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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. Serious issue, here.

    I started taking Finesteride (under the brand name Propecia in the USA for my hair loss in 1999. It worked. My hair loss (I am male) not only stopped, but I started growing hair back).

    I've been taking finesteride ever since.

    But since moving to South East Asia, I have not taken the exact 1 MG of finesteride amount, but buy Proscar brand which is a 5 MG pill of finesteride. I break up the 5 MG pill with an exacto nice into an uneven 5 pieces = about 1 MG each.

    But....this mean, apparently, i've been getting more than 1 MG per day, and this (according to my American) doctor is why I have been getting "breasts." Minor, but noticeable to me.

    My Dr. told me to skip the finesterid every 4th day, and that some studies now suggest that less than 1 MG of Finesteride per day can still prevent hair loss.

    My question:

    What can I do to get rid of these minor "breasts?"

    Is it reversable?

    Can I get a minor operation?

    Also, I have developed very small cysts (they feel like cysts) below both of my nipples.

    Thanks to anyone that can offer any info or advice.

  2. The ones in the touristy areas would just be for relaxation and maybe no real benefits at all. Could also be rushing back for a another foot massage because it's acting up

    A real one should feel painful at 1st and hit the right points in the feet losing the tension parts and it's believed to have positive medical benefits.

    I look at the 2 different types of massages around Bangkok as candy or vegetables, im sure you get the point.

    Agreed on the candy vs. vegetables. I want and need the Veggies.

    I hear you on the hard and soft foot massages. I recently got one in a tourist area b/c I've had foot probs (as noted on this forum) and she was way too soft.

    I need a recommendation for a place not in a tourist area, and by someone with anat-physio, foot massage knowledge.

    Thanks for the info, Arial.

  3. Honest question, about Foot Massages.

    Are there real, substantiated benefits?

    Or are they just for "relaxation."

    I've gotten them from time to time (about twice a year) but want to know if there are any medical studies or other studies (Asian) on the benefits of foot massages.


  4. There is a history of Alzheimer's in my family (dad's side) and also dementia (mother's side) with my Grandmother's sister.

    My Grandmother is 94, independent by living alone and still driving.

    She's very clear headed, and can hold conversations on a variety of topics.

    However.....she is making accusations that are bizarre, and factually untrue.

    She accused the neighbor in the apartment below of trying to "steal her papers" and thought he was going to "kill her" by hitting her on the head with a hammer. She also called the police. No evidence of this, and the neighbor is very nice, and our family knows his parents.

    She has made other bizarre accusations of family members: she accused my father of "planting" the neighbor below here, so the neighbor could "steal her papers."

    After these accusations (of which there are many) she talks and acts normal and rationale.

    I am quite sure that she is in early stages of dementia - can anyone give info if this is true?

    I think it will only get worse, as time goes on.

    Yes, what you describe is dementia.

    In a younger person the new onset of this behavior would warrant a battery of physical and psychological tests to see exactly what is causing it but at 94 it really doesn't matter and the stress of seeing a lot of doctors etc would probably outweigh the value of anything they might discover.

    Just cope with it as best you can...starting with a family meeting to discuss her living arrangements as living by herself, driving around in a car on her own etc no longer such a good idea. Ideally she should be living with someone, if that is not possible then needs to be checked on regularly.

    How fast this will progress is impossibel to predict. She may stay as she is-- usually OK with occasional lapses into delusional thinking -- for some tiem or she may progress rapidly to being delusional all or most of the tiem, no one can say.

    Thanks, Sheryl.

    I called her last week, and she was very clear and lucid. She even remembered what city I lived in (in the past she would ask "how is China?" I have never lived in China. And she asked and answered a lot of quesions.

    As for her living arrangements my family helped her move out of her old apartment (because of her belief the neighbor would "kill" her) and she lives in a senior apartment complex: she lives alone, but you can eat there in the cafeteria, join social groups, and it has other means of support and activities.

