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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. 3 hours ago, scorecard said:

    I add a bit more, most of the girls I mentioned above, and there are plenty of them get grades between D+ and C and sometimes F, mostly because they come late to very late to most lessons, they refuse to stop chatting to nearby students and refuse to stop playing games and texting on their smartphones, don't come back after the lunch break, immediately disappear when they are put in case study teams, often don't turn in their assignment or turn them in 2 weeks after grades have been published and at the same time ask for a re-grade, which doesn't happen. 

    Probably because they've got a bun in the oven.

  2. 2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:



    I presume anyone found drunk to be British ?

    Racial <deleted>.dont insult someone from the nucleus of modern human life.without us you'll either be a slave to the third reich or dead.so what a Brit tourist gets peed up on holiday the same as anyone from another country.my past family fought for knobs like you to slag us off.we should of partnered with hitler and had the lot.then got peed up and no I'm not drunk I'm insulted.

  3. The country is a joke and I'm stuck in it with a lovely wife that I wish we could get out of but she's not welcome in many countries without jumping through many visa hoops.all we want is a decent and stable country that we can settled down in and make some sort of living.we ain't skint but the whole worlds a fiiiking mess with politics and radicalists.im not wanting utopia but the whole planet it a shit tip.

  4. 6 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    I suspected as much, it was far tooooo Dark even for my tastes as TDL to be serious. 


    Good banter though. 


    I come to udon from from time to time fancy a catch up with K Paul for a cold wet one or two? 


    Honest i I am not as my avatar suggests .............

    I do actually write my quotes with a bit of fun or banter but there is always some one who's got out of the bed on the wrong side.anyway k.paul I hope I haven't offended you.

  5. 4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    He didn't mess up or make a mistake. He assaulted  a woman for sexual gratification.


    Messing up or making a mistake would be X raying the wrong part of the body. 


    He hasn't been unfairly treated nor is it unjust. Far from it. He is getting exactly what his actions demand. 


    As to family, he didn't think about his victim or her family when he sexually assaulted his victim. 


    He didn't care about her and how the consequences of his actions might ruin her life. 


    He sexually assaulted an unconscious road accident victim. 


    He is scum. 


    He is a predator. 


    He deserves gaol. 


    Who knows how many other women he has done this to and gotten away with it. 


    #%*¥ him.


    Let him rot where he now is. 





    He is not a sexual predator,he's a sex offender who took advantage of his position and the situation.he has admitted what he has done.a sexual predator can be defined as someone like me who prowls and hunts around lady bars for my own sexual gratification.so if you have any pals that go to bars and pick up ladies then you are associating with sexual predators.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    Sure, I will do that. When a person mess up or the later word that you mentioned, basically means that they make a misstake which in that case can be excused. Telling a story about working long shift, tired and confused and combining that with a wrongful act to another person just because being a pervert is not excusable. There you got it. That´s my point of view and quote on this story.

    That's better.we all know there is no excuse for what he did and by the way he's been treated he going to get the book thrown at him.when I first quoted on this story I was just pointing out the difference in the justice system here.i don't give a toss about what he gets but I would like to see the victim compensated.

  7. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    Messed up? Are you serious?

    Ok then he f@/£&  up big time,is that better?  Seriously if your going to quote on what I've said please try to add more than nit pick on one word and give a some sort of educated reply.i think it's people like you that pull these forums down to a low level.now go find some spelling mistakes on other people quotes and pull theirs down.or even better why don't you give us you quote on this story.

  8. 1 hour ago, Khun Paul said:

    Pay peanuts you get monkeys, nuff said.

    Did you ever take back handers? Yes I know who you are but you don't know who I am because you was a copper and I'm a undercover detective.i may even give you a tap on the shoulder next time I see you around udon...one other thing is,does it not drive you mad how the police operate here and you being a honest Brit Bobby? You might not believe this but last month I tried to bribe one copper for 300b instead of a 500b fine with ticket and he wouldn't have it.then in the same week while paying a double 200b fine for 2 parking offences he handed me back one 200b fine.i was totally disgusted with them both and thought I should report them both to the rip.rotten Thai police

  9. 1 hour ago, RigPig said:

    Just make the fathers actually support their off spring, that should do it.....

    Unfortunately these young men have found some right old stupid mugs to do that for them including me,when I lived in Phuket every girl had offspring and their fathers all died in scooter accidents.i couldn't believe they had so much bad luck.its an ego thing and a must for a Thai boy/man to breed from birth,then before or when the bastard arrives it's time to spread their wings and go copulate another younger one without a thought of responsibility.in fact my step sons father would probably want to stab me as I'm providing and giving him some sort of chance in life.only thing is he died in a scooter accident.

  10. If you asked a copper what policing was he wouldn't have a clue or say it's for making money for big boss.they are pathetic and bent as a 99baht note.its a shame really because some must start out their careers with good intentions but we know that if you put a good Apple in a barrel of bad ones what happens..I live in a large village and one day said to the wife..if I was a policeman here I would be known as the bar steward copper as I would nick everyone,confiscate dozens of scooters until the offences were sorted out,road dangers removed,in other words the judge dread of the village.her reply was oh your family would be shot and your house burned down.ok then my love I'll just take the bribes,be quiet and get my head down in the air con office.

  11. Another month of head scratching and he will be bald.he looks really pessed off in the picture and looks like he wants to punch the woman.anyway he can take retirement with all the benefits and carry on being an adviser on 50,000b a month.oh no I forgot they will deffo stop.anyway what is really being overlooked as usual is the people paying this money and why.pity this wasn't Japan,there would be people falling on their swords daily but here bulls poo does the job.

  12. 3 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    2nd Road is extremely hazardous for pedestrians trying to cross in most places, most of the time, to begin with.  Add the ridiculous speeds of most motorcycle riders and mototaxis and their tendency to pop out at full throttle from behind other vehicles, like baht busses and the large coach busses, and it's a game of Russian Roulette.  If you're new to the game, wear your running shoes and do NOT place your bet on the zebra-striped crossings!



    Zebra crossings are only a form of road art work.the people who paint them haven't a clue what they are for.in fact they should all be removed as they are a false sense of security for tourists.

  13. 8 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Nothing will be done.Nothing will change.Nothing will happen.They dont know the road signs,understand what traffic lights are for,half of them cant read.90 % havent got licences,or insurance.Never been taught to drive,just jump in a car

    when they are 12 years old,and the old man shows them.And,they dont care.Nor do the police.And the only reason you see the rescue cars belting down the road,is so they can be the first to dip your pockets,rings,watches and folding money,before anybody else does.

    I always wonder why these emergency response teams perform cpr when some of the victims have lost loads of body parts or decapitated.do they still get to bill them for heart treatment or something.example.  Tourist attacked by crab on beach,emergency medical services perform cpr?

  14. Just goes to show that the Thais are up to their eyeballs in debt.the bank is responsible for their loss and should sort it out.why do they have to go to big daddy,he's not a civil court.the banks in this country stink,if a cashier decides to empty my life savings out of my account and go buy a house and car I'm in ship street without a leg to stand on being a foreigner.probably be my fault for putting money in Thai bank.anyway 40 mil,nice tidy sum at the baht exchange rate.now the world is his oyster.Bali,phillapines and I bet they haven't put a block on immigration for this man.

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