, etc., are labelled as predatory and exploitative. (Whilst they don't appear to have so much of a problem with any situation that has a woman exploiting a man.)
  19. Have you actually heard of this happening? I think the feelings of obligation are quite strong and, unfortunately, the way things are set up, they really might have no choice if they want to take care of their parents.
  20. Most men's only source of sex is often in a committed relationship that turns into marriage. If they cheat then the women can take most of their money and ruin their lives.
  21. I suppose it depends on the girl's personal circumstances. 1, she could have higher outgoings than that 12k a month and that might be the reason she is doing it. 2, she likely has a family that whose financial demands scale with the income that she makes - the more she earns, the more family members demand money and the higher the demand. I think you have to bear in mind that a lot of Thai women don't really have much freedom and are raised from birth specifically to be slaves to their family, be that physical or financial, while the men are raised to believe that they are free do whatever they want, including using women as slaves.
  22. They don't like men having multiple options for acquiring sex because they know that if it wasn't illegal or taboo, and it was affordable, many men would choose it over dating and marrying women (or at least have it as a back-up plan if their demands are too extreme). They don't want the competition.
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