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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. 41 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    I'm as biased about English as he is about Thai but being fairly fluent in Spanish and a few other languages to lesser degrees, Thai, which I'm taking classes for now, does strike me as a caveman-esque sort of language. 

    It's more like noises than actual words.a cross between gobbledegook and double Dutch with groans,yelps,squeals and errs and half of its back to front.

  2. I just love their numbers that they quote.12,000 shops.thats a 1,000 a month.i doubt if they could open a 1,000 bags of peanuts a month.i try not to be a Thai brasher  but they do ask for it most of the time with their numbers game.also why is it when you get a bill for say 990 baht and you give them a 1,000 baht they get the calculator out.my wife said it's because I'm farang and not trust us.i suspect it's because they are just plain thick.

  3. When it come to how much they spend I would say a little bit of something is worth a lot more than a whole lot of nothing.i keep hearing they are cheap Charlie's but I stay in 4 star hotels all the time and there's plenty of Chinese staying in them.as for buying things here,they probably can buy most things at home that they sell here but a lot cheaper.whats not taken into account is all imported goods are taxed to high heaven and the baht has gone through the roof.thailand ain't cheap for any tourist and even us westerners are tightening our belts.anyway when the 9 million stop coming it will only make thing more expensive as the Thai way is...less customers then just put the price up.i bet the neighbouring countries are laughing their socks off as they will only benefit from thailands messed up policies.

  4. 800 bookings down to 300,6 cruise ships down to 1 ship,30% drop in November,how's that come to 7.7% drop.anyway how are they going to cater for the great Chinese surge,they've confiscated all their buses,boats and property and flogged it all off.the Thais should learn that Chinese are not stupid and have helped with the slumping economy.now the tour operators are looking elsewhere.

  5. 17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    white rice and processed mystery meat.


    sugar and salt.


    diabetes and cancer.



    Have you noticed how fat the Thais are becoming.its in their genes to eat 24/7 which is ok when they lived on rice and pigs ears but now it's burgers and sugar drinks they are becoming little fatties.the kids are unreal.they only have to put on 3-5 kg and they become obese.

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