    However at this new senior place, a person must be able to live alone, and cannot have any physical or mental disabilities.

    Thanks for noting that she may stay the same, or get worse.

    I'll keep you posted.

    And Penguin, thank you. Good advice.

  5. FBN has good advice.

    Do a search, because there is a lot of helpful info on gout.

    The poster kmart helped me a lot by recommending I take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 4 oz. of water in the morning and at night.

    It works! It works for me!

    I went to many doctors, who prescribed the same thing to me as you: NSAID, which burn your intestines, and painkillers.

    Try the baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon in 4 oz. of water in the morning and at night.

    Good luck and keep us posed.

    And check out my thread on this and other threads on gout.

  6. There is a history of Alzheimer's in my family (dad's side) and also dementia (mother's side) with my Grandmother's sister.

    My Grandmother is 94, independent by living alone and still driving.

    She's very clear headed, and can hold conversations on a variety of topics.

    However.....she is making accusations that are bizarre, and factually untrue.

    She accused the neighbor in the apartment below of trying to "steal her papers" and thought he was going to "kill her" by hitting her on the head with a hammer. She also called the police. No evidence of this, and the neighbor is very nice, and our family knows his parents.

    She has made other bizarre accusations of family members: she accused my father of "planting" the neighbor below here, so the neighbor could "steal her papers."

    After these accusations (of which there are many) she talks and acts normal and rationale.

    I am quite sure that she is in early stages of dementia - can anyone give info if this is true?

    I think it will only get worse, as time goes on.

  7. Here's the only point I disagree with you on your OP:

    In conclusion, I do believe that all of the fast food companies will finally understand the problems that these fast foods can cause to the public.

    The Fast Food industry focuses on making money ---> $$$$$

    The Fast Food Lobby is very powerful, also.

    The FF industry "understands" the problem associated with FF diets - but their argument in public and in the courts is:

    "It's voluntary."

    "And it's not meant to be a diet."

  8. Some expats where I live say that if you get really cold (but are dry - no rain) you'll likely get sick.

    I thought this was a myth. Is it a myth?

    Also, if you go outside with your hair wet, or if you get wet from rain in the cold (colder than normal) do you have a likelihood of getting sick?


  9. ifu are wheezing when laying down, u should be going to a good lung doctor/cardiologist to rule out other things... my kids are asthmatic/ only the one wheezes at night and she gets inhaled buticort now, with ventolin at night before sleeping, as needed.(we thought of symbicort but she didnt want that to be used every day so the buticort for problematic seasons was our -doc's and our- solution)

    her lung capacity is rather large as is my son's- both play sports, but they are called 'happy wheezers'..i.e. their lungs have become used to be used in a lessesed capacity w/o my kids feeling the affects. not a very healthy thing... therefore proper i.d. of the problems, causes and course of treatment is the best way to go. also, u didnt say if u are overweight, etc...

    as for projecting voice, a voice teacher/speech therapist would be the one to teach u proper breathing methods.. although i found yoga breathing excercises helpful for controlled breathing...



    Thank you, bina.

    Yes, I'm overweight. About 40-50 lbs.

    Yes, a trainer/voice teacher is best. Far more effective to be shown this in person, than to read about it.

    Thank you,

  10. Run 20km as fast as you can three times a week for the next six months. Have a ciggie each time before you start your run and your lungs will grow even more .


    I never said I smoked.

    Why are people talking about cigarettes and smoking?

    I don't smoke.

    Its a natural presumption when it comes to someone having problem with their lungs ... you also didnt say you had problem with your lungs i know.

    Why not try a few different methods and see what is best for you variety is the best in working out so same rules may apply to this, try some of the more difficult ones that youd wince at... unfortunately there is a bit of truth in no pain no gain, but push your self in moderation..

    Good Luck.

    Thanks for all for the replies. I will try to blow-up balloon strategy.

    I should have been more clear on why I want to increase lung capacity.

    I live in a city with pollution, and I do wear a mask. But when I sleep (of course, laying horizontal) I often wheez, now. I am 39.

