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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. A little light comedy drama from the great Jack Rosenthal from ITV’s Saturday Night Theatre ( 200 episodes from 1969 to 1974 ) when British tv was about real life struggles. In a very similar vein to Kes . A lot of these comedy dramas available on YouTube, if this is something you would like to see more of check out The Chain and The Knowledge on YouTube ( adding Jack Rosenthal after the title ).
  2. Until the OP returns and confirms it is indeed an extension of stay , from an O visa, based on retirement and his friend has a WP ( some photographic evidence required ) then this thread is nothing more than speculation.
  3. While the Foxes and Saints have adapted to their new opponents it’s a poor start for the Peacocks and the less said about the Owls the better. ????
  4. A friend of mine, an American, was staying in Rio on business in a fancy hotel and everyday he would go down to breakfast leaving his briefcase with wallet in his room as he would only be 10 minutes or so. After a few days he sensed his money was disappearing faster than it should and the only time his wallet was left unattended was breakfast time. He did a test by counting his money before he left for breakfast and sure enough when he returned it was $20 ( equivalent in reais) light. The next day he went for breakfast but immediately returned to his room in hopes of catching the thief, but as he checked his wallet it was all in order !. Puzzled by this he started to leave the room when he sensed movement in his wardrobe !! Picking up a hairdryer, the only thing close to hand (????) he opened the wardrobe door and there was the head of security crouching inside !! Needless to say he was reimbursed, the guy was fired and he had a great story for the rest of his life . Apologies for the slight off topic post I just like to share.
  5. In a short period of time this topic has gone from coffee to luggage to cooker hoods to plywood, yet nothing about the OP’s question. If I were you i would ask for this thread to be closed and open another entitled “ P & S or D-One water tanks, where to buy in Pattaya “ only, because once you started to make comparisons the thread is lost .
  6. Some of these “I speak fluent Thai and find these guys practising their English annoying “ have short memories. Think about all the market traders giving you a blank look when you tried to buy a kilo of oranges or the waitresses confused when you tried to order a Jack and Coke or the songtaew driver when you asked if he is going to Cicada Market etc, etc , Give the kid a break.
  7. My brother died of complications from a kidney transplant Owl , he was 22 years old and i was 19 . In the military police stationed in Germany they shipped him back home to St James hospital in Leeds immediately. The RMP were amazing, installed a building in our back garden with light , drainage and a dialysis machine, my parents went to class to learn about building the kidney ( filter ). A sterile environment with masks, gloves and gowns worn at all time, looked like a garden shed outside and an operating room inside. He had a transplant about 9 months later and all looked good after a further 6 months or so when, on a routine return visit to the hospital they reported complications and about 16 hours later he was gone. Friends of my parents suggested they should sue the hospital or call for an enquiry, my parents weren’t interested, knew it wouldn’t bring him back and just wanted to be left alone to grieve. Ironically , when i met my wife here her brother was a monk and also suffering from kidney failure, having dialysis regularly he waited 9 years for a transplant. He got the call from Bangkok around 4 years ago while attending his grandmothers funeral and another brother took him immediately to BKK. He had the transplant but the kidney was mounted at the front and gave him a heavily extended stomach something I don’t remember with my brother. The hospital gave him a 10 year expiry date and more or less said that would be that !! Now the family are living on a countdown and talking as if in 10 years time ( 6 now ) he will just expire …… very strange. He lives a normal life now as a part time taxi/tourist guide but also spends a lot of his time/money in assisting the local temples , I suppose in repayment for the 10 years he spent there. The 9 years of dialysis have left their mark, while my brother had a fistula ( plug in ) on his wrist for plugging in to the machine the bil has 3 large lumps on his arm, one on his neck and stomach ( both since removed ) as they struggled to find a place to make the vein connection. He returns to the hospital now every two months for a check and to receive the mountain of medication he still needs, he stays with us on his way there and back for a night and it is always a pleasure, despite his problems he is a cheerful fella. Apologies for the the long dreary post @owl sees all @rickudon
  8. Seems like the OP has an obsession about bar girls ….. 2nd topic on the subject this week !
  9. + 1 They seem to have been under the impression that people would be wondering “ did he or didn’t he “ and they could spin it out as long as they liked !!
  10. The op stated he traded texts and photos with the construction company if he posts the photos here then maybe he will get some reasonable answers. A simple search of the construction company involved i learned they undertake small projects up to complete roof replacement, swimming pool tiling and bathroom design and renovation. Without giving us details on the work to be undertaken it is impossible to say whether the 2k survey fee is unreasonable or not.
  11. I would be wary of that Lazada external storage device: Samsung with a Lightning connector and compatible with iPhone/iPod/iPad ??
