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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. It the Thai thing again,put it on the tourists.for one shop closed down 1,000s of fakes are taken off the streets but that's too much like hard work.to stop this trade you need to go for the big fish not ask the tourists to stop buying.its also the way to keep getting the payoffs for the future.they need to be seen doing something so asking tourists not to buy fakes sorts that problem out then.

  2. 10 hours ago, Ostseefoto said:

    This is the result of Mass tourism. All tourists should help to collect and sort the garbage. For a clean enviroment.

    Yes spend £1,000s of pounds to come to samui and clean up our beaches because 99% of Thais are too lazy to sort out their rubbish.in fact while your staying here why don't you clean your own rooms and pop down the kitchen and do the dishes..tourist come for a holiday not to clean up someone else's problem.this is all to do with the local government not doing sweet f.a....i once spent 4 hours cleaning up on nai harn beach after a storm and collected 2 pick up loads.the 3 life guards sat there all this time watching and probably thinking...you mug..

  3. 5 minutes ago, atyclb said:



    the singer is perceived as a star within thailand by thai people but not an internationally known star. the story is about a guy marrying in thailand.


    sek loso and labanoon may not be highly recognized international stars but are recognized as being proficient good musicians in general.   why does one need to be an international star ? to be recognized by tv ??

    Sorry but she don't deserve the status as a super star,you even mention her as a star in you reply.to me she is a famous Thai singer and she only famous to me for marrying farang 20 years her junior,before that I've never heard of her.if it helps I will call her a star but this is a farang forum read by farang and when I read about a super star I expect to be reading about Robert de Niro,sylvester Stallone or even Suzanne Boyle,not a old Thai singer who's got the hots for young farang.lets face it he's a young bloke who could have lots of women his own age but is on to a good little number here.he even met her in sukhumvit where she was probably singing in a bar that night.

  4. 1 hour ago, malt25 said:

    Umm, where, let's see. Maybe here in Thailand, you think ?

    To Thais she's a super star. Thais don't compare her with your line up, so to them she is a super star.

    Get my drift ?

    Ok maybe the head line should of been...famous thai singer,rather than super star.I think the words super star relate to an internationally famous performer or artist.in other words,my wife is the best karaoke singer in the village and everyone loves her.does she get the super star status for this.

  5. 2 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    So if they had a tipoff, why not stop the man before he got on the flight, which I assume originated in Pakistan somewhere.  This guy has a last name that is just crying for this article to appear in other news sties around the world "butt"

    Let the Thai deal with him,they ain't got much paperwork to do and the Thai prison will have to lock him up and feed him for the next 25 years

  6. On 21/03/2016 at 8:23 AM, captspectre said:

    seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

    I don't think he would of felt any pain at the velocity he was travelling at.i would call it a very sad and messy way to end your life.

  7. On 10/12/2016 at 7:30 PM, Essaybloke said:

    Do you mean Apache Indian 'stereotypes'? How do you know they had a monopoly on poor emotional self-control?  And BTW all of the Thai people I know (dozens at least) are very nice people who could teach anyone about self control. Why don't you run away from your missus, perhaps you'll be doing her a favor?

    Because I'm her prized buffalo and worth a lot of money so she ain't letting me go nowhere until I'm potless and of no more use to her.

  8. How can you go to the police after being raped by them.she may of been told just get out of the country as you won't have any luck going up against the police here.youll end up the loser for sure.if they can't and probably won't solve the case then they will hang you high for defamation it's as simple as that.as for making it up to con her own family,well I think she could of thought of a better one than that.she done the right thing getting out of dodge to the safety of her own country.people should put themselves in her position and ask ..what would you do? And remember we are talking about the Thai police,the most respected force around the world.

  9. 10 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    One of my biggest fears of driving here....hitting a motor bike and being in the wrong....

    As being farang we will always be in the wrong.thai judges have paid to have the power and they get super face from banging up white scum.they are the most racial people I've come across and don't even know what racism is.they hate everyone including their own.just last month,big boss announced Thais should learn to get along...money is god here and life ain't that important.rip to the dead people and it doesn't matter who's fault it was,it's the Thai way.im retired in the deepest part of issan and nothing surprises me anymore.if I ran over a carcass of a man I wouldn't give a thought about it apart from blood up my car.its part of going native.ive just noticed I said carcass instead of body or remains.see I'm a good apple gone bad.

  10. On 13/12/2016 at 10:22 AM, mahjongguy said:

    You should be able to send the money to yourself via Western Union just before you depart Brazil. The WU receipt would be your confirmation of the money's origin.


    Or, you could come here, open an account, and arrange a "pull" wire transfer. This might require having a discussion with your local bank before departure.   


    Don't do western union,they will give you a shocking rate and you will lose at least 10-12% of your transfer.if it's in a bank try uk forex.very safe and the best rates around.i used them this year @ £10,000 a day max transfer.

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  11. I wish my mrs would run off with the painter.i would give them a 10 gun salute and one way tickets.maybe if he had sat and thought about it,no don't think shoot first and think later.i once read about a Thai going into a beauty saloon and attacking the ex with a machete and taking her forearms off as she tried to defend herself.im sure Thai tempers and ways are similar to apache indians 300 yrs ago.it amazes me how we haven't heard of farangs being scalped.

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