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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. On 19/11/2016 at 3:45 AM, owenm said:

    I know a group of overstayers in Bangkok, and between the 4 of them, have an accumulation of more than 20 years total overstay. A Brit with 13 yrs, a Finnish with 9 yrs, and other 2 other Brits on 4 yrs and 1 yr.  One has major mental issues, another an admitted alcoholic whose family has given up on him because of big sums of money sent to him on numerous occasions, so he can arrange for Emergency Travel Document, passport expired, a O/W ticket to UK and funds to cover his 20K baht fine at Imm. On all occasions the money has been squandered on alcohol and gone within weeks. 2 have no family support and are living on the street and relying on locals generosity for food and drink. What should I do, because I'm feeling  guilty about their situation? Do I dob them in, giving them free lodgings at the Imm. Detention Center until their families can pay for all associated costs to get them home? Or do I sit blindly by and do nothing? The BIB can be either stupid or blind and ignore or turn a blind eye to these long overstayers, who maybe lucky enough to shower weekly, and wash their clothes fortnightly.  

    No sympathy for them mate.people like myself have to obey the rules and keep 800,000b stuck in the bank to stay here.whatever their problems are could be sorted out in their home countries.i would just leave it and forget about helping someone who don't want to help themselve.if it wasn't for people who you have mentioned maybe the immigration might of lightened up on tourists and I wouldn't have to have a mass of my savings sat dormant in a bank until I die.good guys in,bad guys out as far as I'm concerned.

  2. I got pulled over this week and tried to do a cash deal (bribe) for having no tax but he wasn't having none of it.had to pay the 500b for no tax and get the ticket.also last week went to station to pay parking fine and parking wrong side of street.2x200b...they let me off 200b as they said I come from uk and wouldn't drive on the same side of the road as we do here???? Very nice chap.this country is going down the pan.in one week I've met a straight copper and a fair one.im thinking of complaining to the big boss but don't want to get into any more crap this week.

  3. Most Thai farmers have more land than what you could only dream about owning in the western world.everytime I go into the bank you can here the money counting machine going full speed and blocks of cash passing hands.they are stuck in a different time warp and will sit there with a fat bank account and only invest in a bag of fertiliser.the thought of them investing in tractors,land irrigation etc are a no no.if you want to farm like a hundred years ago,expect the wages of a hundred years ago.i have no sympathy for them.i have paid more for my farm land here than it costs in Cambridgeshire,uk...£12,000 for a rai and a half.she would of had to grow rice into the next century to get that sort of money back.oh and by the way,the woman who sold me the land sits there claiming poverty and works her other god knows how many rai with a old hoe.land around udon thani has sky rocketed over the last 10 years and they can't work it out to sell a couple of rai to a daft farang and modernise the rest.I'm not in any way bitter about the price of my land and can't wait until next year to build my retirement home and for a couple of £1,000 set up my fully automated hydroponic farm.

  4. So they are going to lend farmers 13,000 baht plus interest on a ton of rice that's worth 5-6000 baht.that works out the price of rice must nearly triple before the next crop comes in to pay the loans back.this is going to be another messy saga in the next year.im just popping down the gold shop to see if they will lend me double what my golds worth.

  5. 1 hour ago, al007 said:


    And probably so true, why not put the effort into finding the truck driver and prosecuting him


    I too have a video camera in the front of my pickup, because I know as a foreigner we are often blamed when it is not our fault


    Also when stopped by police, by the time the window has been wound down the camera is pointing at the window, and I gently point this out and the fact the conversation is being recorded, seems to avoid cash fines for some reason

    Since installing a dash cam I've not had one fine for jumping lights,wrong lane,being farang,the cams paid for its self after 6 months.i once got a 200 baht fine for orange instead of red flag on the back of a length of wood sticking out the back of my pick up.the cheeky copper wasn't happy at that,he came over to the till table and said I was in the wrong lane and I got stuffed for another 200 baht.thing was it was single file only as the other lane was coned off.dash cams are the way to go.

  6. 2 hours ago, yardrunner said:

    Tell the wife what these yellow lines were for and what intermittent lines were for.she replied oh I thought it was to save paint.thank god she can't drive or ride

    You have answered your own question, if she doesn't ride a bike or drive a car what need has she to know what the lines mean, Some years ago i had a friend in Leeds UK who did not drive and i gave him a lift home from another city with him directing me, came to a one way street(against my direction of travel) and was told to go down it, when i said i couldn't i was asked why not i walk down here every day

    She did ride for a while before I met her but of course she had a accident.she won't tell me how long she did ride as I think she's embarrassed about it.ive tried teaching her again but it's like flogging a dead horse.i only want her to pick me up when I'm phished.

  7. 3 hours ago, ezflip said:

    I asked a dozen different Thai drivers (friends of the family) what the difference was with all the yellow separation lines painted on the roads and none of them knew apart from indicating which side was which. Lack of driving school is my guess... Learning from an uncle, father, brother, a relative, etc. only teaches them how to operate a vehicle but only a little bit about regulations.

    The people who paint these lines have no idea what they are for,only the boss and he keeps it secret from the workers.

  8. Warm up the engine? I wonder what sort of temperature hes was looking for.after I start my big bike and get my helmet strapped on it's about warmed up.looking at the pic he'll have to bunny hop up the stairs to heaven.crazy powered bikes,crazy minded people don't mix.a big bike is the same  as a gun,it just depends on who's holding it.they should of breathalysed him because I think he was legless.by the looks of things I don't think a helmet would of helped this chap.

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