  12. Want to know a bit more about all those abandoned EV’s in a field in China ( supposedly 10,000 Neta V’s ) ?? Several different stories about EV’s being built to falsify the numbers to increase sales or car share companies going bust . This vlogger ( a Brit based in China ) decided to go see for himself.
  13. Officially changing from OA to O visa in Thailand is not possible/legal, but of course paying an agent or dodgy IO might overcome this. Assuming he changed from OA to avoid the mandatory health insurance are you sure they have not just changed the reason of his OA to marriage ( thus avoiding the insurance ). ? If so, changing to retirement would put him back to square one. If, on the other hand, he has managed a change from OA to O visa in house then the possibility of him changing his reason to O visa based on retirement is strong and he should contact the agent ( if one was used) or simply ask at his immigration.
  14. Got my OA issued in Oct 2016 from Thai Embassy in London, financial requirements to obtain visa were in a U.K. bank. Thai immigration started requesting financial requirements to be kept in a Thai bank some 23 months later on application for the 1st extension. ( since dumped OA, now on an O visa retirement extension ).
  15. Yes, have had a giffgaff sim for around 5 or 6 years and used it to contact the bank on occasions, just sent the 6 months SMS to keep it alive last week. Trouble is my phone is dual sim but one is an e-sim and doesn’t work for me. I did explain, on a telephone call, that i split my time between the U.K. and Thailand and my Thai number was easiest to contact so they made it the primary number and now contact me via that. Whether that was a good idea or not I am not sure but it’s done now and seems to work okay.
  16. I have a U.K. account with NatWest and have done since the 80’s. My account is active, company pension ( not entitled to state pension for another 5 years ) , have a couple of direct debits and use my credit card occasionally ( if I use it very infrequently it throws up security alerts ). I have a U.K. address, which i changed a couple of times while out of the country ( since 1995 ) and never causes any alarms. I use a Thai phone number and they do message me on it occasionally. I am aware of the threat of account closure and think my account use is keeping it safe …… at the moment. But, i guess my turn will come and will have to find alternative arrangements. Here’s a link to the “ Wise “ topic which could be useful for those in a similar position.
  17. The Murderer https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22696230/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk So, I thought this might be in Thai language ( + eng subs ) and I could watch it with the old lady but it was in English on my site ( fmovies ). Anyway, despite the poor dubbing I found it quite humorous in parts and quite typical of the farang in Isaan stereotype. Note: Thai language with eng subs available on Netflix.
  18. A glass of cold water is all they get from me and yet they chose to reward me with a repeat visit .
  19. I had a home visit on 1st extension off an OA visa around 5 years ago. Another home visit for 1st extension off an O visa last September. Both on retirement. But, I had a surprise visit around 10 days ago, usual photos in front of house number and with open passport etc. Ayutthaya IO’s in their BMW said they had called me and I hadn’t answered, I asked them what number they had called, at risk of being in the wrong they chose not to hear my question.
  20. Got to be Kenny Dalgliesh with those clues ( pool, kilt ) .
  21. +1 for merc . I met the great man one time when I was living in Brazil. In my small hometown there was a footballer called Elzo ( Coelho ) who played in the 86 World Cup. He was a good friend of my brother in law and indeed they had both been scouted by a team in São Paulo, my bil Luizinho didn’t want to go live away from home and missed the opportunity that Elzo got and benefited from, he became a local celebrity. Elzo owned a sporting goods shop and a self service restaurant in town but also did footie commentary on local radio and tv. He opened a youth football training camp just out of town and the opening party was a chance for the rich and famous, in this relatively small rural town that is, to strut around. I got to go through Luizinho and the party was in full flow when Pelé made a surprise visit, actually on his way to his hometown, he had been invited but hadn’t responded so Elzo was as shocked as the rest of us. Elzo was in tears and as luck would have it Luizinho and myself were stood with him when a flash car , (could have been the one in the photo but I doubt it ) , drove up the dirt road and Pelé appeared from the back. His driver/bodyguard had a hard time restraining the locals so his visit was very short and ended with Elzo and Pelé sitting in the back of the car so they could chat. I did manage to shake his hand and blurt out some type of welcome greeting ( Brahma and caipirinha had been flowing freely prior so my actual words are a little hazy ) to which he gave me a big grin, I would like to think he was very pleased to meet me or it could have been my Portuguese with a Yorkshire accent ! This must have been around 15 years ago and I still haven’t washed that hand ????
  22. I went the low maintenance route in my small front garden which is around 10 x 10 m. Bought a roll of thick transparent plastic from Homepro and some gravel from the local builders supply. Some cheap blocks around the trees to retain some small bags of fertiliser we occasionally chuck in. Also put in a couple of drains for the excess water.
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