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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. 2 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

    The Thai government has never had the money to cover a Thai bank bankruptcy.

    If a bank goes down then it will be every man for himself.

    You're right; time to move the money elsewhere (if you haven't already).

    Thanks for that,just im not really an investor and hate these companies offering 10-13% pa returns.i just want my savings safe and not too bothered about interest although it helps against inflation.ive invested in enough property out here for rental to give me some sort of income but only enough to cover day to day living.amazingly my wife has loads of ideas but I would be better off sticking it all on a 3 legged donkey an the grand national.funny that,the poorest people have the greatest ideas when it come to investing other people's money.im interested to hear from anyone who has invested in accuvest or similar with 6% returns.

  2. Myself I use chrome cast in with ez cast and also Apple TV.my wife is a Internet sleuth and finds me all the latest entertainment for free.the other good one is ilikehd tv.no contracts,pay for what you want packages monthly.im happy to pay 699b a month for Internet and Thai tv crap.also I share it with the bungalow I rent out so I get bogof.(buy one get one free).i can't see the point of paying big money for loads of channels I'll never watch but everyone has their own choice.its a pity I can't rent the wife out to go load up people with their daily entertainment with a happy ending thrown in.

  3. 22 minutes ago, bokningar said:

    I think you might be wrong here.


    "Housewives who used home computers to make fake £20 notes jailed after being rumbled in McDonald's and Asda"



    The link has been blocked but as I said you won't get away with it in the uk as these women didn't and these teenage girls did.mc Donald's was used as it has a high turnover and the staff are not the sharpest of people but they still Sussed out they were fake.

  4. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

    That's being planned already, they'll get to that level on the same day Betamax tapes are reintroduced.

    Totally agree and we know what goes up in Thailand stays up.not that I'm complaining,I moved all my savings out of the uk the two weeks before brexit.probably made 15-20% if I changed it back into pounds but wouldn't be of the slightest bit of use to me now I'm retired here.the only problem is I don't trust Thai banks.it could all go tits up and end up like the Cyprus bank collapse.i don't care what numbers the Thai government come out with as they seem to use dice to find the numbers they need to show like the 1% unemployment rate.

  5. So how is the government in the position to cover the banks.i have my life savings in a bank that could go tits up and it should be covered by the government.im questioning myself should I really leave my money in the hands of this man.in fact it's time for a rethink about investing somewhere else.pronto.

  6. The truth is true are being dumped and I can bet my last baht on it that's because they haven't been paying their bills.why would true want to dump any of these channels.its the saving face crap again.thai bs again and anyone with an ounce of brain can see it.they are going down the pan big time.im gutted I've just paid 3 months in advance but only for the basic package + Internet.i hope they last until April.then its time to find a new provider.

  7. Thieving little bar steward.wounder how much he's had his grubby little hands on in thailands coffers.should grab his bank accounts and dig deeper into his past.the problem with Thais is you give them the slightest bit of power and it goes to their head.the people who work at my local amphur office think they are all generals when in reality they are just council office gophers who can't even organise a rubbish collection day.

  8. When ever a farang is involved in a smash,it's our fault for pulling out in front of them.when ever they crash and no farang is involved it's brake failure or rain.warning to all,get a front view camera for a couple of thousand baht and if you do have a crash don't let anyone get their hands on the camera else the evidence will be lost in 2 minutes and you will be up to your neck in the brown stuff.a camera is worth its weight in gold and remember don't let them get their hands on it.

  9. 23 minutes ago, performance said:

    So what you muppetts where was it porned. Or you split the profits already. RTP scam.

    You know the police have split this one.tourist sent off with the,oh they've spent it,have a nice day.no court case as the tourist witness has gone home and the bib have split it.end of case.rotten to the core and another form of jet ski scam.

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