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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Update Day 2.

    Last night I was wheezing strongly. I tried to do lung expansion by breathing deeply and exhaling slowly. It would work for a short time.

    When I woke up, I was out of breathe, wheezing heavily. I could feel the congestion in my throat.

    The first thing I did was boil a pot of water. Once at a boil, I breathed the steam as deeply as I could, exhaling slowly. I did this probably 30 times.

    Then I coughed up and spit out dark green mucous about 3-4 times.

    I was going to go to the Dr, but then I started breathing better, and feeling better.

    I have gotten better throughout the day.

    I am getting better.

    I just have to be careful. Perhaps I need to circulate the air in my room?

    I have avoided anti-biotics, so far.

  2. Thanks to all of you above: ^, ^^, and ^^^

    Tomorrow morning I'll know.

    And yes, I should check for cancer of esophegous, and also, chest infection.

    I quit smoking 9 years ago, and was always an on-off-again smoker. I avoid smoky pubs, until recently, when I found one that has become my favorite - well - was.....my favorite.

    Thanks and I'll let you folks know what transpires.

  3. Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.

    I have been to many websites and many (some doctors) advocate breathing in steam, pounding on the chest, staying in clean and fresh air, etc. I'm also drinking lots of water.

    I am going to wait until tomorrow to decide if I need anti-biotics and to go and see a doctor.

  4. Here is why I'm asking.

    Anti-biotics apparently only help bacterial infections, and not viral infections:

    Historically, most patients got a penicillin shot when they were sick and went to see their doctor. This treatment no longer applies because current research shows antibiotics only kill bacterial infections not viral infections, which are cold and flu illnesses. Antibiotics have no affect on viral infections.

    Do I need to see a doctor to find out which infection I have? Either Viral or bacterial?

    Is bronchitis from smoking & pollution, bacterial?

    I do NOT have a cough, generally. I've only coughed about 3 times. But the mucous was green.


    People with a deep cough/bronchitis often believe they need an antibiotic. ‘‘Bronchitis’’ means inflammation of the large airways called bronchi. A cough is a reflex response to such inflammation or irritation. Viral infections cause most bronchitis.

    In the past, doctors treated bronchitis with antibiotics. Today the best treatment of a cough is simply time. If the cough is bothersome, take a cough suppressant with dextromethorphan (i.e. Benylin DM, Robitussin DM). Cough medicines do not speed recovery; they only help the symptoms. Generally, a cough does not require antibiotic treatment unless it persists past two weeks or if shortness of breath develops.

    The adage regarding mucus or phlegm: ‘‘if it’s clear, it’s viral and if it’s colorful then it’s bacterial’’ is no longer correct. Yellow or green mucus occurs with a viral infection and does not require an antibiotic. The only color to be concerned about is red, which can mean blood and possibly pneumonia.

  5. I am pretty sure I have bronchitis.

    Sore throat, raspy voice, wheezing, etc.

    I had bronchitis 2 times, 9 years ago because of smoking - and I quit.

    I think my bronchitis is caused by second hand smoke in pubs, and by the pollution of the city.


    1. do I HAVE to go see a doctor and take anti-biotics?

    2. or, can I just rest, breathe clean air, and drink fluids for 2 days?

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

  6. If you refuse to curb your drinking i doubt in the long run you will be able to keep the gout at bay.

    No, I haven't had a gout attack basically, in 1 year.

    The baking soda works: I can eat and drink anything.

    However you could try apple cider vinegar and steer clear of red meat and dairy.

    Again, I can eat anything and drink anything.

    I did use ACV and it's very healthy.

    It can however, cause the blood to become more acidic in some people if they take it daily.

  7. You should watch how much Baking soda you take, for your Gout... it's not good from what I understand to continually use... high sodium levels... I'd check with your doctor on that.

    Yes, I take a 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in the AM (immediately after waking up) and in the PM (right before bed).

