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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. 2 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Yes his method and password, I don't know which version of software I have installed.

    Do you have the App Store which has Browser and Karaoke downloads, or the electronic manual ?, both found on last page swiping left from Home Screen ??

    These came with OTA update.


  2. 4 minutes ago, kevp said:

    Could this password requirement be because of how the APKs are stored? In the root folder vs in a folder named ‘third party apps’. It could be that the system automatically identifies a folder named third party apps and gives you the option to install? VS naming it SilentInstaller which skips authentication?

    Could be, tbh I am in uncharted territory and think that if the Sinjet guy confirms to me that Google Maps and YouTube will play after he has done his downgrade magic I will take the plunge.

    Although, I do think that BYD will probably find a new way to block third party apps in the future.


    Been reading some blogs on Reddit about it and someone reckons that the OTA update to is where they removed the SilentInstaller and Third Party Apps method along with the USB debugging switch (?).


    Anyway, looking likely only a downgrade will work for me and am in two minds whether to bother or not .

  3. Well it all seems a little hit and miss, the Malaysian guy’s video on kevp’s post states Google owned apps will have problems but others won’t ??

    and other than kev’s podcast app and gweiloman’s youtube app has anyone had any success sideloading ??


    My usb didn’t require a password when entering the car but JB and Aussie Paul’s did so points to some definite changes made with the last OTA.

    Think I’ll hang fire a little to see if my Sinjet guy can confirm that downgrading allows Google Maps and YouTube to be side loaded ( and what happens if you want to upload  ? ) before hitting Bangkok traffic.

  4. 6 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Yes his method and password, I don't know which version of software I have installed.

    Okay, when I plug in the usb there’s no request for password , I can see the APK’s , can move them to local, but they will not open.




    I guess the last OTA stuffed it for us.


    @kevp will probably come back to confirm.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

    The SD card now contains my music and the driver recorder is still working.


    Following Andrew's method, I installed NetFlix, ChargeLoma, Plugshare & Google Maps.  ChargeLoma won't work, it says it needs Google Play Services, whatever that is.


    Plugshare wasn't loading the map, that could be because the car is in the garage and it can't get a GPS fix.


    NetFlix won't work either.  

    You used the Tall Paul guy’s method and password ?

    I assumed that you have the latest software ?, might give mine a go !!

    TBH , I’d be happy with just Google Maps permanently installed .

  6. 2 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    In order to sideload and install apps, you need the password to get into the relevant menu. I think the password changes with every update so that could be the hurdle. It eventually turns up on YT though :)


    I have also installed the main charging apps (PEA, PTT, ELEXA) but haven’t tried using them yet. The app loads up just fine.

    Does every app need to be an APK ??


    Am creating a flash drive with the stuff I want to sideload ( via the Sinjet guy ) and its all a little above me.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I believe that for the latest version of the Seal it has become more difficult ( or maybe the password is not out yet ) as I see many on FB advertising their wares( rear springs, wraps, coatings etc etc ) are offering to “ unlock “ the screen to add apps for free with their goods unless having the latest firmware which means downgrading and a small fee.


    The company I bought the rear mirror/cameras from is saying the same.


    But to have Google Maps and other stuff installed on the cars software is definitely appealing.

    Just asked the Sinjet guy about how to unlock the screen and he confirmed it is not possible on the latest update and need to downgrade to another version, which apparently is not an easy task.

    In Brazil, where the Seal was released 2/3 months ago, they also confirmed that.


    Now , this guy in Aus made it look very easy but have to assume they have an older version.


    Anyhoo, my Sinjet guy offered to do it for me if I visited his shop in south east Bangkok.

    So, I might well do that, I am thinking Google, Google Maps and YouTube and possibly PlugShare and Charge Loma would be good for starters  ……


    Any thoughts ?

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    You are in for a sh*t load of frustration but will have a tremendous sense of achievement at the end of it lol. For detailed instructions, follow the videos available on YT. I think if any of us try to direct you on here, you will probably give up after a few tries :).


    Main thing is to make sure you view the most recent videos as the passwords are regularly changing.

    I believe that for the latest version of the Seal it has become more difficult ( or maybe the password is not out yet ) as I see many on FB advertising their wares( rear springs, wraps, coatings etc etc ) are offering to “ unlock “ the screen to add apps for free with their goods unless having the latest firmware which means downgrading and a small fee.


    The company I bought the rear mirror/cameras from is saying the same.


    But to have Google Maps and other stuff installed on the cars software is definitely appealing.

    • Agree 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    64GB is a huge number of songs if your thumb drive is full. I’m not sure what the car onboard storage is but you can also upload your songs onto a local folder and play it from there. When cycling through the different play modes, there is a local option. I always wondered what that option meant but I think it is for this exact purpose ie uploading your personal stuff onto the car infotainment system.

    Local is the onboard storage, I think it’s around 56 gb (?).

    I have all my music on my iPhone ( 82 gb ) and I just use Bluetooth via the Music app , works just like my iPod touch ( now resigned to the drawer ).

    Now if you want to use google maps via Apple CarPlay it might not be a good option to play music via Bluetooth as well.


    There is the option to sideload Google maps but now most Seal owners have updated I don’t believe it is possible and I am reading Seal owners on the latest version are downgrading to sideload/install APK’s then updating again ……. sounds like a lot of work !