    Also, I am an instrutor want to project my voice better in class. I think (hope?) that increasing my lung capacity will give me more air and be easier on my voice.

    I will also try cardio.

    Thanks for all of the replies.

  11. Expand your lugs by a big intale of air , Then hold your breath as long as you can , keep doing this longer and longer , thats the only way i know ,

    Thank you.

    I have been doing this. I think it works. I take very deeeep breaths. And, slowly exhale. I'll try to holding my breathe.


  12. Still confusing but closer to "Tennis Elbow" now it seems..

    Tennis elbow is caused by....movements, correct?

    I think this situation was caused by my awkward one-armed lifting (due to limited space).

    Still, I'll watch it closely. Many thanks again to Sheryl, Cobra, FBN, and others. But why would there be a read mark on the tissue if I didn't hit it, or bank it?

    I'll wait and see.

    Top side of the elbow is tennis elbow

    Bottom side of elbow is golfers elbow

    Both forms of RSI, I mentioned computer usage as I had/have "golfers" elbow from the using the computer...

    Othopedic surgeon in BPH gave a cortisone injection saying it was tennis elbow, never helped and went to see a othopedic surgeon for a second opinon and he said golfers elbow and that cortisone wouldnt work and suggested a golfer's strap that goes on your forearm and isolates the tendons, used over a period of 6 months and it worked...

    thanks, Soutpeel,

    What is RSI?


  13. Still confusing but closer to "Tennis Elbow" now it seems..

    Tennis elbow is caused by....movements, correct?

    I think this situation was caused by my awkward one-armed lifting (due to limited space).

    Still, I'll watch it closely. Many thanks again to Sheryl, Cobra, FBN, and others. But why would there be a read mark on the tissue if I didn't hit it, or bank it?

    I'll wait and see.

  14. A brief update, and more information about this pain.

    My elbow was never swollen.

    The pain was not actually on the tip of the elbow, bone (my mistake in OP posting). The pain is on the muscle/tendon/tissue near the elbow, on the top part of my arm.


    a couple of years ago I had similar pain, two times in the same, right elbow:

    one time the pain was caused by picking up a 5 Liter bottle by gripping it with my fingers, every day about 15 times a day. When I elbow started hurting I stopped lifting this 5 liter bottle in the same way, and the pain went away.

    The second time pain was caused by picking up my motorbike by my right arm, and pushing the stand-up kick stand. I noticed this pain was from this. When I stopped lifting the motobrbike the pain went away.

    I think this pain may be from lifting the bike again, because in my new apartment, space is limited, and I have been improperly using my right arm (again) to life the bike.

    My point: I have a history of this pain.

    Also, as there is no swelling, it is still warm, and a mild coloration of red on the part that hurts.

    Note* I have not gone to the doctor because the pains is subsiding. I have just not been "using" my elbow. I can type on the laptop again.

    The motion in my elbow (arm) is returning, although I cannot straighten my arm, 100%.

    I'll keep things, posted. Thanks for the help. I have learned a lot. And yes, I am not ruling out Bursitis.

  15. This is most probably "Olecranon Bursitis" as suggested in post #2 above.

    Can be primarily gout but also with a secondary infection. In this case, a course of antibiotics is given but then surgery to remove the bursa is indicated about 6 weeks after the condition has settled down.

    In the procedure the bursa is removed as it tends to become recurrent.

    Septic arthritis of the elbow joint must be excluded; don't delay, go and see an orthopedic surgeon asap.

    I'll go to hospital on Thursday in 1 1/2 because of work. thanks.

  16. sounds more like a bursa sac inflamation.

    Go and see a doctor.

    If you have a temperature you could have an infected bursa - it can get quite serious. I had one in my left knee and was in hospital for a week, on crutches for over a month and still have the (very large) scar!

    thanks for reply.

    Do you mean temperature in the painful area? The painful area is "hot." Very warm. But I don't think I have a body temperature.

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