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Wrong Turn

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Posts posted by Wrong Turn

  1. cobrasnake thank you.

    Sheryl thank you.

    Last night after the post the pain increased a lot. I went to bed and it has improved (less pain) now, but I cannot move my elbow & arm. But it still hurts.

    I will go to the doctor tomorrow to get a test to see if it's an infection or find out if it's gout.

    Thank you for your help. I'm grateful to both of you.

    How much are you using the computer ? could also be RSI

    I'm on the computer a lot. Laptop on coffee table. Note* typing is very painful and leads to excruciating pain. I am typing w/ left hand and "pecking" with right, hurt hand.

    My fingers also feel tight.

  2. cobrasnake thank you.

    Sheryl thank you.

    Last night after the post the pain increased a lot. I went to bed and it has improved (less pain) now, but I cannot move my elbow & arm. But it still hurts.

    I will go to the doctor tomorrow to get a test to see if it's an infection or find out if it's gout.

    Thank you for your help. I'm grateful to both of you.

  3. As member know I have a history of gout and have kept it at bay for several months.

    But I have a massive pain in my elbow that slow got worse over the last 3 days.

    It feels warm. Hot.

    My tendon/tissue near the elbow is swollen and well as something connecting to it.

    Is this gout? Can anybody try to help with info?

    I did NOT fall, pull, push, lift, or anything.

    This is why I'm so perplexed.


  4. It's helpful to get orthotics for your shoes as well as do foot arch strengthening exercises and stretching the hamstrings.

    Thanks for the info.

    What, foot arch strengthening exercises?

    How do you do them.

    Also, hamstring stretches help the feet?


  5. So is there any reason to be slightly afraid of putting this powder in my checked luggage and sending it through Mumbai and onto Bangkok? I dread to think of the consequences if any customs official suspected for even one minute that it was something illegal. I'd definitely end up out of pocket in one way or another.

    Wouldn't this protein be in the orginial bag or container jar?

    It's only protein.

  6. I read this earlier and it made me a bit sad as I could have been in the same position as him. I have worked as a nurse in this area and know that livers are hard to come by and have don't always work out. It is a real shame why some drunks and druggies recover to lead full lives, yet others die horrible deaths.

    Yes. some people can do it and some people can't.

    Also, I think it's how people drink: using food before and during drinking, taking B-complex vitamins, etc.

    Still some can survive and some cannot.

  7. for the last few years and swapped the beer for a glass of vodka,.

    Yes, I've read that Vodka is the except to the no-alcohol rule.

    A question to some posters here:

    After starting Allopurinol, why do you get your Uric Acid levels checked twice a year?

  8. Thanks for the response, Sheryl. Much appreciated.

    Do I understand correctly that there is no pain or swelling when standing or walking?

    Now, it is when I walk or stand, but it didn't start this way. It started only when sitting. But now....ouch.

    Yes, in the last few days there has been pain. I think it is "ligament" or "tendon" pain. The pain is so bad I cannot sleep, well. Walking is very painful.

    Did you sustain any type of injury to the foot before all this started?

    No. Not at all. Nothing.

    Is it really only the foot that is swollen or is there swelling on the leg too?

    Only the foot and ankle, the ankle being worse. No leg swelling at all.

    And do you tend to cross your legs when sitting?


    Only until this pain, and now I lift my leg up to at least get it off of the ground.

    Thanks for the questions, Sheryl. This is a bad situation.

  9. As some are aware I am a chronic gout sufferer, and I've taken some steps to reduce and minimize my gout.

    Now, a different problem is confronting me. I've never experienced it until about 2-3 weeks ago, but it's very constant.

    If I sit in a chair for about 1 to 1.5 hours, my right ankle swells up. The rest of my right foot swells up, but to a lesser degree. The portion of my foot (I believe it's a tendon, but not sure) on the inside of my foot, just beneath the ankle gets very painful. The pain stays with me for a few hours, or more. Sometimes, days.

    My left foot remains normal.

