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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Yes, at times.  Sometimes videos are taken down by YT or removed by user.  Happened on a YT video I posted just before they closed the original thread.  I came back to it to download it but was greeted with the "Video unavailable" message instead.  Searched YT for that same song (usually there are multiple uploads) but could not find it.  The only instance of it I could find was contained in a "full album" upload.

    Well it’s good to know someone else is having the issue !!
    Actually your problem makes sense, mine doesn’t !! For example I cannot play the collection I posted 2 posts ago on either app but on YT app no problem !!
    Very random, normally I cannot play 7 or 8 out of 10 videos but today I could play 4 out of 5 of DB’s daily !!
    I messaged Tapatalk and they replied with “ here’s a YT video can you play it “ well I couldn’t even open the link so I don’t expect much help from them !! They then went on to say that both apps needed updating so could I ask Thaivisa to update them please ????

    Anyhoo here’s a video from Arnold Stirrup and the boys :

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  2. Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question, "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?" "None," replied Johnny, "cause the rest would fly away." "Well, the answer is four," said the teacher, "but I like the way you're thinking." Little Johnny says, "I have a question for you. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her cone, which one is married?" "Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone." "No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking."

  3. I had a friend who had Hepatitis, it took him years to recover, no alcohol and a change of diet but at 62 he's just started karate classes.

    I got Hep A which is the least severe of A, B and C but can be fatal depending on the persons age or resistance. I got mine at age 30 so the effects were normal .

    All three affect the liver , hence I couldn’t drink alcohol for 6 months or until my blood levels normalise. Severe fatigue is also felt in the early stages.


    It lies unnoticed for around 6 weeks time when it is at its most contagious, I had to use separate cutlery and towels etc.

    My son was 4 years old when I was diagnosed so caused us some worries until having him checked out.


    Hep A is common, easily contracted from poor higiene usually associated with food preparation, seafood is a common cause.

    I remember at the time there was an outbreak in a local school also.


    I have no lasting issues and am now immune.


  4. First time I came to Thailand was early ‘91 , working just outside of Bangkok for 10 days.
    A great trip , sweating my plums off all day long then out with the production manager ( a fellow Brit ) till 2ish, drinking and seeing the sights ( Cowboy, Nana etc ).

    Back in the uk a few weeks later ( May 91 )went out with a mate to the driving range , the only thing that was driving was the rain so went to the pub .
    1 pint later and I felt terrible, shivering and general flu symptoms.
    Back home, old lady was already in bed so jumped in and tried to sleep.
    Woke up around midnight sweating and really hot, into the bathroom, cold flannel on my forehead, laid down in the bath ( no water ) to cool down.
    Old lady appears “ you’re drunk “ she said with all the sympathy of a rattlesnake !!
    30 minutes later felt better went back to bed.
    Woke up with the old lady staring at me “ good god almighty look in the mirror “ she said .
    I was completely yellow, even the whites of my eyes were yellow !!

    Hepatitis A.

    7 weeks off work till blood levels back to normal, strange reactions, bleeding athletes foot, a scalp full of spots !!
    6 months on the wagon.

    Yup, that’s what I brought back from my trip to Thailand, probably a lot better than what others have taken back home !!

  5. We have difficulty with Thai tones. Thais have difficulty with combined consonants.



    Yup, my surname comes out as Dee Wire ( could be worse ) !


    Andy is not a problem here, although when I lived in Brazil I was called Angie and constantly ribbed by an American colleague who used to break out the old Stones classic when he got chance , I think he was pissed because they called him Huss ( for Russ ) !

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