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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. 7 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Which has exactly what to do with the death of this poor young soldier?  totally irrelevant comment.


    Hitting the whisky a bit early tonite?


    7 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Which has exactly what to do with the death of this poor young soldier?  totally irrelevant comment.


    Hitting the whisky a bit early tonite?

    Sorry I sorry I did go off topic here.ive have great respect for someone who volunteers to fight for their country.oh by the way I hate whiskey,I'm more of a beer monster myself.

  2. Spoke to the wife tonight.she don't believe me that most of farang forces join up voluntarily for their country.she thought we have the pick the ball bingo thing.imagine if they never had that.there would be a army of 10-20 here and they would all be generals with 20 kg of medals.if the Isle of Man wanted to invade Thailand they could.how about sending 20,000 of them to fight Isis and help the world out.thing is they haven't enough tuk Tuks to get them there.rip soldier,you are a star in a dark sky.

  3. 6 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


    You're not listening.


    I said that It hjad already been posted that some come to Thailand for cheap dope/drugs. I have no Idea of the accuracy of the claim.


    You're the one who knows of quality and prices In both countries, not me.


    Do uyou drop In on places like the Overstay and research quality and cost??  It's a legitimate question If you have that knowledge.


    I Imagine that you'd have to 'sample' the product to know the quality, or can that be done on appearance alone?


    For the record, I wouldn't know dope from cornstalks, much less prices.  I do, however, know a dope when I read of one, e.g., somebody who uses Illicit drugs In Thailand!


    Unable to edit typos.

    I have the knowledge because 2 hard working freaks brickie/steel fixer who work very hard in the uk come here every December and we go fishing around Thailand.as soon as they land they want to buy some weed.when they finally do find some they sit down and I hear them say...oh look at this cabbage we've just paid twice the price of the uk and it's absolutely <deleted>.i don't know what it costs as it can vary from country to country and the same goes for the quality.your suggestion that I smoke because I have the knowledge is way off.its like saying drug squad police have the knowledge so they must smoke.by the way what are freaks,people who smoke dope or break the law...you claim to have no knowledge of weed so why go commenting on it.i not going to go on but you can have your say now.

  4. 1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:


    Not smoking, just qupoting........ quoting post further back In the thread.


    Not being a smoker, I have no Idea of prices or quality country to country.  You claim to have that knowledge, so are obviously prepared to take significant risk by using dope In Thailand.


    It appears you also have knowledge on securing warrants and police tipping off crims, but only Thais, not foreigners, so they can flee.  Could you please give us some cases of which you're aware?.

    So let's get this right.because I know a bit of quality weed in the uk is cheaper than in Thailand your saying I smoke weed here.you seem to have the knowledge that tourist come here for cheap drugs.how cheap are they?  Also I said the uk,not country to country.just listen to yourself...dope freaks come to Thailand for cheap drugs.thats a first for me.

  5. 9 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



    Jesada, what  you smokin' man??   You just don't get this.   Smoking dope is legal in some other countries, and it's not all that serious, so what's the problem??  Dope freaks come to Thailand for the cheap drugs, doing the economy a favor!!  Then the BiB have the audacity to arrest them and throw them in the slammer, just grossly unfair when the locals are doing the same thing.


    Call it sarcasm, or a joke, or whatever you like, but I'm not being serious.


    I'm a little confused at the thread title......Is the outrage because the OP thought the raid wasn't warranted, or because the bust/search was done without a warrant??

    Dope freaks ????????   People come to Thailand for cheap drugs.....what the cluck are you smoking...it's way cheaper back in the uk and its the real mc coy.i like cream cakes and my doctor said they ain't good for me,so I'm a cream cake freak then? Oh and yes you are a little bit confused.this whole episode is the Thai way of trying to make farang look bad and themselves look whiter than white.little do they know but the whole of the planet outside the bubble they live in are laughing at them.as for warrants,they are only for hi so Thais.this is because they want to give them time to make good their escape to another country.

  6. I suspect that drug dealers I'll gotten gains are divided up between the boys.my wife says that if I'm caught smoking a joint in the house,expect the boys to help themselves to my TVs ,scooter,gold and whatever's in the safe.then we might be able to sit down and negotiate a deal on my savings account.i now smoke down in my water well with the lid on after midnight.ps I have now got the art of rolling a spliff while treading water for over an hour at a time.

  7. They are just trying to monopolise.i feel for the farmers as I live amongst them but this is the old mafia in their blood coming out of them.basic idea is ban imports or tax the nuts out it and then we can charge what we want.what ever government are in power they will cock it up,cook the books and come out with ridiculous ideas that have no chance of working.this country is 100 yrs behind most of the world and will be in 100 years time.no business sense at all.most people work just to eat in this country a bit like Africa.there would be a lot more starving,stray kids on the street if it wasn't for the expat social security system.as for the education system,i bet more people in Africa speak English per head than Thailand.

  8. I really do think that up here in issan some drivers do not know what green and red lights are for.when it rains they all speed up,when there's lightening they turn out their lights so they don't get struck by lightening.i kid you not.when the powers down and no traffic lights working and it raining at night you are safer in a field battle at the somme or mosul.

  9. I can't see what the problem is here apart from the money going to Chinese.as soon as you land in bkk your squeezed right from the start.taxi drivers wanting to take you to tailors,jewellery stores etc.why ain't their taxis confiscated.its the usual bs where the Chinese have beaten them at their own game of milking tourists.does this then say if I'm overcharged for a sun bed,boat trip,Tuk tuk they will have their property confiscated.no unless it's Chinese.

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