    Yes, it surely is increasing my sodium levels. How much, I don't know. But I have conquered my chronic gout by using it.

    Doctors here know gout very well here, as it is quite common with the Thai men. The pills they give you, are same as you'd get in the "west" but a lot cheaper!~! :)


    I got a prescription for it 2 years ago, but the Dr. (American in Asia) did order a liver test to see if my liver could handle it. (I posted about it here). Then, when I started taking it, it made my hear pound harder. I stopped taking it on my own, without consulting a Dr.

    I just use Baking Soda, now.

    I've suffered with gout for over a year now & control my flare ups with a broth made from black beans, which work very well. (don't eat the beans though!) I take every day.... The days I run out, I sure know it! :D

    Black bean broth? Very interesting.

    You take a can of black beans from the super market? How do you make the broth? TIA.

    If you are interested PM me for details. There is a web site out of the UK that has a good following of Gout sufferers, called Gout Pal. You might want to google it & check it out. ... I think you will find many answers there.

    I'll google 'Gout pal' tonight. Thanks.

  8. FBN, thanks for this advice.

    Would be very careful to increase sodium intake; two things to consider:

    1. Too much may cause BP problems

    When I get my BP checked at the doctor (which is only once or twice per year) it has been terribly high: 150/100, the last time. I know this is stroke-material, but it was during a massive gout attack and I was in severe pain. Possible white-coat syndrome, too.

    I need to buy a home BP monitor.

    2. You are not sure (maybe you are) how the gout has affected your kidney functions; then an increase in both sodium and potassium intake would cause problems.

    Easiest is to have a blood test for Na and K as well as a creatinine for kidney functions. These are inexpensive tests and done in just about every lab.

    Yes, I've been concerned about the many comments about kidneys, when someone has had as many gout attacks as me. Even though I've conquered gout, my kidneys could have been damaged?

    I'll check into those test. Thanks.

    Water intake alone should not cause electrolyte imbalance with all other systems functioning normally. Dietary intake of K and Na should be adequate. Banana a day will keep K levels at bay...

    OK, that 1 banana per day, is a good way to balance sodium levels, then?

    Thanks, FBN.

  9. That does sound like an extreme amount of water. I understand why you're asking. Have you tried drinking half that amount? If so, how do you feel? Do you feel super thirsty all the time?

    I should add more details. I was too brief. My fault.

    I don't feel thirsty.

    I started drinking this much water throughout the day (not over a short period of time) about 2-3 years ago to combat the frequent gouts attacks I was getting.

    To answer your question Jingthing, I have tried reducing my water (see below) and no I didn't feel thirsty.

    I've solved the gout problem with Baking Soda, but I do think that the water is still helping dilute the uric acid in my blood. Reason: water I only drink say, 1-2 liters per day, it's the a minor forewarning of a gout attack returns (tight ankle, minor pain in previous gouts areas. I also drink beer every night. The water counteracts the potential for the beer to cause a gout attack.

    I'm just wondering if that condition of too much water reducing sodium levels could happen b/c in hot season I do sweat a lot more.

    Thanks for the responses and questions.

  10. Do see a doctor. It is not well known, but men can get breast cancer.

    Odds are it is just enlarged mammary tissue due to the med, but best to be certain.

    Thanks again, Sheryl.

    I'll find out the test results in 8 weeks, and report here. I have to wait that long because that's when I go back to visit the US.

  11. actually it's not cyst, it's the mammary gland growing, like for a girl going to give milk to the baby, stupidely, the male gland is receptive to female hormone.

    the surgery consists of totally removing the gland.

    This "gland" is not very big. It's about the size (I think) of a medium sized marble.

  12. Once the cysts grow hard, you will need surgery to remove them.

    If they haven't fully formed yet, you can use Arimidex (in small amounts) to lower your estrogen levels.

    I think they are both "hard." Depending on what the definition, is.

    The one that formed first on the right was never painful.

