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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. 1 hour ago, hansnl said:

    No, China wants all the money paid by the customers, in their own pockets.

    Additionally the "squeeze" received from Chinese operators in Thailand, Thai or Chinese, is the extra bonus.

    Got nothing to do with Chinese speakers, it is all, and only that, about profit, profit, profit and profit.

    Ohh, don't forget the squeeze.

    Old and venerated Chinese business practice.

    Thais don't like the Chinese in my city purely because they are business minded people who own most of it.thais are either hard workers who will stay hard workers for the rest of their lives or on the gravey train of brown envelopes.what country around the world don't all the money and profits for themselves.its just Chinese are good at it.

  2. 20 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    "Hey Toyota tom..."   ?

    Hey, Daihatsu dyke, I bet it will be more of a road block than anything else. 


    Thanks for the gratuitous advice but I am perfectly able to make arrangements for avoiding hassle without your input.

    I take it you don't like bikes,fun and tourist who come and boost the local economy of hua hin.why don't you try living up here in udon,we've a 3-4 lane ring road,very little tourism and we never laugh,oh one problem though we hate strangers coming to town and blocking the roads in their toyotas.

  3. I wouldn't worry about it if I was TAT,they've dropped the 1,000b visa fee and soon the place will be packed with quality Bulgarian tourists.thats how desperate they have gotten trying to lure pick pockets,beggars,thieves,scammers and pimps.clueless people running a clueless country.it really boils down to the price of the baht when I first came we got 73b to the pound and now it's about 43b.a beer was 60-70b but is now 100b.so it's nearly 3 times the price.thailand ain't a cheap destination anymore and is one of the reasons they can't sell their rice around  the world.i think the hiso's who run this country want it that way so they can off load their ill gotten gains abroad with a fantastic exchange rate.

  4. 9 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    A very sincere sounding apology from a young man who has the courage to acknowledge a mistake... 


    Nate, trust me, we all made mistakes when we were younger and I am sure others will forgive you too... 


    Best of luck to you moving forward... 

    No he's realised he's put his foot in his smart arsed mouth and succum to the Thai way by kissing arse.why don't he shave his head and hide out in a temple until the dust has settled.the other day he tried explaining himself,now he's just trying the old kissy kissy thing.its the thought of losing fame,followers and fortune and getting kicked out of the country that's brought this on.

  5. If got a

    9 hours ago, Ratcher said:

    Nearly all the bikes will have modified exhausts (loud) I still have a big bike and had several other big bikes here including a Harley Street Glide. I met a policeman in a motorcycle shop when I was having new pipes fitted to the Harley. He had a Harley Street Glide too. My wife took a picture of us both and he gave me his phone number. He said if I was ever in Kalasin snd got stopped by the police to show the cop the picture and to phone him. It's all down to who you know. Plenty of cops with big bikes and loud pipes in Thailand.



    I got done within 2 minutes of buying my Ducati 500b.i bet you Ducati riders get fined more than any other bike (not scooter before I get shat) for their type

  6. 28 minutes ago, dhream said:

    He asked Thai men about their periods. While hes young and will make painful life mistakes, hes way ahead of most his age. Being an internet entrepreneur beats spraypainting walls eh?

    Yes sorry about that but I was told by the wife it was a woman.ive not watched the video myself as I'm not impressed with people who think they are smart by belittling others who are not so as fortunate as him and making money out of it.anyway I hope he finds a good job back in his own country as his 5 minutes of fame are over.

  7. Funny that....my mate Nate is very famous at the moment for asking a young lady if she has finished her period yet and making Thais look stupid.my wife pointed it out to me and they ain't too happy with him.being able to speak good Thai can sometimes back fire on oneself and slagging off the Thai education system won't do him any favours either.i suspect he will be on a flight home very soon and his Thai language won't be needed anymore.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Broken Record said:

    Yep, I was stiffed by a so called friend for 60,000 baht, that was years ago when 60,000 bought a lot more than it does today, frickin' coward could have had a word with me instead he changed phone number and address first then eventually  left Thailand when he ran of people to get money from.



    The other thing is if you or me needed a loan we would get totally blanked.

  9. Well that's that,Thais win.weve got a loan shark in villid.rides around on big chopper giving it the large un.everyone knows what he does,probably even the police...can't see the locals going and reporting his activities.theyve only done it because they are loan free and gone back on their agreement.ive lent large sums and one 50,000 all to farangs and had to wait over a year to get them back,total nightmare.the last one was for 3 months and it's been 18 months and I'm still owed the best part of it today.all interest free while I was paying interest on my credit cards..I was a fool.never never will I part with 1 baht again.

  10. 5, 000 farmers selling rice in every shopping centre.cant wait and where's the pitches? In the multi story car parks.thai non non non nonsense again.oh maybe yingluck might come and buy it all up.the more I read this news the more I'm starting to go native and understand Thai thought.they truely ain't got all their chairs under the table and the scarey part is it's rubbin off on me.i think it's time for some r n r and fly back to the uk and have a cheap Xmas.by the way I was in Sainsbury's a couple of months ago and they only had one single type of Thai rice and a dozen basmati rice.i think they had 3 types before but at pound to baht its now a delicacy.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Docno said:

    It's ironic that in some parts of the world (e.g., Singapore), people are hanged for possessing as little as 500g of marijuana while in other parts, it's perfectly legal. It's ironic that marijuana is considered illegal in many places, while more harmful drugs (alcohol and nicotine) are openly consumed in public and in the media. It's ironic that wealthier people can abuse their artificially-produced prescribed medicines without penalty while poorer people go to jail for smoking (etc) naturally growing plants.


    Just three days ago a man was hanged in Singapore for possessing marijuana with intent to traffic: http://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2016/11/17/nigerian-national-set-to-be-hung-at-dawn-tomorrow-for-trafficking-of-cannabis-after-apex-court-dismisses-last-ditch-appeal/     

    So to the anti Ganga brigade,cannabis ain't good for you and can kill.i hope they can sleep well at night knowing that this man was mentally tourchered for 9 yrs and hung for what ?

  12. On 19/11/2016 at 9:12 AM, thai3 said:


    Dob them in and do them a favor.

    You nearly got that right but it's more like..dob them in and do all of us a favour.we don't need them here as much as the Thais don't.thank god we have the fear of the immigration detention centre or else the land would be flooded with overstayers.

  13. 21 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    No idea and I didn't ask him. knowing the man there would have been a good reason(s). But it's not my buisness. He's a good friend and a good man is all I can say about him. I did tell him I would post his story on here he just laughed and said things that are not repeatable on here but I had to agree with him. He is no l9nger a member on here (well I suppose he is as we have no way to cancel membership other than staying signed out.

    You say he's a good friend and good man.if he was a good friend you would of heard this story of 5 yrs overstay before now.as for good man,someone who stays in a country as a illegal immigrant and greases the had of corrupt officials is exactly what the Thai government are trying to fight.theres no good reason for 5 yrs overstay.its just taking the pee out of the system.

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