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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Sweating whilst at rest could be due to a high heart rate (which alcohol can cause). You should seriously consider getting your heart checked.

    Yes, after 2 beers, my resting heart rate increases a lot. My heart also beats "harder."

    I started lifting and doing cardio a total of 4 times per week over a month ago.

    So, even sipping beer, can cause these cardio issues?

  2. Fish sauce is pure salt, loaded with sodium.

    Are you really eating plain white rice with no food to go with it????

    As I would suspect the food more than the rice...loaded with MSG

    Yes, Sheryl, I usually have a small portion of meat, tofu, and a spinach or cabbage portion on the same plate as the rice. This is a small, low-cost restaurant where they cook rice in a rice pot and put the portions of meat and vegetables on trays, and put the portions you point to on your plate.

    Also, have you had a good physical check up recently? The fact that you recat klike this to sodium raises some question as to your cardiovascular health.

    It's been a few years.

    Is this a sign of a cardiovascular health problem?

    Thanks, Sheryl.

  3. Have you tried brown wallpaper paste?

    LOL! :)

    You also stated you drink every night,don't you think that this also has something to do with the bloating?

    Before i used to drink beer the same and was always bloated and overweight.

    Since not drinking beer everyday i lost all the weight and felt fitter,maybe you should concentrate on the drinking as well as the rice?

    Yes, beer add to my bloating but in the gut, IMO.

    The rice seems different.

    I have reduced beer intake and haven't had a beer for 2 days. When I go off of the beer, I melt away. I get "thinner" pretty quickly.

  4. how do you know its white rice versus salt or msg or another ingredient? Have you tried eating the rice without the fish sauce? You know how they make fish sauce right?

    bloating is often sodium water retention related. No sodium in rice that I know of.

    Yeah, cobra I am pretty sure the massive amount of fish sauce I dump on it, is adding to the bloating.

    But even without any fish sauce at all, I would get bloated on white rice.

    I think the fish sauce just add to it by the water retention.

  5. Have you tried brown rice? Much more healthy and even tastes better. Lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Might help you.

    Yes, brown rice is much healthier.

    But here in South East Asia, I was eating white rice everyday b/c that's what the restaurants served, and I don't want to spend the time to buy the brown rice and cook it at home.

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I should only eat brown rice, and I'm sure it has a lower GI, in addition to being a lot more healthy.

    But it's the white rice, that is/was bloating me up like a balloon.

  6. is food moving thru you as normal? starches can be gut plugs. Wallpaper paste for example is a starch glue that was traditionally made from wheat.

    maybe try drinking a lot of water with no food for a day or so and see if things move faster.

    Yes, things are moving through me as usual,

    and I drink at least 4 liters of water throughout the day.

    That's not the issue, but thanks for the reply.

  7. I hope this is in the right section. I think it is.

    Across the street is a daily lunch deli that served white rice with meat and vegetables.

    I started eating this plate of white rice every day, with fish sauce. I became very bloated. My face got "fatter" and my body as well. Feel normal, just massively bloated.

    I was eating it 5 days per week. (I also drink beer almost every night)

    When I stopped eating the rice the bloating went away.


    Why does white rice bloat me so much?

    Insulin spike? Sugar?

    Do I have possibly have a blood sugar problem?

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

  8. Woods is an excellent golfplayer but a despicable hypocrite who is trying hard to make more millions with bla-bla that nobody in his right mind will believe :)

    I don't think Woods is a hypocrite. I don't remember his preaching or advising people on how to live.

    It's his business and his business only, and his wife's business.

    Of course, the media love these scandal-stories for ratings and selling papers.

  9. And here's a non-Thai scam: Statins. Biggest con ever.

    There was a recent article on statins last week.

    A medical article that now questions many of the effects of statin drugs.

    Statin druge are a multi-billion dollar industry.

    Cannot trust Western doctors because they are trained to obey Big Pharma.

  10. <<<I retired and from my entire retirement savings, she talked me into going in with her and her brother in Thailand to be a one third owner in a business.

    The amount totals a little over five and one half million Baht. The brother did send back to me one and one half million Baht.

    I will email to see if a lawyer in the U.S. can go after the Thai girl there but would like help in finding a good referred lawyer here.>>>


    You've left me wondering where the money is coming from in order to hire lawyers on both sides of the ocean, the U.S. and Thailand, for court cases that could drag on for years?

    But what are the chances of him getting his money back?

    The business (building) is making money.

    But if they don't have much money, even if there is a legal award, how long would it take? How many years?

    Nonetheless, worth trying. Hiring 2 lawyers.

    Keep us posted Green.

  11. ^ Maybe you had gout, maybe you didn't.

    I think you may have had it.

    Yes, it's possible to have only 1 attack, or an attack every several years.

    And also, from my experience, never trust a doctor - especially when it comes to gout.

    I went to 7-8 doctors in the US and in Asia, and found my way to prevent gout on an internet forum.

    Thanks for the drugs, doctors. I needed the Anti-Inflamms and the painkillers. And the docs said, "avoid red wine and seafood."


    I found my cure myself. No drugs needed, just years and thousands of dollars wasted on doctors.

  12. Here is an article on baking soda. Note that it recomment taking a 1/2 teaspoon of BS 4 times per day. I only take it twice per day. In the AM & PM.