    But the newer one on the left, is painful. It actually hurts.

    And I mean SMALL amounts, 1/4 tab every 2 or 3 days will drop e2 levels a lot.

    Thanks, I'll consult a doctor but I think it's been to long now for that option.

  13. Just want to say I have been taking Finasteride 5 Mg For Prostrate Problems. I have noticed Boobs".

    I must admit I do not take them as I should Every day. If I don't take them for a week or so the Boobs" do reduce.

    If you are taking it Only for Hair Loss then coming of the medication for a short while should see a reduction in your man boobs" And not your hair growth.

    Thanks for the info keenkate,

    My last doctor told me to miss a pill every 4 days because of the "boob" issue.

    I've been doing it, but it has not seemed to be working.

  14. you're starting a gynecomastia, the mammary is growing this is what you fell near your nipples.

    propecia is certainly modifying your hormones level, check what's been recommended upper and include prolactine test.

    the only way to cure it is surgery.

    Thank you.


    I think by surgery you mean a "reduction." Of the boobs, and also removing the cysts.

    Thanks. I'll ask doctors when I go to the US in 8 weeks.


    Or, I could do nothing. But I'm going to continue this medication (yes, I prefer to keep the hair, eve if it means man boobs).

    Thanks. Will keep you posted.

  15. Peaceblondie
    I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


    You've had 3 strokes?

    When did they happen?

    All were minor and temporary. 2007, 2009, 2010.

    I'm glad they were minor.

    All the best and stay healthy as you can.

    I was an old hand from AJ. Glad your here on TV, however. Cheers.

  16. Peaceblondie

    I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


    You've had 3 strokes?

    When did they happen?

  17. It would be nice if more informed and thoughtful posters spoke on this topic. Particularly the implications of the recently rapidly deteriorating relations between China and the US. Knee jerk, predictable, emotionally based responses are not very interesting.

    Actually watching the video would be a good start. I don't pretend to be an expert on these issues myself. I do know that the story about China US relations deteriorating rapidly has indeed happened. So what next?

    True, jingthing,

    I doubt the first few posters that replied even watched the video - they didn't.

    I watched it. Thank you. Good find.

    We'll see what happens. As for the China-US relationship, it's one big piece of a puzzle with a few other factors.

    The US economic paradigm has changed. When jobs do return, whenever that is, what quality of jobs will they be? Not very good.

  18. I read "Maestro" by Bob Woodward.

    A biography of Greenspan, probably published in 2003 or so.

    Maestro fawned over Greenspan, describing how brilliant he is.

    Who cares about Brilliant? That's academic brilliance.

    Larry Summer is brilliant. Geithner is probably "brilliant." Bernanke is probably "brilliant."

    When Greenspan speaks I'll listen - if it's convenient for me to do so - but as for credibility, he doesn't have much left anymore.

  19. hmmm.. sounds like the travel insurance wanted to save a dime and that cost him his life. I wonder if they can be held accountable.

    And yes its real bad to get attacked like that here in Thailand, i hope they get the guys but if there are no more witnesses then it would be hard.

    Yes, something sounds very, very, wrong with him travelling back and forth to one hospital, another, then another, and then told to fly back to Australia.

    He should have went to Bumrumgrad or some top quality place in Bankok, no?

  20. Invex

    Related to your gout attacks, I have had over 150+ for sure. I was on NSAIDs and pain killers, and colchicine on and off for years.

    Never tried Allopurinol, but did get a prescription for it.

    Do a search on "gout" here and you'll find at least one thread on using baking soda (1/2 teaspoon) in 4 oz. of water in the morning and at night, for alkalize your blood.

    After 7 years of pain, lost work, lost money, and misery,

    baking soda stopped my gout attacks.

    Special thanks to the poster, kmart for the info.

    All of the doctors I'd seen in the US, Thailand, and elsewhere, NEVER told me about alkalizing my blood!

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