    I am worried about this. I try elevating my right leg, but this is affecting my walk, and it's very painful.

    Any ideas as to what this could be?

    If I go to a doctor, will she/he say it's "soft tissue," and only be able to guess?

    Thanks in advance, and if you want more info, please ask. --WT.

  10. First off, anyone find a legit place in Bangkok to find Dutasteride? It's better than Propecia and I've heard it's here but not sure where to get it. Below are the generic names for it.




    If anyone can tell me the best place to get this, that would be great. Don't want to waste 6 months taking some fake pill.


    I've been taking Propecia (finesteride) for 11 years, and it's worked great for my hair and has had no side effects.

    How is Dutasteride better.

    Thanks to you, or anyone than can provide info.

  11. I've been trying to get off the piss for 3 years and today I am 2 days sober.

    Enough is enough, I choose life over a slow miserable death. That's what it's come down to for me.

    Amazing how much better I feel after only 48 hours.

    Best of luck LivinE.

    One day at a time, seems to be best for me. I presume you're stopping for health reasons, and as I am, also.

  12. That is the way it was explained to me, she has to be in the states 5 years and married 10 years. I think that sucks, considering some in the US are drawing it and never paid a penny into it.

    I think the people drawing that never paid into it are disabled, of some sort.

    IMO, US taxpayers should not being for foreign wives who become citizens unless they pay into SS, get vested, and then they get the formula alloted to them.

    Especially with younger wives who may live 30 years after the husband, dies.

  13. dotcom:

    All of his policies are socialist. 100% Serious.

    Wrong Turn:

    Serious question: what policies are Socialist?


    Now I've given you a clue. Study what the marxist says in his speeches. He is the greatest ally to unions since FDR.

    I have read Marx. Marx and Engels wrote their works in the late 1800s while living in London.

    As for unions, less than 10% of the US workforce are in unions, and the EFCA is not that strong right now, and losing votes. Do you know what the EFCA is?

    Again, what policies are socialist?

    My point: Obama is a Keynesian.

  14. No..you can't spent your way out of a problem that was created by over spending and cheap money. The Government needs to shrink and not grow. We need to save and not spend. Listen to the Austrians and boot the Keynesians.

    Obama is doing very heavy Kenynesian actions. Unprecdented.

    Is all of this "stimulus" necesarry? Much of the money is wasted.

    Or, do Obama, Summers, and Geithner have numbers that we the public, don't know about.

    Yes, over-borrowing, and over-spending was the problem. Also, greed with the Credit Default Swaps.

    I like the Austrian School of Economic thought, and Ludwig Von Mises. There is a home website with good article, there. Google it.

    What will happen in the US? I think in December we'll know if it's a long recession, that will take a long time to recover, or it's worse, and will take a long time to recover.

    We have to wait and see. Strange times, indeed.

  15. The US is able to take liberties because the de facto reserve currency is still the USD, although this could easily change in a few years. A lot of countries are getting seriously fed up with the current situation.
    Americans have lucked out so far..it's a shame that so many are still wearing their blinders and will be wiped out when the $ drops. We've had time to react but 95% are still oblivious as to what's going on. The Dollar will probably fall a lot faster than the pound when it does happen

    I agree.

    The dollar is seeing a short term rally. Shorting is a part of it.

    But I don't think it will last for long. Too many analysts are predicting the dollar to decline.

    The USD and the Pound will decline.


  16. And please, don't be so quick to pronounce the death of defined benefit pension schemes .... I can assure you they are not all dead yet.

    Defined Pension Pensions are not dead. They are however, an endangered species on the verge of extinction.

    And now, states and other private companies with Defined Pension Benefit programs, are shifting workers into the 401K - half way through the program.

    Meaning, if you're 45 for example, and pay into the defined benefit pension since you were 25, for a total of twenty years, they freeze your defined pension and shift you into the 401K. At that age, people cannot recover.

    The states are also studying how to shift state workers into 401Ks. Yes, it's true.

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