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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. My way is give them nothing.if the shoe was on the other foot they would leave you naked and you would be sent to immigration detention centre for deportation.they all expect you to give them everything and then call you a stupid mug behind your back.i used to tip all the time,well that's gone out the window.when I gave tips my wife would get the bill and pocket the tip.she taught me that.

  2. So the ladyboys have spent the 150,000b in two days? Should make them tell them what shop they sold it in and go get it back off the shopkeeper who would know 100% that a ladyboy with any gold will be stolen gold.maybe then the shopkeepers would be more careful and not be the greedy fence/receivers that they are.ive been in a shop and seen a ladyboy with a chain and camera with no charger/accessories and acting really shifty.

  3. If these headcases can blow up 5 of there own,think what they would do to farang after a sniff of Lao kao.theres a new generation of drunk,drugged up uneducated rotten to the core youths that haven't had an ounce of discipline in this country,and before anyone bleats on about other countries im talking about Thailand.when was the last time you can remember a gang blowing up another gang in a church.....I take that back..a gang of terrorists have just shot and killed 5 people in a mosque in Quebec.thai youths-terrorists same,same.

  4. 1 hour ago, sanmyintmaung said:

    Top right photo..sorry I crashed my car and killed those people,it wasn't my fault it was mr mc muffins fault.

  5. 20 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    I am not sure what it warrants..


    Mushroom picking...15 years in jail (yes, I know they were released after 15 months but only after the outcry)


    Contribute to the death of nine people... a few hours of community service


    Order the murder of 90 fellow citizens...Amnesty


    Notice a trend here?



    Not forgetting the tourist caught in Phuket with 2 tiny  parrot fish in a plastic bottle and fined 100,000b.the Thai justice system is a serious problem.

  6. 7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    Totally agree with the above post.


    As all TV members know, An average, run of the mill IT website developer doesn't go buying, multiple houses and cars in such a short space of time in Thailand, as a foreigner, unless up to unsavory business. Your average web designer is usually chasing business from dawn till dusk in this competitive industry. I know by the amount that used to approach me when I had a business in Pattaya some 15 years ago.


    A shiver goes down the spine as soon as ' boiler rooms ' gets mentioned. His behaviour suggests somebody wanting to be a ' man about town ' No discretion here with Porsche Cayenne and Mercedes parked outside the door. Millions and millions of pounds and Dollars are cheated out of old peoples retirement and pension funds by these boiler room gangs on a weekly basis, protected by a country with officials who use the law to protect them.


    In the photo does he honestly look like an IT geek who stays in every night working on his websites? or a Jack the lad with the obligatory ' tough guy ' chest and shoulder tattoos of a  seasoned '  Ex Marbella now Ex Pattaya chancer! ' with all the trappings of "in your face " new found wealth.


    Boiler room guys have been working under and protected by very senior police figures in Thailand for years. When the walls come tumbling down, the Police, who will have been highly active in the ' counting department ' of this guys venture, will fade away into the background promising an investigation that never materialises. In Thailand there are TWO highly organized groups, and they are in uniform, that make serious money on a daily basis and is for the most part, untouchable. The foreigners are just ' here today, gone tomorrow '


    Just looking at it sensibly, an IT guy working on legitimate web development and this man do not fit in the same sentence.


    Now, it is coming out, the IT developer he is due in court for employing numbers of illegals, no work permit himself, then we have alleged hit men running off to Cambodia, Boiler rooms, online gambling sites, A 10 million baht house and four other houses,


    We have all been in the wrong job,  I am going to retrain as a web developer!


  7. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Will they never learn,I remember the last time they bought Chinese

    tanks,and they developed cracks ,so unless the quality has greatly

    improved, they will end up,been parked up somewhere,along with

    the Blimp,Bomb detectors,the Aircraft carrier without planes,and

    I suspect a whole load of other useless stuff that has been bought

    at great expense in the name of National security.

    regards worgeordie

    One of the men working on my house told the wife when he was in the army they were sent on Laos  patrol at night to search for drug smugglers with no ammo in their guns.i think they had to shout bang bang if they spotted a smuggler.100% true.he said he was a nervous wreck when he got out.

  8. 5 minutes ago, amjamj said:

    An honest family guy only making websites :-)


    Now I am worried for his sexy wife, his houses and his cars, who is going to get them ?!



    Not the wife,it's being split up as I write.its all laundered money wether proven or not.big money transferred to Thailand almost always stays in Thailand.ive probably got to go through a load of crap just to send my daughter 100,000 baht for her first car and I have proof of sale of uk property and transfer.

  9. At least this crime and story has gave us some decent headlines and something to all chat about.TV was getting boring after the Xmas road carnage and drink driving stuff.now we can sit back and all be armchair detectives.should run a bookies board on this one.evens says bunny boy bonito done the shooting and turner was the get away driver.6-4 hit was ordered from big boys from Marbella,3-1 the hitmen were disgruntled partners.we should have a story like this every week.

  10. 46 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Dickheads,full face helmets would have helped the cause.Renting a bike with your own name,dear me.

    Yes agree there.buy a crappy scooter off a Thai for 10,000 more than its worth without sorting any papers out.2 black full face helmets and don't forget gloves.after the crime go torch the lot in a field.these two professionals are going to turn out to be dumb and dumber.

  11. Obviously the rip off has ripped off the rip offs and they weren't happy about it.there  is 10s of millions of baht in property,cars that have been paid for with money from old people's retirement savings leaving some suicidal.its only a matter of time and we will find out what they've all been up to.as for web designer,yeah I know one and he's got a rented house and top of the range scooter.the police are only interested as its all over the world media and involves big money.if I was shot up here in the jungle of udon thani I might make it into the local news for a day.these boiler room boys have and still are ruining lives of hard working people who have saved all their lives.no RIP from me on this one.cant wait to find out what mr goodie two shoes and his cronies have been up to.i know you can be murdered here for giving someone a bad hair cut but not for designing a bad website for 2 international hit men.live fast,die fast...

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