    Baking soda is an alkalizing agent...and there are others.

    If you get baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into your gout diet you add a well known alkalizing agent to it. The good news is that it gets many rave reviews from gout sufferers. It may well raise your pH level and alleviate or even cure your gout. For many people for whom this works it usually happens quickly - within a couple of weeks.

    Bicarbonate of soda is cheap and the remedy is an-easy-to-prepare part of a gout diet. Use half a teaspoon filled to the top of the spoon’s ridge, not above, (you don’t want a “mountain” of it in the spoon) with six fluid ounces of water. Make sure it dissolves completely in the water. Take, normally, four times a day, which includes one dose before bedtime. The body is said to be more acidic at night. Is it just a coincidence that many gout attacks happen after midnight and before daylight?

    Does bicarbonate of soda work? By making uric acid more soluble it removes more of it. And it may work in other ways, apart from its alkalising effect, to dissolve the MSU gout crystals. If so, this makes it a unique gout cure because all others aim at reducing uric acid levels. But, and sadly there’s always a “but” here, it does not work for everyone.

    Warning! Baking soda may not be your natural gout cure. It MUST ONLY BE TRIED with your doctor’s approval since this could have many side effects including high blood pressure, headaches, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains and others. Baking soda is high in sodium, so cut out salt if taking it. Gout attacks raise blood pressure. Moreover people with heart, kidney, and liver disease, and appendicitis should not try it, without their doctor's agreement. It is contraindicated with some prescription medicines. Take too much for too long and you could get alkalosis.So speak to your doctor first. It should not be taken when the stomach is too full. An empty stomach is better.

    If it works to raise your pH levels, and/or if your blood and urine uric acids levels fall, you’ll probably avoid restricting those foods which are more acidic. But of this doesn’t happen you may have to bite the bullet and restrict acid foods, eat more alkaline foods, or focus on another remedy.

    In an online poll about baking soda and gout, about 85% of respondents say that it's of value, or great value, and only about 15% do not find it of value. Some doctors reportedly don't think so either. So baking soda is not the cure-all for gout.


    Baking soda in water is not the only alkalizing agent. Other alkalizing products you can take as part of your gout diet are:

    Herbal tinctures contain those herbs which remove acids. The best for gout sufferers are tinctures which have an alcohol free base because you should avoid alcohol as much as possible.

    Dietary supplements There are supplements which neutralise the acid in foods and beverages before you eat or drink them. Others restrict acid build up in the body.

    Alkaline water drops You can also drink alkaline water. To make alkaline water you put two drops of an alkaline concentrate into a glass of plain water, and it’s changed to alkaline water. Five glasses of alkaline water are recommended daily. Gout diets usually say you need at least eight glasses of water daily. Alkaline water enables you to drink less water

    Water ionizers You can make alkaline water at home with a water ionizer which makes them a natural home remedy for gout. Alkaline (ionized) water is water with excess oxygen in the form of OH-, not O2. It's described as being lively and much tastier than regular water.The best water ionizers adjust for the overall quality of water supply input. By so doing, they produce a correct pH level, irrespective of water supply quality, water pressure and flow rate.

    Link: http://www.best-gout-remedies.com/bakingsoda.html

  13. What does the baking soda do,i haven't heard about that before.

    As usual, Google is your friend. Google Baking soda and gout and you will find plenty to read. Baking soda helps but is not without its own dangers. Be careful trying to be your own doctor.

    Baking Soda alkalizes the blood.


    what are the dangers of baking soda? I hadn't heard about this. I know there is sodium in it, so those with high BP, may have an issue.

    Are you referring to the sodium? Or, are the other things in it.

  14. OP:

    a drug that was ½ the measure (250mg) had the same active ingredient, Narproxen Sodium, and not a prescribed drug.

    Well, last Friday morning I woke with my first gout since August, took one pill and a Panamax, by the evening the foot was much better and the following day no sign at all.

    So, to clarify, this drug is "Naproxen," correct?

    It has been helpful for me in the past. I believe it's only a painkiller, correct?

    For me, baking soda has worked - as GaryA states, preventing attacks the way to battle gout. But yes, if your measure after an attack works for you, that great.

    I have been taking a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the AM and PM, and I haven't had an attack in about 7-8 months.

    Pain free

    Have not called in sick.

    I feel my life has changed! So much Better.

    I take no drugs at all now, after taking powerful and harmful NSAIDs and painkillers, and trying diet changes and all of the so-called remedies.

    For anyone suffering from this nasty gout, please give it a try! Cost: Less than $1 USD per month.

  15. Harifin is a lot cheaper than Propecia. A box of 3 strips of 10 (120 days of medication, when split into quarters) is about 650THB. You can always get cosmetic surgery, but another method worth trying is some weight training and diet. You'll lose some fat, and build up muscle. You'll send up with a set of defined pecs, rather than "man boobs".

    Thanks for the Harifin advice. Yes, it will be cheaper. I suppose I'll just go to Thai pharmacies and ask? I recently had to pay 1,670 Baht for a 5 month supply of propecia! The price has gone way up.

    Also, thanks for the weight training and diet recommendation tomorrow. I going to a new gym tomorrow.

    Thanks, WT.

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