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Posts posted by SmartyMarty

  1. 39 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Couple of wins in Moto 2 and currently 7th in the Championship. Not to be sniffed at but it's not exactly Valentino Rossi either, it's basically the kids class. If he moves up to MotoGP and secures a Championship or two I think he might be worthy of the title "National Hero", although even then I have reservations about making 'heroes' out of sportsmen, I'd rather apply the tag to people who do good, selfless work for the community, breakthroughs in medicine etc.


    But like I said, when you very rarely win anything on the international stage I guess you have to take what you can get. Also, politicians love to try and bask in the achievements of others and stoke up a bit of nationalism, especially when a gullible audience is waiting to lap it up as you have done.

    Hop on a bike and show us what you can do Jonny.

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Really folks, cummon... the fact is that "national hero" is as subjective as it gets. In the USA 1/2 the population would say Ronald Reagan is a "national hero" - the other 1/2 would not. Is Greta Thunburg a "national hero"? Is Muhammed Ali a "national hero"? 


    Its all subjective, and debating whether or not a particular person IS a "national hero" is an exercise in futility and hardly worth the effort of the debate.

    USA national heroes are usually as dumb as the rest of Americans so not really a good example.

  3. On 5/21/2022 at 6:22 PM, JonnyF said:

    Just shows how low the bar is set. God help us if they ever produce a Valentino Rossi, a Lionel Messi, a Roger Federer or a Tyson Fury.


    The "soft power" would be rock hard.

    That 'low bar' you mention is a class of riders who rate as the best upcomers in the world, competing in one of the most closely fought categories of motor racing globally. Show a little respect.

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  4. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:




    You mean other than the 45 million first generation immigrants?


    And the 20 million second generation immigrants?


    This is the sort off the cuff statement that USUALLY marks the writer as having no clue.



    That still leaves 300 million. Geddit?

  5. On 5/13/2022 at 7:31 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    But also quite unnecessary.....      


    ..... And there is paper work involved... you had to submit your Insurance, vaccination, passport and go through the application itself...    Thats all ‘paper-work’ (in the modern / digital sense)....




    Perhaps you are the type who complains about everything.

  6. 12 hours ago, itsari said:

    Please inform us of the countries that rely on tourism are thriving .

    The Thai government can not be blamed for how the world situation is .

    Covid , Russian attack on the Ukraine resulting in higher energy prices  are situations the Thai government can not be blamed for .



    New Zealand (tourism accounts for 19% but NZ currently has zero tourists but highest GDP in 20 years) and Australia are 2 shining examples. There are several others in the northern hemisphere. Is that good enough for you?

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