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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. Two problems I see here.first the Tabacco monopoly will either set the price so low it will match growing the likes of rice and other crops that are already being grown or if it turns out to be a high price and the whole of northern Thailand starts growing it and flooding the market and bringing the price down.only time will tell.hopefully it will be a good thing for the farmers as times are tough for them.also maybe there maybe other industries come out of the hemp as it can be used to make so many different things such as clothing,paper,beauty products and food for instance butter and flour.its about time the government opened up the door on this versatile crop that has no use in smoking as it is of a low thc level.

  2. Midnight,14,15,16 year olds out carrying knives...the parents should be hauled up before the courts and charged with the crime as well...in this country they just have babies and that's job done.no parenting skills at all.they are left to watch violent video games and grow up like savages.i had a family day on Xmas day.2 types of children there.2 lovely little girls sat by their mother all day drinking water and being proper little angels.then 2 boys head straight to the pool table throwing the balls around,shouting and screaming,guzzling Coca Cola down,running around all hypa,rotten teeth.they only time they sat down was to play games on their phones and I bet they were not educational games.well you can guess who's not invited next time.

  3. 1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:


    No......you claimed that the Navy was going to look into the affairs of the mayor.

    Please explain how you know this.

    Sorry again if my quote was wrong.it says want to look into the mayors dealings and I should of said ..should look into the mayors dealings.thankyou for picking up on my poor grammar.ill try not to let it happen again.as for the gender mistake..when they said mayor I took it to be a man.now if the said mayoress I would take it to be a woman...then I would still be wrong as this is probably politically incorrect to some people.my mistake again.i think im not going to win on this one.

  4. 44 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


    Do you mean her dealings? The mayor is a woman.

    How do you know what the Navy intends?

    I had no idea the mayor is a woman and it doesn't matter what gender holds the post of mayor of Patong.as for the navy's intentions,well they have declared the beds illegal and I say they intend to get them removed,Wether they do it or somchai with a spade does it,I have no idea.

  5. 4 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:



    "my friends wife had over 50 driving lessons in the uk and still can't drive" - probably because she kept the money and didn't take the lessons.  :biggrin:

    Yes I would normally think the same thing but she has a good business in the uk and is the bread winner in the partnership.he sits around drinking and watching football and she flies back n forth all the time.she drives out here but you can be deaf and blind and still get a license here.

  6. It' a dihatsu mira convertable now.the minimum age for a Thai driver should be over 40yrs.my friends wife had over 50 driving lessons in the uk and still can't drive.my wife wants a BMW,Vespa and is a road death waiting to happen.ive got her a 5,000'baht death trap of a scooter.i said if you last a year ill get you a Vespa,if you last a year after that I'll get you a BMW...don't worry I know I'm going to win,she is absolutely clueless to the rules of the road.i must  get her insurance upgraded so I can get the BMW soon.

  7. Thai pharmacies are a form of drug dealer,they are mostly un qualified and use the power of Google to find what you are looking for.they will push you to have at least 2 different medications.tramadol are a strong opiat based pain killer that will have long lasting effects on users if not controlled.being able to buy 20 in one shop then 20 in the next shop don't control nothing.oh I forgot,TIT...

  8. 11 hours ago, bark said:

    They planted trees, beside other trees; as shown in the pictures.

    So what you are saying they never touched the original jungle and planted rubber.funny that my papa went to my farm today and cut everything back to allow my palm and banana trees to grow better and I it's not bs.They went on government property and farmed it.if these farmers own land in Phuket they are probably richer than you or I.

  9. 25 minutes ago, bark said:

    Why did they cut down trees in a forest ?? How stupid.

    Just don't let people harvest the rubber !

    Trees help with Global warming

    I don't think a rubber tree farm in nowhere near as good for the eco environment as a natural thick jungle with insects and wildlife that comes with it.also it is not their land to use.it iwas and will be again a protected wildlife forest.it won't take long as the jungles work fast out here.also let's not forget that it was a natural forest until it was cut down by thieves.

  10. Why not make it a law like they do in most of the world.then again who would enforce it.should be ploughed back into the soil but the farmers have already worked for nothing growing it and doing another job for the price of a match ain't happening.as for eco stuff,they have no idea what the f,,,k that is.another couple of generations time and it'll sink in when issan is a desert for 10 months a year and a swamp for 2 months.it ain't just Thailand on this one.makes me angry when in the uk they will make you take your vehicle off the road for being a few micrograms over the eu limit and the likes of Asia pollute the world without a thought.

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