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, Bandersnatch said:

    BYD Seal Paint/Wrap


    I know I’ve mentioned this a couple of times, but I consider this the only real shortcoming of the car. I am just not sure what to do about it. 

    PPF gets mixed reviews. I have touch up paint, but that is not a solution for a situation like the one below. Any suggestions?



    I must admit that although i did say a 6 monthly wax would be sufficient i still feel a PPF would give infinite more protection from those bouncing stones from that big old trucks pulling out in front of me ( i avoid these like the plague !!).


    I had toyed with the idea of a front end wrap combined with a ceramic coating, purely for economical reasons, but that wouldn’t help when the owner of the old pickup lets his kids open the door with gay abandon ( can we say that anymore ? ) hitting my car despite me parking at the most remote end of the car park !!


    Not looking to change the colour, just a clear wrap will do, but that 60k (guessing there) would go a long way towards touch ups or even 6 monthly waxing.


    Decisions, decisions  !!, why do we have to have options ??


    How did you get on with the touch up @Bandersnatch ?, i have done it in the past with far from satisfactory results but once it is hidden then it is forgotten.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Is Phitsanulok the only IO which does not require a home visit? 

    Or better to get other members to say yes or no to their particular IO. Then it would help all others.

    So to start.....Phitsanulok DOES NOT need a home visit, map, etc. Ayutthaya DOES.

    I think we have already established that Ayutthaya have recently started requesting a home visit and under consideration period for a retirement extension, as yet no one else has reported this happening at any other IO.


    Your statement:

    ” No ‘under consideration’ period for a Retirement extension is needed. Only for marriage. “ is wrong and isn’t helping all others .

  12. 49 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    No 'under consideration' period for a Retirement Extension is needed. Only for Marriage.

    In & out, with the stamp and re-entry permit in an hour.

    You missed the point of the whole thread .

    Ayutthaya immigration now requires a home visit and under consideration stamp for a retirement extension.


    Maybe not at your IO but that is not relevant.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    Be careful using it with an extension cord, particularly at the higher amperage’s. It can get rather hot and pose a fire hazard. I specifically bought a 16A extension cord to minimise the risks. I also have a 16A smart plug (with power monitoring )in order to remotely turn off the charger when the sun goes down, if I’m not at home (I charge with solar when I can). You could similarly use this feature to charge when TOU rates apply (when PEA installs the meter lol).

    Yep, I used the extension cord at 10A and only as a test to recreate the ground fault I had with the BYD charger.


    When PEA get round to fitting the TOU meter the Lazada charger will go in the frunk for travelling and the BYD charger will probably get resigned to the wardrobe in the spare room with the other surplus stuff.

  14. On 1/2/2024 at 2:01 PM, Gweiloman said:

    Yes, the OEM granny charger requires an earth. I purchased a variable power charger off Lazada that doesn’t require an earth. Also, when in Isaan where a lot of houses are only 5/15 A, I set the power draw to 6A in order not to trip any breakers when the ac is running as well. 

    Bought one of these from Lazada, tested it with my Seal using a 2 pin extension lead ( which had given me a ground fault with the BYD charger ) and it worked fine.


    Tried out the different amperage and at 16A it charges at 3.1 kw which is a definite improvement from my 1.8/1.9 kw with the BYD charger.


    Handy piece of kit to have, especially as PEA are still on holiday … allegedly !  and still not appeared to fit my TOU meter .

    • Thumbs Up 2
  15. So just returned for my stamp, all good until Dec 14th 2024.


    Just to recap:

    My IO, Ayutthaya, now required a home visit ( with a witness ) and a 1 month under consideration stamp for a retirement extension from an O visa.

    No attempt to extort any money they just have changed the rules to their liking ( probably some new boss ).


    Attempting to question their reasoning is futile and met with deaf ears, just have to go with the flow !


    Only once a year 😕

    • Haha 1
  16. 55 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    If I’m not mistaken, in the Dolphin, it changes the regen between high and standard.

    Ah okay, that makes sense, I’ll check it out .


    Yup, it does indeed change the regen between high and standard.

    I was thrown by the wording “ Energy Feedback “.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. So, here’s a question for ya !!

    Swiping down on the screen gets me this:




    I noticed the “ Energy Feedback “ button, which when pressed goes from this:




    to this:




    seems like an increase/decrease in energy feedback !, but what does that mean exactly and what difference does it make ??

  18. 6 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    EA Anywhere also at Bluport Mall/Hua Hin, and one of the first CS that I've noticed, beyond MG's network.


    Recent O&As and they've extended there network way beyond BKK area.  Have yet to use one though :giggle:  


    EA Anywhere network on Charge Loma appimage.png.73f732627ee7fdb60c12a1495a2d7d74.png



    Thanks, I had missed the Charge Loma app, now added.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  19. GAC AION announces another price drop on Jan 2nd  ……… not sure why as it’s only 4,000 baht, but there you go !




    Timeline The price reduction of GAC Aion Y Plus Skytrain100%

    • Round 1 Price Cut: 490 Elite from 1,069,900 to 969,900 Baht in November 2023
    • Round 2 Price Reduction: 490 Elite from 969,900 to 899,900 Baht and 490 Premium from 1,099,900 to 999,900 Baht in December 2023
    • Round 3 Sale: 490 Premium from 999,900 to 995,900 Baht in January 2024
    • Thanks 1
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